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Why do we need april fool's day when we are being made fools of everyday

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by jayasala42, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Why Do We Need April Fool's Day When We're Being Made Fools of Every Day?

    Not even a single day passes without ourselves being fooled.Go to a restaurant, you are made to pay an enhanced bill with wrongly calculated taxes;you are forced to enter untrue statements in the mortgage application if your loan has to be sanctioned;. From the day the child is born into this world, s/he is brought up among lies,lies and unmixed lies..
    Cheating seems to be a part of life.Take the students.They download materials from internet,exchange answers through smart phones and even become experts in faking exam scores;This academic dishonesty is perceptible even in colleges and Universities;They have unlicensed buildings,unapproved courses and unauthorised degrees;Some institutions are noted for sellling forged degrees and certificates.
    The recent media craze has created a blunder of epic proportions and mass cheating.They make you believe the vilest of things.Advertisers ensure that you become the puppet and retailers , the puppetteers who stealthily steer your hand into your wallet where the credit card lies.You are manipulated into buying stuff which you don't want paying a higher price too.They make you lost and confused and you are made to load your cart .
    Another big area of making you fool is the Real estate.,.The 'real' in 'Real estate' is a farce ,as the sector is notorious for lack of transparency..On many occasions buyers find themselves stuck with properties with flaws,unapproved land deals apparently looking normal..Even the elites and highly educated are victimized.The vast financial houses too have fallen into the trap , being fooled by the business lagoons like Vijay Mallya.
    There is no end to our being cheated..Even the simple vegetable and fruit vendors whom we sympathise as they deal with perishable goods,don't leave us unharmed..They use various green and yellow lights and trick us into believing that the products are fresh and free from pollution.Carbide ripened and pesticide dipped veggies being the most commonly available..
    Everything is so deceptive,even finding life partners has become a gamble.With fanciful matrimonial advertisements misrepresenting facts,it results in conflicts and early separation..
    Knowingly or unknowingly man is so entrenched in the lies,he/she tells ,and has to be consciously aware of continuing different lies to different persons to escape being caught and is unable to come out of the vicious circle.. S/he makes a fool of him/her self and others too.
    ‘Buy one and get two free’ is just a tag line to empty the old stocks but we gravitate towards shop windows displaying it.Even smart phone plans have the word ‘life-long’ embedded.I wonder whose life they refer to, most probably that of the instrument which may be just one year.
    Conmen entering your house and fooling you by glib talks is old school.Now a simple flash in your PC’you are the lucky winner of millions of dollars'’- is sufficient to get you into trap.Advertisements from multinationals just brain wash even the intelligent people and make them gullible idiots falling a prey.
    Not to talk of election promises which are nothing but lies wrapped in pretty packings of emotional speech.Knowingly the voters get into the trap of being fooled.
    Medical professionals give false hopes to the relatives of the terminally ill patients,extract lakhs of rupees within a week, only to convey God’s will and hand over the mortal remains.
    Some lawyers and judges who belong to a higher breed of intellectuals consider it a proud privilege to speak nothing but lies ,which come under the ‘technically true’ category in their profession..In reality they they expertly mislead people with impunity.
    Alas! We are fooled by Gurus,yogis and masters and evangelists in the name of religion.
    When we become so much accustomed to lies and deceipt,one feels as if he is committing a crime if he starts telling the truth which appears false and dangerous.
    A truth's impact is indirectly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed.It was not the world being round that agitated people, but the fact that the earth was not flat .
    When we are used to a package of lies and being fooled,the truth seems utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.
    Adolf Hitler is quoted to have said"Lucky for the rulers,the common people don't think".
    I believe that there is no absolute truth excepting the truth that there is no absolute truth”.
    April Fools' Day is observed throughout the .world. Practices include sending someone on a "fool's errand," looking for things that don't exist; playing pranks; and trying to get people to believe ridiculous things.
    Psychologists use the technical term'cognitive Dissonance' which is taken advantage of by people who easily deceive everyone.Possibly every one we know has been made fools sometimes or the other by different forces of the society.
    Why then do we need a specific a specific April Fools Day?

    ( This article of mine has been published in 'edit' page-page 8 of The New Indian Express today(25th march 2016))

    Jayasala 42

  2. shobhamma

    shobhamma Gold IL'ite

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    Good write up
    Perpetual fools have a special fool's day because it makes them feel they are not fools on other days!
    inboxsweetee likes this.
  3. MULLAI62

    MULLAI62 Platinum IL'ite

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    Excellent article. Just you have brought up the real happenings in our daily life. Very nice.
  4. Akanksha1982

    Akanksha1982 IL Hall of Fame

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    Superb article Jaya Mam. So appropriate and also at the appropriate time.

    BTW, my engagement was finalized on April 1st. We still joke about it.
    Scorpio707 likes this.
  5. Agatha83

    Agatha83 IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Jayasala,

    I read your middle that was published in yesterday's I.E only to day .What an excellent way of getting recognition and honor from the print media, that too from a leading newspaper.

    Personally I feel hurt when we get fooled by people for whom we toil hard, with them walking away with not a word of appreciation. We can quote Bhagavad Gita easily, but following it in principle is very hard. Yes, as you have said rightly we get fooled by people from all walks of life, many times in our life's journey.

  6. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Shobamma,
    Thank you for your response.

    Jayasala 42
  7. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Mullai,
    Thank you for your nice response.
    Jayasala 42
  8. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Akanksha,
    Normally we don't think of Apr 1st unless we are cheaply fooled and laughed by others specifically.Recently one of our NRI friends got cheated by a Real estate agent who sold the same property twice.When we were discussing the serious issue , I thought of Apr1st coming shortly.Wednesday afternoon I prepared the article and sent it by e-mail.I though, if at all selected for publication, it may come next week.To my surprise it found a place on 25th paper.
    jayasala 42
    Akanksha1982 likes this.
  9. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Agatha,
    Thank you for the encouraging words.During floods, we were cheated by a few workers.We had to tolerate knowing fully well that we are fooled.Sometimes I feel that tolerance or silently facing the deception itself amounts to crime . We are passive witnesses to all activities that are committed with the evil intention of deceiving.,for fear of threat or opposition from rowdy elements.The cheaters as well as the silent bearers or spectators are equally responsible for the growing crimes.innocence cannot be excused in dertain areas.Our silence is exploited as weakness.

    jayasala 42
    sindmani likes this.
  10. vani098

    vani098 IL Hall of Fame

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    Actually no need of fools day becoz we were fooled n will be fool here after also.

    Of may be shopping discount, even in small shops, collage, school, hotels restraint, temple que, unknown people r known people.

    Y unnecessary of fools day becoz all days r fools day. It is only to remember that we r foo unnamed.jpg copied from net.

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