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The Corpse's Love Story

Discussion in 'Stories (Fiction)' started by sapthu02, Jun 15, 2018.

  1. sapthu02

    sapthu02 Gold IL'ite

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    Hello Guys!!

    I had been writing this story in this forum about 4 years ago. I completely stopped it in between and didnt complete. I am sorry.

    I am going to post the story links along the other episodes..

    Sorry for the delay.

    Episode 1:

    Episode 2:

    Episode 3:

    Episode 4:

    Episode 5:

    Episode 6:

    Episode 7:

    Episode 8:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 20, 2018
    Deepika23, mbharani and Rihana like this.

  2. sapthu02

    sapthu02 Gold IL'ite

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    Episode 9

    I was rushed to the hospital. I could see Rita lying there beside me breathing hard. I could hear and see Vinod weeping. And Manav was so angry and he finished those 4 rogues off.

    Ranga joined hands with Muthu and Shyam along with another friend to take revenge on my loved one. I was so happy I could save Vinod. I was not sure how I could sense, feel, hear and see what’s going on. Yet saw my own body lying inside the ambulance and others hoping that I could be back to life.

    I have read in books about spirits. I had watched most weird and horrifying movies. I couldn't imagine my life to be in between now. I have become a spirit. I just then realized that I have become a dead body. There is no soul inside me.

    Life was becoming hard. Yet true and hard to face the realities. I said aloud, cried and wailed but none could hear me. I assured not to worry Iam all fine. I am able to see all of you. It all went to deaf man’s ears.

    There laid Rita. And to the hospital they took us. And in a span of few minutes they confirmed that I was no more. And Rita was found to be heavily bleeding. She was in a critical state and doctors said its hard for her to survive. She was shot twice near her heart and one of the chamber was damaged or some technical term which made every one agree she had to have her heart surgery done immediately.

    That was a great shock indeed and in a little span of time she needed a heart transplant or else she will not be able to make it anymore. Doctor confirmed. When she was diagonised and checked she was having the same blood group and so many matching tissues as mine. So the doctors suggested to get my heart replaced in her body. Her parents were pleading to my parents.

    Manav never agreed. Vinod was speechless. He was almost dead. He was so dumb and he never shed a drop of tear. He was just silent. He was in a state of shock. He was not communicating to anyone. Every one pleaded to him to cry. They asked him not to keep it to himself. He will burst out otherwise.

    All were there in the hospital. My mom cried out aloud and so did Veena. As I saw and heard the doctors pleading Manav and Dad to do something to save Rita, Vinod never spoke a word. He was just sitting in the same place where he sat before when he had heard about my death.

    Finally it was Rita’s mother who came and pleaded Vinod to do something to save the life of the girl who was his X girl friend. Vinod moved a bit the first time. He saw her face. He got up from the seat and said out aloud, “ My Megha is no more. It’s a dead body with what you are fighting with. She is dead. Its reality. Where ever the parts of body goes or given that doesn’t matter. She will never come back”, saying this he walked out of the hospital.

    I saw him walking. I wanted to know whats happening next to Rita. Without a second word Dad signed the papers for the operation and transplant of my heart and one by one every one settled. In a few hours my dead body was handed over to my family and they didn’t argue about where to take me for finishing the final formalities. It just seemed like preplanned. Yes, no hassle at all. They never wanted to even talk about the religion or a custom to decide if my body needs to be buried or burnt. But I was taken to Vinod’s home.

    I saw Vinod there. With all his silence and with my Deesha playing in his arms. He didn’t shed a tear. He didn’t speak about anything. He didn’t cry. He didn’t even want to mingle and mix with the crowd. As the crowd came in and started saying sorry and regretting for what had happened. He gave the baby to my maid and he walked to his room. He closed the doors behind him .

    Soon there was a flowing crowd at his home. People came and went and slowly some started saying its time to remove the body and to do the final formalities. Some even asked to call Vinod to come over and do the rest of the things.

    I saw Vinod lying down on the bed and never uttered a word. He was gazing at the ceiling and didn’t break down so soon. I never knew he was so strong about so many things. I was worried if he was sensitive and what will he do after my death. I was atleast happy he didn’t try or attempt doing anything to himself.

    Soon after as the time was running by one by one everyone was asking and calling for Vinod. He was asked to come out of the room. He washed his face and he came out of the room. He came and stood next to my body for the formalities. The church father was called and they read something from the bible. Some spoke few comforting words to Vinod.

    And I was put inside a box and then the box was loaded to a vehicle and I was taken to the cementry. So I knew that I would be buried as per Vinod’s famly custom. Soon there was a huge crowd and next two hours the box was buried inside the mud.

