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To hell with physical fitness!

Discussion in 'Cheeniya's Senile Ramblings' started by Cheeniya, Apr 25, 2007.

  1. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Cheeniya sir,

    I have been meaning to write a feed back to this post but words fail me. Then again, found a reason to write, when I noticed that this will be a 100th response to a post that speaks of 100yrs of life :) Isn't that a nice coincidence!

    Now coming to the hell with physical fitness and the last paragraph that you have penned so beautifully, I enjoy that morning drizzle much more by walking or running in it than laying down in the bed and watching it. Though I do do that, I soon begin to feel "how I wish I could feel that rain" and there goes all of my 'new' resolution! But let me hasten to add that I do enjoy the fried foods, good friends, the chatter/banter but feel more in tune with all of that if I have had a good run or yoga but I do it all secretly without letting my friends know for the same fear of being 'an outcast' in the group! I do want to say "to hell with physical' fitness sir, I really do but how can I when I enjoy working out so much? - whether I get to live to a 100 or not is a different story!

    I have enjoyed reading this post thoroughly Cheeniya sir! Thank you!
  2. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear Anna

    Thanks to Srama that I could read this write up. Morning only I was feeling exhausted and having negative thoughts. But now after reading your write up I feel I should live hundred years and enjoy life to the fullest . You know I am a foodie and like to eat tasty food. Yesterday I met a family friend after a long time and she was asking me "how are you" for which I asked her what do you feel how I am. She was saying as always you are looking fit and fine , cant see any change from the time I saw you last and always smiling. Being a Leo I felt very happy hearing that. In between I require such tonics to keep me going.
  3. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Srama
    I wrote this within 2 months of my joining IL in 2007. Having decided to call my writings as 'Senile Ramblings', I wanted to make this both senile and mindless rambling. It is a great surprise that it has received 100 FBs and it is even greater a surprise that it is kept alive for over 4 years!

    This walking or running in rain has a gender angle to it. While men love to watch it from the warmth of the drawing room with a book in hand or a drink in hand depending upon whether it is me or Kamalji in question and some lovely vintage music in the background in the case of both, women on the other hand invariably love to get drenched to the bone either singing or making appropriate noises. We have witnessed it in movies for a hundred years! For every 100 women singing in rain in movies, you'll see only two men doing the same. That's the usual ratio. Further men in films get drenched in rain not in gay abandon like women but only when chasing a villain or being chased by him!

    But I do understand your concept of enjoyment. Different strokes!
  4. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Viji
    It is nice to see that you have come out of your negative mood. It doesn't suit you a wee bit. Whining perpetually is a birth right of some people. Let us not usurp that right!

    Though I talk of living for a hundred years, I have absolutely no interest in it. To me what matters is to be able to live well and not to live long. I have seen some people punishing themselves to keep fit. We must just be fit enough not to be a burden to others. Beyond that, fitness has no meaning. And fitness has certainly no meaning if it is going to be at the cost of simple pleasures of life!
  5. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear Anna

    What you have written is cent percent true. Living with good health is more important . With goodhealth only we can enjoy life and till we live should be healthy and not be a trouble to others. My prayer to God is also that only.
  6. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    We are not a Fortune 100 corporation to have been built to last for hundreds of years. What is the thrill if a company manufactures and sells the same product for 100 years? We need to explore and experiment. There should be some fun in it. However, if it is going to hurt the company, we need to retreat and go back to basics. Especially, if it is going to hurt others, we need to be careful.

    As long as we explore within our means, keep ourselves reasonably fit, do not depend on others to get up and walk due to our indulgence, do not become so sweeter to get attracted by the ants, do not become so salty like a sea water for the heart to find it difficult to pump our blood, etc., we are good.

  7. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Viswa
    That's a formidable list of do's and don'ts! For a person who is an ardent fan of Doris Day's song 'Que sera,sera', I tend to take life not very seriously! I first heard it in the mid 50's when I was a very impressionable young boy. The lines,
    "Que Sera, Sera,
    Whatever will be, will be
    The future's not ours, to see
    Que Sera, Sera
    What will be, will be." virtually became my Veda! It shaped my attitude to life.
    I only hope that I don't live to see a day when I may end up ruing this attitude of mine!

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