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Appreciation For The Fellow Ilites

Discussion in 'Friends & Neighbours' started by Viswamitra, Dec 20, 2018.

  1. Novalis

    Novalis Gold IL'ite

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    Though I haven't interacted with all the plucky voices, I have enjoyed the unafraid voice of this woman from the sidelines.

    She is intrepid! She is ...something ...something ...something ...and any time I glimpsed at her uplifting voice, she still was something ...something ..until I reconciled that well-fired voiced with a mobilized Chak De. She was no longer something of IL from then! I nailed her! She is the Chak De voice of IL (murmured to myself), unfazed and brutally restorative of a woman's faith in herself.

    We might have lucked out in having her at IL, and if only we had her kind in each of these turns and places to inspire ..

    Koochon mein, galion mein
    ..Raashan ki phalion mein
    ...Belon mein, beejon mein
    ....Eedon mein, deejon mein
    .....Raiton ke daanon mein
    ......Filmon ke gaanon mein
    .......Sadkon ke gaddhon mein
    .......Baaton ke addon mein
    ........Ladti patangon mein
    ........Bhidti umangon mein
    .........Khelon ke melon mein
    ..... Balkhaati relon mein..
    ....Gannon ke meethe mein
    ..Khaddar mein chheetein mein​

    ..no woman would flinch in taking charge of her life with such influential strike surrounding her. Chak de.. ho Chak de @yellowmango


    That's one husky, blithe and courageous hockey stick you wield here at IL.
  2. yellowmango

    yellowmango IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks @Novalis :kissingheart: for the kind words.
    Greenbay likes this.
  3. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    It is not only what you say that is so sincerely appreciated but also how you say it. Direct to the point, quick understanding of the issue, tireless effort to help, communicating in easy to understand way, etc. are some of the traits demonstrated in most, if not all, of your communication. You are truly a great friend everyone will look forward for a word of wisdom in day to day life. I couldn't agree more with @Novalis
    Rihana and yellowmango like this.
  4. yellowmango

    yellowmango IL Hall of Fame

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  5. DDream

    DDream Finest Post Winner

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    The first thing I noticed in indusladies.com was your reply to many threads @yellowmango. I found it very practical, interesting, fearless, straight forward, matching with most of my thoughts well. I also like the way you convey the message in short and effective sentences. I read posts in relationship forum, wondering what will be your reply. I am sure everyone including me might have benefited one way or other. Keep it up. Best wishes.
    Last edited: May 26, 2019
  6. Novalis

    Novalis Gold IL'ite

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    Today's appreciation guest in the fellowship broadcast is someone who could only be explained with the unordered title sequence in movies. When the titles are not strictly flashed in alphabetical or coverage order, a name in that tinsel town pops just when the undisclosed actor is about to make his first (and only) appearance in the film.

    Amitabh Bachchan
    (Mr Bachchan unfolds his newspaper and sips coffee)

    Sylvester Stallone
    (He army-crawls in fatigues)

    Jackie Chan
    (He swings from a skyscraper crash-landing at an auction barely missing an infant's lolly)​

    ...these billed artists deserve the honorary and interrupting "and" in their fractured attention to suspend the frame on their entry in the movie.

    Similary, in IL,

    (He twirls his beard)
    He doesn't muster a rife presence. Yet, his chancey interactions are defining.

    I have been fortunate to strike an enduring dialogue with @Cheeniya through our mutual affliction for all things insignificant. As they say, it is the little dreams and little pleasantries abounding in our lives which fetch unfathomable happiness. Cheeniya has been that steady flicker of mutual madness in historical and literary trivia for me here at IL.

    Not many might be familiar with The Quick Draw McGraw Show from the 60s featuring the sheriff Quick Draw McGraw (horse) and his deputy Baba Looey (donkey) chasing the felons in gusto. We too companionably pursue the literary misfits and cultural miscreants in our observational colloquy.


    But the contention in us is that we would both claim and bicker to be the glee of the small-footed burro Baba Looey deputy rather than the prominence of the mighty Quick Draw McGraw. The unsuspecting observers might deem such self-sacrificing act as modesty. But the truth is ...we both would sabotage each other to be a donkey play-act over a horse's in self-serving ploy, as we both fancy and prefer cheerful donkeys over other dignified hooves.