    One by one every one left with a heavy heart. Manav and Dad also left. Vinod didn’t go. He didn’t speak a word. They all forced him to come with them. But he just nodded no and he refused to speak. There were two of his friends with him. Manav went and warned those two guys not to leave Vinod alone and they assured the same.
  3. gouthamijasti

    gouthamijasti New IL'ite

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    nice one.when r u going to post the next episode. !!
  4. sapthu02

    sapthu02 Gold IL'ite

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    Will post the rest of the story tomorrow pa..
  5. creativemumma

    creativemumma Gold IL'ite

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    Waiting and wondering why does the family hate her now?
  6. Vedhavalli

    Vedhavalli Platinum IL'ite

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    Excellent narration!
    I could see the places in your description.
    So real, nice going.
    Post soon...
  7. sapthu02

    sapthu02 Gold IL'ite

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    Episode – 10

    I know Iam gone. I am dead. Thats the soul who is talking to you. What have I done? Its a shock to my family.

    Rita's operation was a success and she will be soon out of danger anytime. And doctor has confirmed that in a week she can be discharged.

    Rita's parents visited my home. They thanked my parents and Manav. They looked out for Vinod. And he was in his house. Manav accompanied them to Vinod's house. Vinod's house was in complete silence. The only sound was my daughter's cries for me and milk.

    Aunty and Anitha were taking care of the baby. They had a few relatives too. Vinod came out of the room.

    He was not ready to meet Rita's parents and after so much pleading, he spoke. " What do you now what?? Its because of your daughter I lost my life.. if not for she I wouldnt have lost my wife and my daughter wouldnt be motherless.

    Your daughter had gone out of my life.. why did she come back now? Who wanted to see her again? Is it not enough to take my wife's life and her organs and now what do you want?" Vinod was furious. Tears rolled out of his eyes.

    He cried. Manav hugged him. Uncle hugged him. Anitha gave him some water. There was complete commotion at home. I have never seen Vinod this way. He was never down anytime. I was happy to know that his love for me was so true that he dindt even want to hear Rita's name again.

    Days passed by and months too. Every one are getting back to Normal life. Soon after my death, Vinod resigned his job in Hyderabad and came and stayed back in Chennai with his family.

    My Daughter was in my parents house for some days and few days in Vinod's house. Both our parents were equally taking care of her. My name was forgotton and i was only a photo.

    That was a day and my baby was 9 months old. Manav had arranged for a function for Deesha's hair tonsure and ear piercing. In our customs thats a big function. All our relatives were called. Vinod's family never did this kind of custom. But they didnt object anything.

    Rita and her parents had been to this function which took place in my home. That was the opportunity for Vinod and Rita to meet up. They both met first time after my death!!

    Everything looked normal. They spoke to Each other really well. Vinod enquired about her health and current check ups. It was after the affair was known in the family, Rita was asked to leave to her uncle’s home and was ensured that there was no contacts with Vinod at all. She was in Canada. She came back after her graduation and then found that he was married and settled and didn’t want to disturb him. Rita apologized for what ever had happened to him and me. She felt thankful and kept mentioning that it was because of me that she was able to live and get back to her normal life.

    May be this was an opportunity. Usually, I have heard that post a person’s death even the closely related people tend to get along with their usual routine and slowly the sadness also vanishes. May be same thing has happened with every one in my family and same with my daughter and Vinod. That’s not new for any human. They cannot be mourning over a dead and leave the others die too. I wish I was there to vitness and be a part of my daughters function.

    The function as said was arranged in a big manner. After a bad death, first good thing in the family was the function. There was too much crowd. Too much of varities of food and distribution. There was fun, laughter and happiness everywhere.

    Rita’s visit to Vinod house was becoming more. There was a reason for her to say that she came there to see my baby. Is it my baby or is it my husband she wanted to see?

    I cannot leave it that way. I don’t want another lady in the place of a mother or wife for my daughter and Vinod. I need to get into action!!

    What should I do? I am life less. I don’t have any power. I cannot show my power and be a spirit as in movies. I can possess some one only before my first year death anniversary. After that I cannot!!!

    Should I posses Rita?? Should I use her body as a medium to enter back to my life?????
    Arunarc likes this.
  8. creativemumma

    creativemumma Gold IL'ite

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    Is it true?
  9. VinuthaS

    VinuthaS Silver IL'ite

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    Nice story ... but still unclear as to why the family hates Megha ???
  10. sapthu02

    sapthu02 Gold IL'ite

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    Hello People..

    Please await for my episode as the moderator is editing this post. Once its done i can post 11th episode
    VinuthaS and creativemumma like this.

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