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How To Cope Up With Anxiety?

Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by shravs3, Dec 3, 2020.

  1. shravs3

    shravs3 IL Hall of Fame

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    I have severe anxiety these days for various reasons.
    My brain is constantly running too much that I fear some day it will explode.
    Everyone around me know that I usually worry a lot even for small things. Before it gets too serious I want to control it.

    How can I cope up without any medication?

    I tried meditation but it’s really getting difficult to concentrate and practice mindfulness.
    Pranayama/breathing seems to help somewhat but I’m not very much regular.

    What are some best ways to overcome it??

  2. Nuzhath

    Nuzhath Silver IL'ite

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    I think it is better to go to a doctor or psychiatrist and discuss. If the doc feels you need not take medication, he or she will not give unnecessarily.
    What I did when I had too much stress, too many tasks at hand and too much of too many things flitting across my mind. I gave up one thought at a time for a week. This week - I will not think of my mom's failing health. Today I will not worry about that loan repayment. I dont know - but atleast I could compartmentalize the issues and save the bad ones for a later day. But if you have racing thoughts. time to see your doc. sometimes even their one counselling session is worth a thousand words from others.
    Take care.
    shravs3, Mistt and Laks09 like this.
  3. sanjuruby3

    sanjuruby3 Platinum IL'ite

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    I have been worse state post baby then pandemic then stranded then wfh.
    Now i am little settled few days. I feel talking less in india and talking less with H and looking less at kids ;_) really helped me.
    When i talk to indian family, first times are odd and my kids suffers. No one else manages them. Then my mother is alwas worrying and expands my worries about kids.
    then i stopped worrying about my little one drinking less milk or not getting enought greens every day or fruiots or fresh food everyday.
    my older one missing out on classes or worksheets or just eating frozens, rejecting my cooked food.
    My h - do not even want to start.
    Office situation - again, do not want to think about it :-(
    Add workouts that helps clear your mind.
    shravs3 likes this.
  4. blindpup10

    blindpup10 Platinum IL'ite

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    Talk to a psychiatrist and explain all the symptoms.
    I am taking Zoloft for anxiety, the way my doc explained is for some people the body just produces more serotonin and if the right dose of medication can help control it.

    I don't want to be dependant on Zoloft, coz i have read that it does make you numb to everything in long term. I am also exploring other options to not be on this medication.

    But the medication helps me to be calm and get things done.
    Laks09 and shravs3 like this.
  5. shravs3

    shravs3 IL Hall of Fame

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    The reason I dint want to consult them was I was worried of medication.
    Will try to have a consultation then and see.
    kaluputti likes this.
  6. shravs3

    shravs3 IL Hall of Fame

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    I know this pandemic has taken a toll on everyone :mad:
    Worrying less is a bliss :grinning:
    Swetha52003 likes this.
  7. shravs3

    shravs3 IL Hall of Fame

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    This is what I’m worried of. But maybe initially it’s required to reduce the stress.
  8. blindpup10

    blindpup10 Platinum IL'ite

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    I only got on the medication as I am not able to function in my full capacity at work, home. I am scattered and not able to complete the projects. I needed to pull myself together in the midst of 2020 rolling in on us.

    It's not been long that I started this new medication- Maybe 2 months. I do see a significant improvement at my work, focus level.

    My husband doesn't like me being on this drug in long term, neither do I.. but blanking out on t he other options without medication.
    Laks09 and shravs3 like this.
  9. lavani

    lavani Platinum IL'ite

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    Organic medicine like - Ashwaganda can help a bit.
    also need to be quite dedicated to some lifestyle -- like meditate, pranayama. exercise. boring but works in long term. meditation results you can see after close to 4 to 5 weeks of daily practice.

    from meditation i learnt to change my focus, sometimes we worry too much on thing and make whole movie in the mind, now i can change my mind to think different when i notice i am over dramatic in my head. works most of the time , rest of the time - people around me have to deal with the drama :) .

    if you have the luxury of choosing an exercise activity, i would recommend yoga studio. it is more expensive than gym but totally worth it in the long run.

    these things will not solve anything but they give a lot of strength to cope you.

    another thing, if a thing that can be fixed, just fixed . for example money - work on getting better job or learn other ways of making. but emotional familiy issues, if cannot, the above will give some strength to cope.

    as moms, we worry too much about kids diet. cannot say stop worrying, but if there cannot be much done, just try to divert.
  10. Metamorphic

    Metamorphic Platinum IL'ite

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    1. Exercise regularly. (If you want to keep anxiety under control, this is non-negotiable)

    2. Take foods that help reduce anxiety. Basil seeds (sabja) soaked in water overnight and taken with lemon and honey next day on empty stomach helped me. Including Barley water & ragi malt in daily diet also helps. Foods we take play a vital role to deal with anxiety. Please do watch out for any allergies.

    3. Reading good books. I stick to spiritual books/resources.

    4. Avoid screaming, shouting, talking in loud decibels.

    5. Seek the support of family members. Request them to avoid doing actions mentioned under point 4 above or doing anything that will lead you to lose your cool.

    6. Spend time with nature every day for atleast half an hour or so.

    7. "Prevent" anything that you know will annoy you. Because "curing" after happening is difficult and probable aftermath is prolonged anxiety.

    8. Everyday, do atleast one thing that makes you happy. Not the chores or household obligations. Something that really makes you happy and relaxed.

    9. Medications have side effects. Be cautious and think twice before taking that route.

    I hope and pray you overcome this soon!

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