Chatty Companion And Movie Watching At Home

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Rihana, Oct 8, 2019.

  1. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Two adults who often watch a movie or a TV show together at home. They might be friends, roommates, a couple, parent and adult child and so on.​

    One likes to watch the movie with no chatter at all. Not even a comment on a scene or a question about a dialog. The other tends to chat a little or a lot, and does not like being silent throughout the movie.

    One pauses the movie only for an emergency or a bathroom break. The other likes to pause it sometimes to say something, get a snack, check phone, or ask a question about the plot.

    Who is more right? Who should swalpa adjust maadi for the other? :grinning:
    Sinant, Amica and Thyagarajan like this.

  2. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    My take on this is that the person who more wants to watch the movie with another person, who does not want to watch it alone, should adjust more.

    If the chatter-er likes company, he should cut down on the chatter. If the no-chatter person likes having company but wants the company to keep quiet, he should relax the no-chatter rule a little.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2019
    Balajee and Thyagarajan like this.
  3. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    Rihana household is full of well-reasoned rules !!

    Theater movie experiences are made worse by audience reactions to drown out the dialogue for the next minute after each episode designed to excite the target segment. This is also true in live comedy shows. Many of these are best to watch at home on TV. I am the quiet watcher, who doesn't like interruptions, comments, transmitted sofa vibrations.

    Who is more right? Who should swalpa adjust maadi for the other? :grinning:
    Here is my hypothesis: Tolerant TV watchers at home tend to be the parent who had spent a lot more time with the household's children. Children tend to sit on laps, and interrupt: from just grabbing, and pulling chin down for a facetime to make a having to leave the TV to go the bathroom or kitchen. Years of training like this could've made that parent more tolerant to much milder annoyances from an adult company. OTOH, all those years of putting up with the nuisance might have had the opposite effect -- turning that parent downright belligerent to the slightest peep from the TV-watching company.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2019
    Amica, Thyagarajan and Rihana like this.
  4. SinghManisha

    SinghManisha Platinum IL'ite

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    Depends on the movie. If I was admiring the acting talent of a very flexible Tiger Shroff in Raw , a chatterbox for company would not matter.
    Amica, Thyagarajan and Rihana like this.
  5. Anusha2917

    Anusha2917 IL Hall of Fame

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    I'm the chatter-er and comments are very instantaneous like "director is insane " , "what the hell? " ,"if I were the director I would do this " ,"ooohhhh I can't watch these emotions " etc.
    At times when I don't understand I pause and ask doubts. The companion loses the flow. And most of the time they ask me to :mask:

    The other day when we were at a movie hall , comments were exchanged continuously amongst us (we were 3) followed by laughter . Well the stranger on my left gave looks a couple of times. The third time he along with his companion picked up his popcorn and walked to the front most row. :grin::grin: Well the theater had a few empty seats and they got saved.
    Oops this was about watching movie at home . Anyway I typed the theatre incident . I'll keep it for now.

    At home : never watch movies with kids around. A very popular movie which me and husband gave a miss to watch in theatre was on a television premier on Diwali. After planning everything around to make sure 5pm to 9 pm is reserved for movie time - we started watching and apparently the movie is a suspense thriller. The kids of the house got excited and decided to sit with Mami mama to enjoy the movie. These kids had already watched it in theatre. They were instructed to not reveal the suspense. And they tried their best to keep the climax a suspense but never stopped telling the next scene. :sob::sob: The elder(one of the dad of kids) who walks in Sees the huge TV screen and says " oh wow this movie they have put on TV , the best part is till the end we cannot guess that the friends are the murderers " . Me and hubby were like :mad::mad::mad::mad:.
    Then we put it for recording and watched at peace later but nevertheless the suspense was revealed. :BangHead:

    Coming to swalpa adjust I guess my companion does the adjustment part with my chatter :D:D
    shravs3, Amica, Lalithambigai and 3 others like this.
  6. Tamrakshar

    Tamrakshar Platinum IL'ite

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    Watching movies at home and at theatre are two completely different scenarios for us. When we watch a new film for the first time in television, most of our chats are centred around speculations, like who is the killer, or what the heroine is going to do. My children are very well-behaved. If they don't like the movie, they go out of the room, and do other interesting things.

    In theatre, the situation is completely different. Here, we don't have much scope for chatting. We always book 4 corner seats. My elder daughter seats at the corner seat followed by me or wife, younger daughter and me or wife. Previously, the sitting arrangement was fixed. I used take the 4th seat from the corner.

    But in one of the movies, a young lady sat beside me. I was enjoying the movie, but whenever I looked at my wife I saw that she was not watching the movie. Guess what? She was watching me, to be specific, spying on me.:rolleyes::BangHead:

    So, why take her fun? Since then we have decided the 4th seat will be a function of the gender of the person seating on the 5th seat. If it's a man, it will be me, and vice versa. So, we don't talk much in the theatre.
    Rihana, Balajee, Amica and 1 other person like this.
  7. Tamrakshar

    Tamrakshar Platinum IL'ite

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    Oh boy, it looks like you are a compulsive chatterer. You remind me of one of my school friend, who would not only talk a lot, but would cry, shout and burst into laughter as per the scene. He was our friend, so we tolerated him. But in almost every movie that I saw with him, he was castigated by other viewers for too much talking, that too loudly.
    Rihana and Anusha2917 like this.
  8. Anusha2917

    Anusha2917 IL Hall of Fame

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    Lol.. Crying tho happens if the scene demands. Horror genres are horrible. If I watch horror at home then I won't drink water so that I don't have to use the washroom frequently at night . If horror is at theatre then my legs will be in folded position on the chair /couch or whatever it is called. Because I'm scared the hands beneath the chair would catch my legs.. :tearsofjoy: even there doubts come like where did the hands come from suddenly, why did the ghost come nowhere etc
    I have weird imaginations while watching horror movies . I avoid horror but sometimes there is a compulsion to watch with my husband and very close friends .
    Rihana and Tamrakshar like this.
  9. Tamrakshar

    Tamrakshar Platinum IL'ite

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    Very well said Anusha! Watching horror movie is almost like eating ice cream in spite of a sore throat. You know it's going to hurt, but you can't overcome the temptation. Some of the horror movies, especially the Conjuring series movies, can create a deep impact on you. Would you believe that a bona fide non-believer like me had seen Valak, the ghost, a few times in dream?
    Rihana and Anusha2917 like this.
  10. rgz

    rgz Gold IL'ite

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    I am sometimes the chatty one and sometimes the quiet one, so I never know which opposite behavior is going to rile me up (and vice-versa) :anguished:
    Anusha2917 likes this.

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