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Arjun Reddy Vs Kabir Singh...blunt Comparison

Discussion in 'Movies' started by anika987, Jun 6, 2019.

  1. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    Going to make an honest comparison from my perspective...

    I have seen Arjun Reddy movie and have seen the trailer of Kabir Singh..

    Now..reviews are raving about an A grade performance by Shahid Kapoor in the trailer And how he has even emoted better in certain sequences than Vijay Devarkonda and how in par the scenes are with Arjun Reddy..all this from a trailer but as the saying goes “One cooked rice grain is enough to see how good the entire pot of rice is”

    Honestly BS! All the reviews are done by men and am sure they are Infact jealous of the charm which VD has hee hee..

    1) Shahid VS Vijay devrakonda..

    I like shahid.I really do.Loved him in jab we met.He is a good actor,am excellent dancer,very fit BUT when it comes to comparing VD and him especially with the Arjun Reddy movie..he will always be second best.I am not being biased coz I like VD.am just going to compare them with this movie.

    The reasons..

    -Eyes....the eyes are very sharp for Vijay and expressions are too good.Can’t say the same
    For shahid.

    - Looks- Vijay looked so tall,macho,raw, rugged and intimidating.Plus he carried all the different styles with great elan.He suites the role of a rich,suave,arrogant surgeon with ease.None of these fit shahid in this movie.Otherwise he certainly is good looking but not for this movie.The movie is tailor made for VD!

    - Acting...Vijay excel! Period.It was so refreshing to see him on screen.He has the charm of Maddy in those days and lived the character.Vijay is Arjun reddy and vice versa.Shahid looks like he knew he had to be in par with Vijay as the expectations are too high!One could see him trying too hard to be that character.He is a good actor but the stress of being awesome like Vijay or even better than him is clearly seen.

    2) Kiara Advani VS shalini pandey..

    Shalini pandey..
    When I first saw the heroine in the movie ..I was like “Eh! Really..is he going Gaga over this girl?” Was disappointed but then as the movie processed really she is good.
    The director wanted an average,conservative,innocent,soft,chubby and fresh face who is relatable with real life.Loved that she was sans makeup and unglamorous clothes which is so realistic.One saw the heroine more than glamour. Gautama vasudev menon’s heroines are like this but more classy.Awesome choice!

    Kiara Advani does not appear fresh and they both don’t look that great together.She is pretty but meh..the director should have used a new face.

    Honestly..Why wasn’t the movie dubbed or retaken with VD himself as the hero? Another thought..Aditya Roy Kapoor could also been a good choice for Kabir Singh..maybe

    Another thing..the movie was made as Varma in Tamil with Dhruv Vikram.Looked like a spoof and thank god it is shelved.

    So this is my pre review:)

    I will add the trailers here for you guys to watch..


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    Last edited: Jun 6, 2019

  2. Ramyarc

    Ramyarc Silver IL'ite

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    Vijay D is the best!!! Nobody beats him.

    One reason to learn Telugu - Vijay D! Me a Tamil fan, no... the Tamil fan of Vijay D :)

    Shahid is ok but does not come close to Vijay.
    Mehana and anika987 like this.
  3. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    So true! VD is awesome :)
    Mehana likes this.
  4. Mehana

    Mehana Platinum IL'ite

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    VD is best.
    anika987 and Ramyarc like this.

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