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Discussion in 'Varalotti Rengasamy's Short & Serial Stories' started by prathi, Feb 6, 2006.

  1. prathi

    prathi Bronze IL'ite

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    HAHA. Then How old is Preethi?

    I remember u mentioning u always tell ur age as 27 not 47. U did it again !! haha
  2. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    You caught me, Prathi!

    I thought no one would know about Preethi, my daughter and I that I can easily get off with my assumed age. But Prathi, you have caught me. So now I'll accept the truth. I am actually 27. ha ha ha ha...
  3. Varloo

    Varloo Gold IL'ite

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    So bad of you

    Dear Varalotti,
    it is so bad of you to keep her in the dark. Are you afraid that she will become jealous and will stop you from continuing your interaction with us?
    Anyway, I am one person who does not like to compel people to do things in which they are not interested. So let your wife do what she likes best.
    Then as you said, I always think that I am 22 years old. Thats what keeps me going, joking and enjoying my life inspite of so many negative aspects. I keep myself young at heart, if not physically. Be a margandeya for ever, like our actor Shivakumar.
  4. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Not At All, Varloo!

    Dear Varloo,
    She is not into computers and all. She loves to go around, design clothes, play exercise etc. She attends yoga classes in the morning, and goes out for shuttle in the evening. Of course she has to take care of me, which is a lot of work for her. I don't share any household work with her. That's my problem. Poor lady, she has to bear the brunt of everything.
    I keep her posted of major threads in IL. Of course a word by word account, I can't give her. But in important threads like Malathi, I told her all the major posting, especially yours and sudha's.
    Coming to my age, I believe in the policy that you are as old as you think. My chronological age is 47 (will be completing 48, this 29th April). My daughter Preethi is 20 and she she is finishing her UG this year.
    My mental age is always 27. What's wrong in that? Tell me.
    I impose challenges on my myself to live up to that age. When I was chronologically 45 I sat down to write Information Systems Auditors exams along with youngsters. At first it was a little strenuous. Then I worked hard to drive in new concepts and new learnings, and I cleared the course taking All India's 3rd rank.
    Last year I got myself trained in a US BPO work which I am still doing with lots of enthusiasm.
    This is my suggestion, Varloo. We all focus a lot on our physical health. But there is our emotional health and intellectual health too, which are more important. For emotional health, you need to go to literature. Read something that touches your heart. For intellectual health solve some puzzles. I solve 2 sudoku puzzles every day for keeping my brain alert.
    These process will arrest the ageing processes and you will always stay young.
  5. Varloo

    Varloo Gold IL'ite

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    Hey we share the same view

    Dear Varalotti,
    I said that let her do what she likes. I don't like compelling others to do what I like. I always honour a person's personal preference. And I am only 22 mentally, I told you. (I have completed 42 in Oct. 05, and I never lie about my age). I learnt Sanskrit last April with students from 6 to 60 and tremendously enjoyed my classes in a school, 7 to 8.30 Monday to Friday. I have passed the exam. We all did a small programme for the concluding ceremony. I too acted in a skit, talking in Sanskrit. My son and Archana also witnessed it. It was really very enjoyable. Our master was a boy studying in 8th std. I used to call him Balaguru and respect him as a guru. As you have rightly said, we should not age mentally and keep young at heart and also age gracefully.
    But tell me, how do you get the time for all those activites? May be the credit should go to your better half. Hats off to you both.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2006
  6. Sharada

    Sharada Senior IL'ite

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    Pic is ok

    Snap is ok, but your disarming smile is missing. With so many women praising you, Gopikrishna must be feeling a bit dizzy! If you have the time why don't you go to the gym - you'll be a true ladykiller!
    A CA's job is so structured and regulated, but as a writer you can dream and fantasise. You have used the left (thinking) and right (feeling and imagination)side of your brain to the maximum. Your story writing technique is good, but language needs more polish. Don't know why, but when I saw your snap I started this detailed analysis! Hope you don't have any objections - if you do, maaf karna!
  7. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    I need to confess something, Sharada

    Dear Sharada,
    Let me confess this snap was one of the 30 plus snaps taken for my book cover. In about 10 snaps I am smiling, and smiling so much that it might even frighten the onlooker. But my wife, daughter and the professional photographer rejected all the smiling photographs in one sweep.
    I do admit my language needs refining. Even to bring out this language I had to suffer a lot. I have been writing official correspondence all day and the officialese creeps in without my being conscious of it. What I lack in language I make up in the story telling technique. I would love to learn but I hear my wife saying "It's useless to teach new tricks to an old dog."
    thanks for the nice words, Sharada, some of them made me blush. To be frank I don't want to be a ladykiller, to be a lady watcher ok, ladykiller no.
    thanks for the affectionate words, once again
  8. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Yes, Varloo, the credit has to go to my wife!

    I was proud and happy to note about your other activities. With so much of stress around, if you can do this much, it's really commendable.
    You have guessed it right. The entire credit has to go to my wife. She does all the household work. I am so bad a cook that even to boil water I need the assistance of cookery experts like Chitvish.
    Of course we do spend time together. But she helps me in my activities, proof reading the stories, helping me with the plots, giving me coffee and tea when needed. But I have not done anything for her. As we say in Tamil, "oru thurumba kooda edhuthu pottathu illa."
    Keep up the good work, Varloo.
  9. archukoratty

    archukoratty Junior IL'ite

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    Thank you sir

    Thank you for your reply.
    I believe that all of yours blessings will be with me.

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