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Read It Carefully And Don’t Left In Middle

Discussion in 'Stories (Fiction)' started by Janakinarne, Apr 22, 2021.

  1. Janakinarne

    Janakinarne Gold IL'ite

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    A Pandit went to a hotel and went to the manager and said :- Is room number 39 empty?

    Manager,, Yes, it's empty, you can have that room..

    Pandit :- Ok, send me a knife, a 3-inch black thread and a 79-gram orange in the room.

    Manager :- Yes, ok, and yes, my room is right in front of your room, if you have a problem, you give me a call,,,

    Pandit :- is it right,,,

    At night...................

    The sound of screaming and breaking of plates starts coming from the Pandit's room

    The manager can't even sleep because of these voices and he gets restless all night thinking what's happening in that room?

    The next morning.............
    As soon as the manager went to the Pandit's room, he found out that the Pandit has left the hotel and everything in the room is same and there is a knife on the table,,
    The manager thought that what he heard at night was not just an illusion,,
    And just like that a year has passed....
    After one year........

    Same Pandit again came to same hotel and asked about room number 39?

    Manager :- Yes, room 39 is empty you can have that,,,

    Pandit,,, Ok, I'll also need a knife, a 3 inch thread and a 79 grams orange :-

    Manager :- Yes, right,,,

    The manager did not sleep that night, he wanted to know what happens in that room at night?

    Then the same plates crashing and screaming started coming again and the manager fastly went to the Pandit's room, since his and Pandit's rooms were face to face, it didn't take long for him to get there

    But the door was locked, even the master key of the manager that opened every room, didn't work in that room 39

    His head was exploding with the voices, at last he slept near the door waiting for the door to open.....

    Next morning...........

    When the manager woke up, he saw that the room was open but the Pandit was not in it.

    He quickly ran towards the main gate, but the Darban told that the Pandit had gone few minutes before his arrival,,,

    When he asked the waiter, the waiter told him that the Pandit left here some time ago and while leaving, he also gave a good tip to all the waiters of the hotel.....

    Manager remained of Bilbila, he decided that he will find out in March.... that what is the secret of this Pandit and Room 39...

    March was the same month, in which every year Pandit used to come to that hotel for one day,,

    Next year........

    Next year again the same Pandit came and asked for room number 39?
    Manager :- Yes you will get that room

    Pandit :- I also want a 3 inch Dha Gaek 79 grams orange and a sharp knife,,,

    Manager :- Yes ok,,,

    At night.....

    This time the manager didn't sleep at night and he continuously listened to the voices coming from that room

    As the morning came and the Pandit opened the room, the manager entered the room and said to the Pandit :-

    What do you do in this room at night with all these things..? Where do these sounds come from...

    Tell me fast..?

    Pandit said :- I will tell you this secret but there is a condition that you will not tell this secret to anyone,,,

    Since the manager was an honest man, he has not told that secret to anyone till date.

    And if he tells this secret to someone and I find out, I'll message you. ... thanks for reading carefully
    KashmirFlower and joylokhi like this.

  2. joylokhi

    joylokhi Platinum IL'ite

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    Is this your original story? Couldn't have fooled people better. The interest to read to the end was definitely there :grimacing:
  3. Janakinarne

    Janakinarne Gold IL'ite

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    Ha ha no dear,read it some where long back and now I shared wth u al..ha ha curiosity wil lead us to read til d end
    joylokhi likes this.
  4. anupama1

    anupama1 Platinum IL'ite

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