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The beautiful reality of simple luxuries is that they are everywhere waiting ...

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by iyerviji, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    With the hectic life we go through sometimes we are not able to enjoy everything. In life simple pleasures give us more happiness. Need not live in a luxurious house withall facilities instead living in a small house with simple pleasures makes us more happy . Sometimes I feel more than us the people who are living in huts earning daily wages and buying things for that day are more happy than us because they toil hard and have no time to think of anything.

    The simple luxury is what we enjoy from the first cup of filter coffee to the last hour before we sleep listening to our favourite music or watching tv etc. Some people are very lucky that they have sound sleep whenever they want. All are not so lucky to get sleep whenever they want. When we get sound sleep it is like heaven. Sometimes in the afternoons I get sleep like that when I am in a different world and dont know anything , no dreams that time and when I get up I dont know where I am, whether it is mornng or night. .Sometimes I get bored of the same routine and want a change , something to celebrate and look forward for some excitement in life.

    For me there is always a change. Like since yesterday evening I am not getting the net properly. Surprisingly Indusladies I am getting but now a days I have got used to FAcebook where also I am a member of group where I have started writing and have earned a virtual daughter there. She was very happy saying she has no mil or mother . Yesterday somehow I got IL and posted in my Anna's Ramblngs for which I got a loving comment . But IL was also not coming properly, it was coming and going so could not enjoy much.Today somehow I could log in here and thought of posting a new thread. But I am not getting Facebook and Yahoo mail.
    God always gives me some problems like this in between so that I wont forget him and think of him always. .I always enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Simple living is not about living in poverty or self-inflicted deprivation, ... know to be true in our lives and how we live a simple life, enjoying our personal luxuries.


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  2. geevee68

    geevee68 Platinum IL'ite

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    We seem to take so many things for granted and continue our journey until something shocking jolts us from the mundane activities.
    Coming to your point above,why cannot we enjoy the simple pleasures in our daily lives?
    I understand this it like-most people live for others;in the sense live competing with others.People buy the things which they don`t even need to impress their friends and the like.They dress up,they do almost everything to get the approval of others.
    If we put an end to all that....life is so much simpler and happier.
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  3. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Geevee dear thanks for opening my account with your fb which made my day. Thanks for the same. Glad atleast I got one fb for my thread. True instead of living to impress others if we live for ourselves according to our choice we will be more happy. Also we should not go for luxuries and lead a simple life due to which we will have less problems

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