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Wanting This, Getting That!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Srama, Mar 5, 2020.

  1. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    It is almost the end of the work week. I am up for my workout as usual. I hear the birds chirp through the window. A bright Friday or so I hope. Imagine my surprise to see a layer of snow and ice filling the landscape through the same window. How could it be? Those birds? Of course, spring is in the air. That hardly means it can’t snow! I want a clear even if a cold day. I get snow and when I expect a snow day, well you know what happens!

    I sigh! I am up. I am ready. I am in fact wide awake and with no other option in sight, I decide to head out to the gym anyways. I know the dim lighting and the hard workout will lift my spirits right back up. As I step into the room, I see that the lights are on which is unusual, making the room bright and I realize I can see pretty much every face if not directly, in the mirror - I want a dim lighting in the class and I get bright light .

    It is a strength and climbing workout day. But we have been doing speed since the start of the class and my instructor goes, “yeah! I Know you are expecting to climb but running it is today!” - Wah! I need to climb but all I get is running!

    I come home. I am ready for school. School has been talking of pajama day for this last day of the week. I am not that kind of a fun teacher – you know while I love wearing a saree or an Indian outfit to school, I am not sure if pajamas are something I would show up in! When I had mentioned that I should at least get a new pair for the day if I am going to try and be in pjs, my daughter admonished with a “Mom, no one cares! Really”. So, I force myself to feel excited as I dress up or is that a dress down?

    So off I go to school in pjs only to see that most everyone else has worn either jeans or sweatpants with pjs here and there. Not even my entire class is in their pajamas. I want pjs and all I get are sweatpants and jeans!

    As we drive back from a formal dinner on the same day, I can’t help but think, instead of relaxing the evening in the house in my pjs and fireplace, here I am in this attire! Wanting to be in pjs but……

    I watch the moon along the drive. The beautiful crescent moon, the twinkling stars and my heart suddenly longs to see that full moon in that clear sky, NOW! It must be the effect of the opposites’ day is what I conclude – Wanting this, getting that :)

    Another day, another work out and as I get out of the gym, I can see that dawn is trying to break. It is just 6.30! Hurray! I smile, spring indeed is here. I pull into the house and hear the birds chirping and realize that I may want this and get that, but the world around me not knowing wants is doing what it knows best – following a schedule, of days, nights, and seasons. All I must do is learn to just be and enjoy what comes my way; even if I want this and get only that!

  2. SunPa

    SunPa Platinum IL'ite

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    Wanting this , getting that!
    Some days are like that. If only I learn to just be.
    Lovely pondering as usual, Sabita.
    Srama likes this.
  3. kkrish

    kkrish IL Hall of Fame

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    Oh this happens all the time for me.
    I want to bake a cake that comes out nice and fluffy; I get a flat dough
    I wanted a beautiful color car; the only car at the dealership is white
    I want to lose weight; I end up gaining
    I want to take rest but something always comes up
    i want to read a good book; I end up using it as a pillow
    I start early; reach late (have written a snippet on this one :))
    .... I can go on..

    Ooops! I wanted to write about your article but ended up writing about my experiences. :biggrin:

    A delightful article @Srama . True too.
    gorgeous23, shravs3 and Srama like this.
  4. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    I read a prominent heading in my LinkedIn yesterday that said, "Don't resist but just exist". It was a speech given by a woman that was liked by one of my friends. "Just be" even if I need this and get only that, is a mantra for life. Acceptance comes in small doses through practices in everyday life. As you said, everything we absolutely need is tailored around us in a systematic way for the well being of the entire humanity. Aligning ourselves with those happenings graciously embeds positive energy not only in us but also in the world.
    Srama and kkrish like this.
  5. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Sabita,
    Internet gone while typing. I do not know if that would show up or not.
    This is law of life. Take stastics.....all pleasant and unpleasant incidents happen when they are least expected. Most of the times. But there is always a silver lining which makes us move on. That is hope. We rejoice when things in our way. Even if not we learn to accept things as they come. That is the beauty of life.
    So let us try to be there and enjoy what comes. At least that should be the direction.
    Good one. I thoroughly enjoyed. Applies to everyone of us.
    Srama likes this.
  6. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Thank you @SunPa. Nice to see you here! Appreciate your words.
  7. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Kamala,

    you really made my day with your response! I knew you will see the humor.
    That's exactly the kind of response I wanted and your responses are so delightful. Please go on.... :)

    Truly appreciate it, thank you!
    kkrish likes this.
  8. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear V sir,

    This response really moved me. Absolutely agree with what you have said.

    The words I have quoted are my most favorite! Thank you as always!
    Viswamitra likes this.
  9. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Syamala,
    It did, posted I mean! I am smiling because, your experience was almost in line with what I posted - you wanted to post but not sure because of internet :)
    Thank you for your words. That particular day went lopsided and me being me, all I could do was just observe. Thank you for assuring me that you enjoyed the post - I was hesitant to share. So truly appreciate your response.
  10. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    What fun! Jammies to school! If only I could go everywhere in my jammies, I'd be more than happy to get out of house. The chore of having to change kills any joy there could be in getting out. See. Want to be in jammies all day long, but don't get it!
    Srama likes this.

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