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Any Tips Or Home Remedies For Ear Pain / Blocked.

Discussion in 'Health Issues' started by gknew, May 22, 2020.

  1. gknew

    gknew Gold IL'ite

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    I have my nose and ear(right ear) blocked for 4 days. I am not sure how it started. I had some sinus headache and cold the past week. I did some steam inhalation and I have been better. Then the following week, I feel some pain in the upper jaw. My ear is completely blocked and it hurts. The pain is like burning and scratchy pain. I feel chill and shivering,but the temperature is normal. No cough or sneezing or running nose.

    I feel some little swelling under the ears near the lower end of the jaw. It's so tender to touch. I also have pain in my forehead, around the nose and eyes. So I can tell that it's my sinus issue. But this ear pain is new to me. I did take Zyrtec and Flonase at the night before bed. Taken Tylenol in the morning.

    I don't see any discharge from the ears. Ear canal is not red. I don't have an otoscope. I can't see through it though. Does it doctor visit or UC worthy? I did steam inhalation and that gives a short time relief from nose and ear block. The ear blockness or fullness with a burning pain inside. I could feel that inside the ear.
    My family says wait and watch for few days before visiting a doctor in this current situation.
    Anyone have any remedies or tips please.

  2. blindpup10

    blindpup10 Platinum IL'ite

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    @gknew- Please check with your PCP. Most of the PCP have patient portals and are still talking to their patients through phone or zoom.
    I had 2 doc appointments through zoom with my PCP.

    Don't be hesitant to go to the PCP office, as most of them are following CDC guidelines in wearing masks, taking the temp.
    It looks like you might have an ear infection. If it is ear infection you might need antibiotics from your doctor.

    I wouldn't suggest home remedies for ear pain as one pf my relative has lost hearing doing homemade remedies for ear problems.
    If your ear is hurting take Advil or Tylenol to reduce your pain.
    Last edited: May 23, 2020
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  3. shravs3

    shravs3 IL Hall of Fame

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    The swelling could be lymph node swelling due to some infection. Better check with doctor if it persists more than 3 days.
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  4. gknew

    gknew Gold IL'ite

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    Yeah. You are right. I tried reaching out to my PCP office and she is out of office today. I can catch her again on Tuesday only. They do have tele visits and it's booking up so fast. I have to wait til Tuesday or have to go to Urgent care. I am little hesitant to go to UC in the current situation. I am planning to wait till tomorrow and go to UC if needed. I am not sure if PCP do video visit on weekends too. Their office is closed and I couldn't get the answer.
  5. DDream

    DDream Finest Post Winner

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    I agree with others. Its better to consult a doctor if its severe.
    I usually get similar symptoms associated with sinus. In those situations I wont be able to touch my ear due to pain. I also had jaw pain.
    I generally try hot steam bath. Boil water with some herbs like basil, close it with lid ,switch off stove,then cover head with a towel and allow the steam bath around both ears . It should be done multiple times per day. May be taking pain killers or medications for nasal congestion can also help.

    Also I make strong ginger water ( boil water then add fresh crushed ginger, close with a lid, boil for a few more minutes) multiple time per day. It helped me a lot and relieved pain within a few days. Ginger helps with inflammation.

    You can try it. But not sure if it will work for you. Just sharing.
    Last edited: May 23, 2020
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  6. gknew

    gknew Gold IL'ite

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    Yeah. I did take some Tylenol and Flonase drops. That helped a bit.
    I am doing steam inhalation with carvol plus capsules. That gives a relief for my congested nose and ears for sometime.
    As you said, the ear is so tender to touch. It hurts. I can feel that it's because of sinus /cold. I get the same tender feel when I touch the edge of the nose near eyes and around the eye, cheek.
    I will give the ginger water a try. I have to wait till Tuesday to get back to my PCP. Or I have to go to urgent care tomorrow. I don't have otoscope with me. Else, it would be helpful for me to have a video visit with any doctor or urgent care. I did place an otoscope order from Amazon now. That will reach in a day or two.
    Anyone have otoscope?
  7. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    Go to urgent care.
    gknew likes this.
  8. gknew

    gknew Gold IL'ite

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    Thank you!!
    Yeah. Planning to go tomorrow. No point in waiting for PCP till Tuesday. I will be able to reach her only on Tuesday. The pain is throughout the day and night. None of the medicines help. I couldn't sleep too and I keep waking up.
    Last edited: May 23, 2020
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  9. AmulB

    AmulB Silver IL'ite

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    Try gargling with warm water and salt. And keep sipping hot water steeped in ginger and honey. I have sinuses and if I take any cold substance like ice cream or cold fruit, the lining in throat gets sore n irritated and feel little ear pain too. I do these home remedies for few days and it subsides. But if it still persists I would see a dr. I am prone to ear infections due to sinus... so I get my ears checked v frequently and at this Covid situation I’m completely away from cold items to avoid any visits to dr. Hope u feel better I can feel ur pain...
    As I suffer with it frequently.
    Better switch to drinking hot water daily until this lockdown is over to avoid any symptoms.
    gknew likes this.
  10. gknew

    gknew Gold IL'ite

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    Thank you!!
    I am same as you. I will drink only hot water everyday. Even if it's summer, I always drink hot water .I never eat anything cold. No ice creams. I get sinus infection irrespective of all these. I can understand that my ear pain is because of the sinus or cold. I never get ear pain along with sinus issues. This is the second time. But this time, the pain is worse.

    I visited a doctor the previous time I had ear pain after sinus infection. The Dr told me to take Zyrtec and Flonase. So I did the same this time too. But they doesn't help still. The ear pain is worse and no improvements after 3 days of Flonase and Zyrtec.

    When you get the ear infection, how did you recover from it? What did you do? How do you check your ears?

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