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The Child and The Uphill Task - Valarppom Thannambbikkai 18

Discussion in 'Sundays with Varalotti' started by varalotti, Jul 1, 2007.

  1. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    The brief that is given to me by Dinamalar for this 20-article series on Motivation is that I should pick up motivating incidents and anecdotes from the net and add parallel incidents that I know and finally draw my inference for the readers. This prelude is necessary because the incident I picked up this week has already been posted in this site.

    In the <st1:place>Andes</st1:place> there were two warring nations, one was on the mountains and the other, on the plains. One day the mountain-people invaded the country downhill and while plundering their wealth also took a child along with them. The Elders of the country in the plains deputed a task force comprising of able-bodied, highly skilled men to retreive the child.

    The high-level task force left their place loaded with all equipments and implements necessary for climbing mountains besides their usual weapons. They had climbed up half the distance but then there was no way to proceed further. They camped in that place and explored all possible ways to reach the mountain top. They failed.

    They finally decided unanimously that it was mission impossible for them and started to pack up their things for the downward journey.

    As they were about to start they saw a person coming down from the hills. The leader asked them to stop so that they could enquire the person about the way up.

    To their surprise the person who came down was the woman whose child was kidnapped. Safely strapped to her back was the kidnapped child, alive and kicking.
    “Lady, we are the best in the country. We have the best equipments. Still we could not conquer this hill. How come you did it so easily?”
    The lady replied with a derogatory smile.
    “It was not your child, after all.”

    This happened in the late seventies. My friend who was doing B.Com. with me got a job in a nationalised bank. We had just finished our second year. Due to his family circumstances he had to take up the job. Afraid that he might not be able to finish the degree later, he enrolled himself for the Correspondence Course in MK University. He wanted to write the third year examinations of B.Com. in due time. But there was a snag. He had done his first two years under the Semester System. The Correspondence Course was on a non-semester basis. So the university official told him that he could not simply write the third year exams.
    Exasperated, my friend asked, “What other alternative do I have to write the exams this year itself?”
    The official let out a wicked smile and told him half in jest,”If you can write all the 22 papers of the entire B.Com. Course in one sitting, then you can get the degree this year itself.”
    That was his way of saying no. My friend was undaunted. “I am ready to take up the challenge.”
    The Official was impressed. He issued hallticket for all the 22 exams. My friend went on a loss-of-pay-leave for a month, prepared well, wrote the exams, cleared them all and he also secured the University’s First Rank.
    Several months later when he went back to the University to collect his degree, the official congratulated him and said,
    “I could not have done that at all. How did you manage? 22 exams in one go, with a University Rank…”
    My friend replied with a smile, “It was my child, my future that was in trouble. There was no other way I could get the degree. So there was no choice for me.”

    Look at your life, at your problems, as your child, as your B.Com. exams. Then not only can you find the way out, but also the strength to walk in it.
    For others it is just an administrative question; but for you it is a question of life and death. If you have this attitude then no one can stop your success. Best of luck.
    2 people like this.

  2. Nivedi

    Nivedi New IL'ite

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    Dear Varalotti Sir,

    Strong will-power is an absolute necessity for being a motivated person. When I had completed my college education, I felt extremely hopeless not knowing what to do next. I was a diligent and hard-working student and had scored good marks too. I would stay in jobs for short periods and quit. Looking back today I realise I was simply not motivated to forge ahead. A few years later, I was faced with a "do or die" situation and surprisingly I found good opportunities and I made use of them.

    Thank you for sharing these stories on motivation.

  3. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    Sridhar sir,

    The strong will power to achieve or die trying is what should be cultivated in most of the kids.

    Nowadays i login into dinamalar, just to see your articles. It takes me a lot of time to read the article/stories, but it is worth all the effort i put into reading them.

  4. Devika Menon

    Devika Menon Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Varalotti Sir,

    Thats a very motivating post.
    The tales are overwhelming. When the mother has to rescue a child even a meek and timid woman can get the strength of an army. What fortitude!
    What we need and how desperate we are for it decides the degree of strength that emanates from within us.
    When we have enough grit and determination,Its impossible that we cannot achieve what we have set out to do. These stories reinstill faith in a lot of individuals who have probably given up hope due to failures or fear of them.
    Truly very very inspiring!

  5. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Shanthi,

    Somehow I missed your post in this thread for quite long. Now only after seeing another post in this thread did I see your post. I am sorry, Shanthi.

    Thanks for all the trouble logging into Dinamlar and reading the articles and stories.

    And thanks for the nice words,

  6. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Devika,

    The ground reality is that our strenghts are unlimited. All the limitations are only in the mind. That was the central theme of all the 20 articles published in Dinamalar in March - April 2007.

    In fact now those articles along with 37 others have come out as a book,
    Nambikkai Tharum Thannambikkai.

    In leadership seminars we always ask the students first to list out their limitations - like poor financial back ground, sick mother, sister to be married off etc. Then we ask them to list out their goals in the light of their limitations. Then we ask them to revise their goals assuming they don't have any limiting factors (like the father winning a jackpot, mother becoming well and with the jackpot money the sister is happily married). At this point the student fumbles. He is at loss. Because he has been thinking only in terms of limitations.
    A crisis like the one described above instantaneously removes all the limitations from one's mind.

    Thanks for your nice words, Devika.


  7. vkrithika1

    vkrithika1 Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Sir,

    Great booster.I don't have words to explain my feelings.BowBowBow

    When i turn back I can see all the milestones we have crossed till today.I see them as thannambikkai stones.

    Romba malaippa irrukku.Within 5 years of our married life we(me and my dh) have seen all the ugly faces of life.Now we are very very...happy.
    i think the only reason for our present success is Thannambikkai.

    Hardwork combined with Thannambikkai will always give very good results.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2008
  8. sundarusha

    sundarusha Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Varalotti sir,
    a very motivating post.
    It is especially effective when the individual is self-motivated for whom quitting is not an option, no matter who tells him/her otherwise. I can relate it in my own way. My Dh applied for higher studies after our son was born and got selected. He decided to quit his job in India to come here. He was faced with a lot of skepticism from his side. But he did not doubt himself one minute. Of course, we had our ups and downs in the course. But he went to finish his doctorate and it was a misssion accomplished.Sometimes, he jokes he has to give half his degree to me.
    On the other hand, others can also motivate an individual who is not self-motivated so far. They say you can only lead the horse to the water, not make him drink.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2008
  9. spandhana

    spandhana Bronze IL'ite

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    Dear Varalotti Sir,

    a very inspiring and motivating post.

    True,Nothing has more strength than dire necessity and also Necessity is the mother of invention.

    I dont have luck to go thru ur articles in dinamalar as i dont know tamil.

    Honestly saying,i read ur post only when i find it short bcoz i cant handle my kid all the way reading lenghty posts,i am sorry for that.

    Thanks for sharing

  10. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Krithika,
    thanks a lot for those nice words. I need to apologize to you for the delay in respoding to your fb.
    As the series in Dinmalar concluded in 2007 itself, this forum was not active since then. Hence the delay.
    I am happy that after seeing all the ugly faces of life you and your DH are now happy.
    May you be always blessed.


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