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Current Covid Precautions

Discussion in 'General Discussions - USA & Canada' started by Amica, Jul 7, 2021.

  1. Amica

    Amica IL Hall of Fame

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    A question for fully vaccinated people in the USA: What precautions against infection are you still taking?

    Do you still follow the Three Ws? Wear a mask? Social distancing? Wash your hands often?

    Do you quarantine incoming parcels? Use hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes/sprays?

    Do you toss clothes in the laundry and shower when you get home?

    Are you eating out at restaurants? Socializing?

    We're debating whether/when to give up some/all of the above. Your input would help greatly. TIA.

  2. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    1) I wear a mask at work since it’s the rule. I don’t wear masks outdoors. I might wear one while grocery shopping depending on how crowded it is. I wash hands but have eased up on sanitizer. No one is really social distancing now and all capacity limits have been lifted

    2) I never wiped down groceries, packages or mail so nothing has changed there.

    3) I always change into indoor clothes upon coming from outside and we have always left outdoor shoes in ghe mudroom, so continuing with that. Normal showering once or twice a day.

    4) We have not been to an indoor sit down restaurant but we have eaten in the mall food court and in our local frozen yogurt shop. Otherwise we mostly do takeout or delivery.

    5) We have been socializing with friends outdoors in small groups and my toddler is going to indoor gym and swim lessons as well as daycare. We are also venturing out to museums, zoo, aquarium etc.

    I must note that I live in an area with very high vaccination rates and we had very strict rules until last month. They have just now lifted mask mandates and relaxed rules in my area after getting to more than 70% fully vaccinated among the eligible population. I am also back in the office full time. If the stats were different in my area I would be a lot more careful.
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  3. Flyhigher

    Flyhigher Gold IL'ite

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    I still wear a mask when I step out except for jogging or water activities. Social distancing is long gone in my city and restaurants have started operating with full capacity.

    I always had the habit of hand-washing and carrying hand sanitizer with me and washing fruits, veggies before storing them in the refrigerator even before COVID-19, so there is no new in this to me. Other than those I don’t sanitize any packages.

    We haven’t been to restaurants. But we are using takeout and delivery. For grocery shopping, we go to stores.

    We have started socializing with friends in small groups and also we have started traveling. We are avoiding going to the beach on busy days. Once in a week we are doing outdoor activities like volleyball, surfing, kayaking with friends.

    I do the same.
    Amica and MalStrom like this.
  4. Amica

    Amica IL Hall of Fame

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    @MalStrom and @Flyhigher, thank you both for your thoughtful and detailed responses. They are reassuring as we, too, return to normal pre-Covid life.
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