Never Mind.....

Discussion in 'Community Chit-Chat' started by Amulet, Sep 22, 2018.

  1. sokanasanah

    sokanasanah IL Hall of Fame

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    Psychotropic agents provide access to ego-dissolution on demand. They give you a vision of the "oneness" of all things, a 'trailer' if you will. Hence ayahuasca and other concoctions with their associated initiation rites.
    Perhaps. Nothing biological is ever simple. Your physiology might get adapted to the new elevated levels of DMT - you might find yourself right back where you started! Receptor adaptation is a well-recorded phenomenon. It's the root of addiction.

    More importantly, all wisdom traditions teach that attachment to these states is itself Maya, a craving and a delusion. Such transcendental states are merely waystations, not to be pursued or held on to. One is encouraged to notice them and let them go. Non-attachment includes non-attachment to bliss. Lotus-eaters beware!
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2019
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  2. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    I assume what you mean is experience but don't seek it. I feel fear (of losing the blissfulness) is the root cause of attachment and if I could feel I can sustain blissfulness without interruption, the attachment may not exist. That is precisely why I am against exploring Psychotropic agents and seek natural and biological solution.

  3. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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  4. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    After looking at the internet procedure(s) for the extraction of DMT from its plant sources, to smoke, and get a quick "dreamtime", instead of the prolonged "guru"-supervised (chaperoned?) bouts of diarrhea and vomitting that happens with the crude/rural preparations of Ayahuasca Tea*, I simply RFLOL'd.

    Several of these neurologically active substances tend to be "basic", i.e., AMINES, organic chemical derivatives of Ammonia. This is true of DMT, as it is of Cocaine, and pretty serious things like Morphine and (its synthetic cousin) Heroin. And the Oxycontin (aka Oxycodone) that was prescribed willy-nilly in the USA to everyone that complained of body ache. Now it turns out that the US Government had authorised the pushing of a substitute to Heroin to everyone who'd been suffering some pain that could'a easily been walked off.

    The extraction procedures call for coaxing these out of their plant sources with even a stronger basic material, viz., Sodium Hydroxide, and then extracting the coaxed-out organic chemical with a solvent that does not mix with water -- like naphtha or ether. When anti-drug efforts bomb cocaine factories in the jungles, sudden explosions of drums of ether or other flammable organic solvents that initiate a big forest fire is a consequence of how such materials are extracted, and purified.

    One of the very common method of coaxing out a basic narcotic from a plant material is the coating of the leaf with slack lime, before putting it in the mouth and masticating it between the teeth - to thoroughly extract the psychotic drug out of the leaf. When the paan-wala coats the slack-lime on the betel leaf, (s)he is adding the chemical that would coax out the chemical narcotic from the betel nut that would come within the leaf. People who chew coca leaves on the mountains of Ecuador, Peru and Columbia would also add a little alkaline substance to that leaf to help the extraction of the cocaine from within the leaf. They need that phytochemical help to schlep things up the hill where they live. They had needed that since the pre-Columbian times before they were discovered by the west, because in those times there were two major classes -- those who needed to get some plant-help to carry stuff to Machu Pichu so that those who were using the drugs for recreation would have something to eat/drink when the drug wore off. Same thing happens today. People who deal in Ayahuasca to make a living have no time to find or explore themselves by consuming their inventory.

    *Tea..... to me this word involves us sitting around a nice table-clothed table, cups over saucers over doilies with a dark tea that could take some milk. And crust-free finger sandwiches, and mildly sweet danish pastries, served in a multi-tiered center-piece.

    A "TEA" is Definitely not a bunch of lungi-clad roughs dishing out some turbid cocktail that can induce a vomit response.
    Last edited: May 5, 2019
    satchitananda and Viswamitra like this.
  5. Novalis

    Novalis Gold IL'ite

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    Since I have read Kundera's Unbearable Lightness, I am raging in unrelenting quote spree. The book is notorious for deep quotes!

    In particular, I grew fond of this musing in the book:

    "We are in a better position to understand the abyss separating Sabina and Franz; he listened eagerly to the story of her life and she was equally eager to hear the story of his, although they had a clear understanding of the logical meaning of the words they exchanged, they failed to hear the semantic susurrus of the river flowing between them.

    And so when she put on a bowler hat in his presence, Franz felt uncomfortable, as if someone had spoken to him in a language he did not know. It was neither obscene nor sentimental, merely incomprehensible gesture. What made him feel uncomfortable was its very lack of meaning.

