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How To Encourage Kid To Take Up Extracurricular Classes

Discussion in 'Schoolgoers & Teens' started by Vedhavalli, Jul 2, 2021.

  1. Vedhavalli

    Vedhavalli Platinum IL'ite

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    My child used to go activities like swimming, dancing before pandemic started. Later on virtual life she lost interest in the dance class. Said no for it.
    We thought maybe a phase, stopped the class. Later we encouraged her to take up virtual music class she did 7-8class then said no. Again we didn't force her.

    Now she doesn't want any summer virtual classes too. But wanted arts class we enrolled her.
    I tried asking you can go to any class you like. She says no to anything else, if we tell her to take up any other class kiddo throws a fit. Since we believe in gentle parenting we don't force her without her willing.
    I feel bad and low, when I see & hear other kids of her age are doing back to back classes dance, music, instruments, performing arts, foreign language, spelling bees, martial arts,Russian math etc.
    My child says "its holidays, I want to relax, enjoy, play".
    Daily she reads a lot, paints draws and watch tv,iPad.
    Though she is good in academics I'm worried she isn't learning anything new, unlike the peer group which is running with additional classes on back.

    How to encourage her to take up extracurricular activities?
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2021
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  2. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    Learning how to keep oneself productively occupied is a priceless art that is rapidly becoming lost. Virtual classes are boring for most kids. Do you have any in-person classes and are there any her friends are also going to? You can ask her to enroll in one or two activities of her choice so she has some structured time and gets socialization. One sport like swimming and another like art/music will give her a combination of physical and mental stimulation. Otherwise unless she is going to spend all her time glued to a screen I’d let her figure it out.
    Don’t compare too much with other kids.
    Amica and Vedhavalli like this.
  3. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Happy Summer Vedhavalli! I understand the mom pressure. I used to always second guess myself about all these classes, credits, extra curricular and what not.
    I think at this age, she probably needs exposure to activities without making it an extreme pursuit. Maybe you could present it to her as a trial, to see if she likes something. It’s not pressurizing her to pursue something rather than showing her options that are out there. It’s always good to have a wider focus at this age and narrow it down as they get older.

    Ideally, she can get 7 AM - 3 PM of all this. She can take a class from 3:30-4:30 and come back, eat a snack and go play outside from 6:00 - 7:30 or so. Maybe if you present it to her as an entire free day with one structured one hour activity somewhere in between it won’t sound like she’s spending her entire summer learning chess or something like that.
    If she likes to read, the local libraries have reading clubs for all ages. While pursuing that, there are a ton of other exploratory classes offered virtually from the local library. It’s the best place to look into for short 4/6 weeks of classes for kids to explore various activities.

    I hope you are able to work with your DD and get her to try some classes or activities during the summer months.

    Btw, I made swimming mandatory for both kids because a) I’m afraid of getting in the water and it has huge consequences b) it’s a life skill.
    Amica and Vedhavalli like this.
  4. Vedhavalli

    Vedhavalli Platinum IL'ite

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    She goes to arts class, we are still skeptical about in-person classes. She plays outside with neighbor kids. Thanks won't compare but mommy mind
  5. Vedhavalli

    Vedhavalli Platinum IL'ite

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    Thanks @Laks09 for hearing me out.
    We are still skeptical about in person classes.
    Infact she runs a reading club with her friends for 30 min daily.
    She attends 45 min arts class. I'm thinking of a physical activity class. It feels we are pushing her to pursue any class.
    Continuing the activity is hard for us.
    I will try to build more patience.
    Laks09 likes this.

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