    Thus is the inclusion of 'AND CHEENIYA'.
    Last edited: May 27, 2019
  7. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Thank you but you have wasted a Booker Prize on a small-time Rambler!
    Amitabh Bachchan , Sylvester Stallone and Jackie Chan! You have really made my day by robbing it from them!
    I do nothing else these days! But for my 'twirlable' beard I will feel lost these days. I was checking up if Rabindranath Tagore ever twirled his generous beard but realising that there was no need for him to do that as his hands were always busy doing something more productive.
    Significant things bore me. The joy of living mostly arises out of insignificant things in life. What's the point ending a story with 'They lived happily ever after'? It lacks futurity.
    Even when I go through Guinness records, I look for items like:
    'The longest sneezing fit ever recorded is that of Donna Griffiths (UK, b. 1969) who started sneezing on 13 January 1981 and surpassed the previous duration record of 194 days on 26 July 1981. She sneezed an estimated million times in the first 365 days and achieved her first sneeze-free day on 16 September 1983 - the 977th day.'
    That's the kind of knowledge I covet.
    I could have been more worthless to deserve this recognition. Thank you anyway!
    Anusha2917 likes this.
  8. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    @Novalis and other friends in IL,

    There are other areas that are critical to mention about his role in IL.

    Power of words - The power of words given in a short note. He might post a post in 3 lines but the message is always powerful.

    Conflict resolution - No matter how much has gone down the bridge, he says purely simple words of wisdom and close the thread without hurting anyone's feeling. The knack of doing things of that sort requires a lot of emotion free attitude.

    Enthusiasm - With that long beard, he hides his bright looking forward to the day to interact with IL successfully. His enthusiasm is contagious.

    Encouragement - His words of encouragement when expressed in any thread, motivates every single ILite as though they have been declared as Brahma Rishi.

    Quotes - I wonder whether there is anything that he had not read in his life time and he can almost quote anyone that was referred to in any thread.

    Finally, I wouldn't call this as words of appreciation but words of love for this PithaMaha.
    Mistt, Rihana, iyerviji and 1 other person like this.
  9. Novalis

    Novalis Gold IL'ite

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    'Impressed' is the word I often use generously.

    If there's someone in the forum who is the byword of my notion of the word, to be impressed thoroughly by them, each time they write something so thoughtfully, it's the same someone on whom my heart goes whoop at such intersection.

    This thread is no trophy, just an assertion about fellow iLites by iLites. And when I am impressed with someone in that sighted flourish and stride, their mention here is consequential.

    In the footsteps of Diogenes searching for an honest man, I am wide-eyed about representational women, the ones who symbolize the mythos and constitution of a woman readapting through times, unshakably romanticized (she must be the woman!) yet reinventing themselves (I am far better than your best imagination about woman) on their function in the society. They are representative of a new-age woman who regards vintage sensibilities while introducing progressive values. The only time I hate to resurrect the cliche east meets west retaining the charm of the nostalgia while adopting the prosperity of the ongoing.

    Passionate about the growth of women, while being inspirational about the role of women.

    Someone who transcends the social grievances with her optimism about situations.

    I sense her as someone who rallies for parity in women, there is so much yet to achieve in the movement, yet insists on actionable opportunities with what is available right now.

    Women could grumble forever about their situational disadvantage and languish or have the foresight to benefit from earlier stakes. A woman could paralyzingly cry out on how much yet is to be claimed for equality or she could lead herself with how much has already been done and march constructively in pride.

    So, when I use 'impressed' on her, it is the contrast she brings in through her orientation to strive for fair growth while not discounting the shrinking gap between what a woman could aspire and what she could achieve, in a world abound with opportunities, in a system encouraging strong-willed women, and in a confluence where the east meets the west in a cosmopolitan validation.

    I am happy to chance on such women who are representational of the current times where a woman is empowered unlike all her predecessors combined.

    She is truly the impression of girl power in IL and I could not have been any less impressed with @nuss .
  10. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Who can write better about the impression of girl power in IL than you? After reading your appreciation in your inimitable style, I went back and looked at the criteria I wrote when I started this thread.

    What a choice @nuss is fitting all of the criteria above!

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