    When people are fairly young and the musical composition of their lives is still in its opening bars, they can go about writing it together and exchange motifs -- the way Tomas and Sabina exchanged the motif of the bowler hat but if they meet when they are older like Franz and Sabina, their musical compositions are more or less complete and every motif, every object, every word means something different to each of them."​

    I am relating this to our riffing Indo-Anglican couples shuffling in relationships: college crush, whirlwind romance, later-day love unscathing and progressive relationships with the only challenge being that 'musical compositions of their lives set in the past' by former partners.

    The bowler hat inside-joke is fairly recognized in all its variants only by Tomas (past lover) but the uninitiated Franz (new lover) is nonplussed ...what does it signify? When the woman is playful about a bowler hat in her boudoir carried over from her past dalliance with her now-lover ...(hey! a bowler hat! damn! a bowler hat! Do you not see a bowler hat!) Would our Indo-Anglican Franz be upset about the vestiges from lingered romance or ask the woman composedly: sweets, I know you must have shared something with your Tomas about this wretched bowler hat, would you care to explain or should we establish our own manners/music around this bowler hat?
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  6. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    So glad to have you back.
    Bowler hats and past dalliances ?
    In my old hometown ( I went to elementary school there, before my parents yanked me off to live with barbarians) there is a "big" temple. Built by the Chola King Raaja Raja. One of the square rocks on the main temple steeple has an Anglo Gent in a bowler hat !! Apparently someone had come to visit the king, and to commemorate that incident, they had put in an icon of that feller on their city's major monument. It is now a UNESCO World Heritage thing.

    It is best for the girl not to linger on the subject of having worn someone else's bowler hat in the bedroom, and it is even better for the new bf not to dig into that ground. The image of what else she wore ( or NOT ) could be hard to swallow, as well as beat. This would be a competition with no winners. Fighting a penumbra in one's own mind always ends up a loss. If the girl had brought that up, (unless she is stupid), it was done to torment the feller. He'd have to decide that (A) she is stupid, and only useful as a dutch-wife and/or a belly warmer or (B) she is clever, wants to torment him, and therefore he'd be better off to find his joy elsewhere.
    Last edited: May 5, 2019
    Viswamitra likes this.
  7. Novalis

    Novalis Gold IL'ite

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    Long ago, I read an amusing article on tea which I didn't clip because I couldn't foresee this Sunday chatting up with you ...about psychotropic beverages! The article was an exhaustive research on the chemical stimulants of tea ...that L-theanine. The article sprang all kinds of scientific and cutting-edge research into tea ...even an outlier and renegade research which intrigued me and is of relevance to our table-clothed table tea.

    Ditch that nicety as that article speculated if the stimulation from tea in Eastern households is inflected by the hard-floored genuflects and gymnastics around tea ceremonies. Had it not been for them, the benefits of tea could not be realized. So, the mere act of loading up our bodies with caffeine (around: oak tables and gossamer dollies) is futile until you uphold those ceremonial contortions which render more good to our body than the chemical dregs.

    I was amazed, then amused, then amuletted it here today.

    It is not only what you are drinking but how you are drinking also to reap emergent benefits of tea.
    Viswamitra likes this.
  8. Novalis

    Novalis Gold IL'ite

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    My trademark emoji on whatsapp:


    Bachoo-wachoo, buddu baddu, men , women, children, donkeys, narwhals everyone I fly that kiss away.
    (Missed you too!)
    Viswamitra and Amulet like this.
  9. Novalis

    Novalis Gold IL'ite

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    More chit-chat later! But for now ...a forlorn inquiry returned on your mention of King Raaja Raja.

    Why is there no plot summary in wikipedia for Ponniyin Selvan? There have been many inquiries on the Net including one in quora to narrate the story in a nutshell whose absence has never been satisfactorily explained: why cannot PS be summarized for the attention-deficit generation. Is the epic too convoluted for a linear summary or every one who read it has been too laidback to provide a snapshot for creatures like me who haven't.
    Viswamitra likes this.
  10. Novalis

    Novalis Gold IL'ite

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    Article of interest in tea habit: The science of tea’s mood-altering magic

    “One possible confounding factor is that the process of preparing and drinking tea is having the effect, not the tea itself.


    whether tea’s relaxing effects are a direct biological outcome or derived from the social context in which the drink is consumed, such as sitting down quietly for a rest. Tea is frequently consumed under conditions that are conducive to relaxation that may themselves be responsible for the apparent benefits,”

    Hmm: We might allegedly need those relaxed table cloths and dainty dollies to create the atmosphere of tea consumption.
    Viswamitra likes this.

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