The Gita teaches the art of living and striving.

Discussion in 'Chitvish on Hindu Culture & Vedanta' started by Chitvish, Sep 27, 2007.

  1. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    The Gita philosophy can be fully appreciated, visualized and lived only by one who is in the Arjuna state of mind. The environment in the Gita is down-to-earth one of strife and stress, dust and fury, stress and strain, pulls and pressures. Arjuna is mentally agitated and intellectually confused and Krishna addresses him. So the glory of the Gita consists not in what she states but how she states it.

    When Arjuna reviews the enemy lines in a sweeping gaze, he feels benumbed. His emotions surge under the impact of the sheer magnitude of the problem. He had spent his entire life in preparation for his achievement as a warrior, but now he feels hopeless in despair ! He thinks the challenge by the Kauravas is too great to be met directly. When we are mentally dejected, our intellect discovers convincing arguments to justify our cowardice. We start painting white our dark inner depressions. Arjuna also goes through the foolish convulsions of a psychologically broken personality.

    Does not every young person go through similar situations in life at one time or other ?
    We have missed chances in life, suffered disappointments and met with failures. But in all of us, one factor which is common is that we would not have gone through them if we had more faith in ourselves. Our inner chord snaps at times and we sink in despair. It is at this moment that we must know how to re-make our inner personality, whole and strong, tackle the problem with a new-found confidence and become sure of victory.

    Leading a life of happiness is far from a cake walk. It involves action, which is based on the choices and decisions we make. Very often they pull us in opposite directions. Our mind in a confused state becomes a devil’s play ground, We end up taking wrong decisions and become very weak when we face unpleasant consequences. This is because, very often we act without thinking of the consequences and preparing ourselves for the same. We do not have the maturity to accept the same also !

    The Gita teaches us to manage life in a smart way. It expounds a science of personality-reconstruction. Today confusions are created in the socio-economic fields. The generation gape is becoming unbridgeable. There is a lack of purposeful goal, often, resulting in confusions in mind.

    Today’s young man needs a firm anchor so that his abilities are not lost and his productivity is maintained.

    The Gita is logical and appeals to the intellectuals.
    For those who are inclined towards Bhakti, it teaches the value of surrender.
    For those who are inclined towards action, it teaches the value of action without getting affected by the consequences.
    As we start learning Gita, all these facets of Gita unfold themselves beautifully.

    Thus the Gita supplies anchorage to the confused youth and it is the single window to happiness prescribed by Krishna. It is the most interesting metaphor of our own life.

    The core of the Gita pours fresh vitality into the heart and muscles of the younger generation. It can make them stand up even against odds, as Arjuna did and come out successfully in the end. Thus the country will be blessed by inaugurating an era of development and progress among us. Only the Gita way of life can accomplish this miracle !

    Next week, we shall start the second chapter.

    Last edited: Sep 27, 2007
    sindmani likes this.

  2. Anandchitra

    Anandchitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Chithra
    Yet again a very thought provoking post from you. I'm glad i'm reading it before going to bed. hopefully my mind can go over the important details during sleep!!! When i read the post it goes some of the important aspects that you have touched in previous threads. So there is a sense of continuity and we can refresh it as well. I like the lines
    For those who are inclined towards Bhakti, it teaches the value of surrender.
    For those who are inclined towards action, it teaches the value of action without getting affected by the consequences
    because it shows that the great book has something to offer for everyone depends on the reader and what they are willing to seek and learn. will be back..thanks.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2007
  3. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear AC,
    I am equally thrilled with such a quick F B from you.
    You hit the nail on the head. I have heard quite a few metion that Gita is not related to Bhakti. There is one full chapter devoted to Bhakti marga.
    I just wanted to stress that it is upto us to get what we want, rather "extract" what we want.
    Please do ponder over the post & "masticate" the same. You are welcome again if you have more thoughts to share, Ac !

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2007
  4. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi chitra mam,

    A very throught provoking one. at this juncture i remember that Einstein tried to decipher the gita..but did not succeed and he regretted at the end that he had tried to read it as a scientist.

    Yes gita gives us perspectives that we want to look what we want to see is what we see..with a surrender to god ofcourse.

