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Words And Their Power

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by sunkan, Aug 30, 2007.

  1. sunkan

    sunkan Gold IL'ite

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    Words are powerful. Either in verbal /written state they make an indelible impression on our mind evoking us to reflect or respond. Words can break or build the bonds between us. They help in cementing a bond for lifelong tenure. As tools of communication words help us to connect with the outer world

    Our family, friends, relatives, acquaintances and so on. The personal and professional spheres of our lives are interwoven with intricate strands of words we utter, hear, read or write. Although actions speak louder than words yet Words are also an effective expressive medium to convey our thoughts and emotions and carrying on the various shades of relationships. The complexity /simplicity of any relation is governed by the moment and intensity of words exchanged between the two. So intimacy and distance between the two can be gauged by the usage of words conveying affection or displeasure. The power of words can be understood by the fact that one single word at the right or wrong moment can make or mar any relationship.

    Use of wrong words or even right words at the wrong moment can break a heart or strike an annihilated blow to the soul. So bitterness of truth coated in sugary words is always considered the right way to make a person aware of the truth though u may be named sly. The pen is considered mightier than the sword because words scribbled by pen can win over hearts and mind of the people voluntarily, whereas a sword can only lay claim to the conquest of the body and that too involuntarily.

    Similarly, a poet through his inspiring notes can reach to the inner core of the beings which cannot be penetrated even by strong rays of the sun. Louder the word, weaker is the cause of action is aptly said as use of strong words conveys a frustrating attempt of the being to emphasize him. Whereas more subtle and less the number of words exchanged between the two reflect a higher level of understanding. However, sometimes strong words act as wonder drugs propelling one to undertake challenging work and achieve excellence in fields considered impossible.

    Likewise, words work as motivators, tutors, educators, mentors in a positive way and as depressants, deceivers in negative ways. Consoling or praising words have miraculous powers to revive or recharge the bereaved beings towards accomplishment. Strong words get etched on the memory board and keep bouncing back to haunt us from the past for the rest of our lives. Choice of words is critical to building our personalities and relationships. So one should never underestimate the significance of words in daily life and be cautious enough not to break but to mend hearts through the healing touch of words...sunkan

  2. Sindhuja

    Sindhuja Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Sunkan,
    A very-well written article about words and their power. In my experience, usage of proper words is very important particularly while talking on a phone (that too international) because that might avoid the misunderstandings between friends or relatives. People tend to use wrong words when they are really busy. I have witnessed some incidents because of the same.
  3. Nivedi

    Nivedi New IL'ite

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    True Sunkan, words are very powerful. Words have the power to make and break relationships. Even with our own selves, if we keep saying that "I am stupid" or "I am dumb" - that is what we will turn out to be. At the slip of a tongue things can change.
  4. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    Nice post. words really have a power of their own. you can make or break somebody with a few words and a little twist.

    I am the opinion, that a physically hurting somebody is not so bad as hurting somebody with your words. physical hurt heals, but words..they stay with you for a long time.

    Maybe that is why elders in their own fashion used to say there are thatasthu devathas around, think before you speak.
  5. Vysan

    Vysan Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Sunkan

    Great Article....

    Thirukural says.... Theeyinal sutta pun ullarum aradhey naavinal sutta vadu.....

    At the spur of the moment in rage if we utter something wrong we will be repending it forever. Whenever my wife goes to her temperpers i fo to mouna viradham.... She will shout... Vayila enna kozhukattaya.... What is in ur mouth ... open up... But i keep listening ....(Poor me..) When she comes back to normal...... then i will explain to her which she will take in the right spirit... If i had said anything at that moment it would have all gone wrong..... On the lighter side of it... She already has the knack of converting even a appreciation into a negative remark.... twist of words........ Ofcousrse I will be looking like a stupid..

    Some of the songs.... the lyrics makes you to enjoy and forget the world and relish in the happiness.... My wife enjoys romantic and I enjoy thathuvam....

    So words can make or break realationships........

    Last edited: Aug 31, 2007
  6. subbutr

    subbutr Senior IL'ite

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    Our dear Sunkan,
    Well drafted version with full of meanings to Words Power...:yes:


    If we speak in terms of literature, they are said to be collections of aplphabets brought about to form understandable statements.

    If we speak in terms of day to day ideology, they are tools to express our views.

    But then are we well cpable of handle those tools?

    Its true that we seldom misuse these tools and use them as weapons to injure a fellow person.
    Also its observed that due to improper handling pattern of these tools, we seldom disappoint our dear ones.
    This situation is called miscommunication.

    Words have their own language, apart from the one they are formulated in. Words have the ability to bring about life in a dead ambience, as well kill the enthusiasm of an ongoing party.

    Words, though seem to be simple, they are much complicated in their usage. One wrong statement can lead to fatal situations.

    So never underestimate the Power of Words. Handle them with care. Relationships are fragile, they need soothing words to maintain them.

    Words are such when ? how ? why ? is it so ? think twice before ?

    Spelt words can't be taken back !

    It's like [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Of those to whom much has been given, much will be required.

    When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

  7. meenakshirajan

    meenakshirajan Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Sunkan,

    Very nice post. Absolutely true.

    'Kind words are short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless'

    Meenakshi Rajan
  8. sunkan

    sunkan Gold IL'ite

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    very true sindhu,
    you know even when we write this english language it could mislead into something we dont intend to, like wise when we speak a statement like why have'nt u written to me i have been waiting for ages for your letter...now add some soft begging voice to this it would sound so pathetic but a rude tone would bring a opposite effect like wise it is our voice also thaty plays an important role, in achieving what we want to...sunkan
  9. sunkan

    sunkan Gold IL'ite

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    very true subbu,
    this has been my guidance in life.. when the going gets tough the tough get going..i have framed this in mind and taken the stride along and moved ahead not waiting for anything to happen, if it does not in the time frame it should..sunkan
  10. sunkan

    sunkan Gold IL'ite

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    vow veda,
    that is a great spirit my elder one follows but sorry to say i have always been impulsive, and never able to hold back, i lash out and be open and blunt though the truth is bitter none will accept..so when she says later amma....and start explanation, i get to hear a lot of reasonings from them...sunkan

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