    (Want to write more..but still in thinking phase...)
    waiting for the second one...
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2007
  5. Vysan

    Vysan Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Chitvish,

    I agree wtih you that Geetha teaches us a lot of things.... It also talks of Bhakthi, action etc.... It is vast ocean... You get what you want...

    Agree with you in our confused state of mind we take decisions without thinking the pros and cons of our action..... Which further leads to chaotic situations....

    At testing times, the magnitude of the problem looks big and we get confused.... We loose focus and think of the problem only.... When we come out of it and look at it then we can see clearly the solutions..... There is no problem without a solution.... If there is no solution, it is no more a problem....

    Waiting for you second phase.... One humble suggestion... if you can come out with example stories it will go inside the head of budhus like me....

  6. vidhi

    vidhi Senior IL'ite

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    Dear Chith

    A very thought provoking article. I loved the following lines as I felt the same.

    "But in all of us, one factor which is common is that we would not have gone through them if we had more faith in ourselves."- I think the faith in oneself decides the destiny of us. when we are in despair at times we doubt our actions. You haved penned your thoughts very clearly.

  7. meenaprakash

    meenaprakash Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Chitra,

    another beautiful post. very right when you talk about problems - the ups and downs and ego clashes and day-to-day fights and..... there are sooooo much to handle at times, it's only natural taht we get confused. but yes, to be strong at that point needs a lot of maturity and courage and these epics can serve as an anchor during times of needs. but we all need a guru to explain things and that's exactly what we have found in you.

    thank you for sharing such a thougth provokin post. all the spiritual posts makes us think and it keeps ringing in our mind even long after, that's the intensity of it.

  8. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Shanthi,
    We usually say, "the beauty of an object lies in the eyes of the beholder".
    That applies to Gita very well. You try just to chant it, without even understanding the meaning. You will thoroughly enjoy it.
    You are welcome to come back here, after thinking. I would love you to share your thoughts with us, Shanthi !

  9. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Vysan,
    It is nice to receive your feedbacks in a row today. You seem to be enjoying this sub-forum. I cannot thank you enough. This is generally a forum from which people run a mile away !:frown:
    In tamil we say
    Kalangi theliyanum
    We have to patiently wait, till our mind becomes free from chaos to arrive at a constructive decision.
    The problems of food, clothing, shelter etc belong to the category where one has to seek the solution outside.
    For the second kind of poblem, the solution is within the problem like a jig saw puzzle !
    The problem of human sadness is a problem that has the solution within itself.
    We always think that the solution of a problem lies outside because we love to find a reason for our sadness, external to ourselves.
    Now, let me elaborate, since you love an example !
    Why are you sad?
    Because I do not have a job.
    But when you do get a job, you find you have a new problem. The place of work is too far away. You have to spend one hour in travelling. It would be really nice if you lived near the place of work.
    So, now, you have the next problem of finding a new house near the work place ! These are, I would say, situational problems, brought on us by ourselves.
    If you think a given solution is a source of sadness, on some occasions, it is a source of comfort. The mother-in-law's presence in the house is always associated as a source of sorrow. But when you want to go to a movie, leaving your children at home, she becomes a source of comfort !
    The problem lies in the notion - " I am unhappy".
    The solution lies in the knowledge " I am happiness".
    In fact, in the unhappiness itself lies the solution. This is like the solution in the very jig saw puzzle. Once the pieces fall in place, there is no more problem.
    Similarly the world which is a threat to me, has to fall in its place in terms of the reality I am. When this happens, you find there is nothing, but solution. There is no problem at all.
    This is not a delusion, but the reality which we should become alive to !
    Hav I "strayed far & wide", Vysan ?
    Now I am tempted to write a post on
    The problem is you - The solution is you.

    Thankyou for your patient reading, Vysan !

    Last edited: Sep 28, 2007
  10. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Vidhi,
    Prompt to the dot, you always are, Vidhi ! How do I ever thank you ?
    Belief in our own selves is the key to success.
    If at all, I have penned my thoughts clearly, I owe it to my teacher, because he has "dinned" all these into our ears !

    Last edited: Sep 27, 2007

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