Retired life:

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Megalife, Jan 16, 2012.

  1. Megalife

    Megalife Platinum IL'ite

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    He....he aspire: seem to be in a hurry to pack me off to a retd home,,,!,,,
  2. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Mega
    Being a much retired man, I can certainly share my experience with you but first as a preamble I must tell you that the demand made on our time and attention will be no less post-retirement. A good time manager will have no problem with his time no matter if he is in service or retired. Otherwise he'll have to act like Mr.Bean. Remember that episode when he wakes up, he finds to his horror that only few minutes are left for him to reach his office. He jumps into his green mini Leyland car with all his paraphernalia and completes his routine from brushing of his teeth to his dressing up for office while driving his car with one hand. He proves that to reach office in time, one does not have to rise before the Sun. So 'waking up as and when one pleases' does not have to wait for retirement.

    Your parents had both led a frenzied career and to some extent, the retirement scenario that you have so beautifully painted may be applicable to such couples. In my case, it is somewhat different. Housewives have no retirement at all and they see to it that their hubbies also do not retire even after retirement! Take me for example. I do more work now than when I was a busy executive of State Bank. The only difference is I now do what my service staff used to do at the Bank! Fortunately my engagement with IL imparts the much needed quality to my daily routine.

    There is no specific time to enjoy life. We can enjoy it any time we like and at any stage of our life. Why keep it off till retirement?
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  3. Megalife

    Megalife Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear sir cheeniya
    Now with that all my fantasise go for a toss! True, whatever said and done at least you are not answerable to a lousy boss after retirement! That's enough reason for me to grin in glee.
    My parents are truly blessed, they seem to be as busy as ever but in a different way, hope they have many more yrs of bliss and togetherness in store.
  4. monita

    monita Platinum IL'ite

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    It's really great that your father has a deep and genuine interest in gardening. It's really important that one should have something to occupy them when they are retired. Unfortunately many people don't. Many people really have no idea about what they want to do when they stop going to work. Many of them become senile, irritable and a pain to others too.
    The only thing my father found interesting when he retired was stock market. After losing lakhs of rupees in bad investment during some years of retirement, he has gone back to work at the age of 68.( and my mother has breathed a huge sigh of relief)
  5. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi Mega,

    Retirement is from the job...not from life. It is enjoyable and is different to different people. One may enjoy something and other something.The hobby to which one has no time when in service......they can do it now. Not answerable to any one. No accountability.Couples also need not do the same things. They have each others' company and there should be space also to do whatever they like. One should keep learning keep the grey cells active and life would not be would be pleasure to do whatever.
  6. Megalife

    Megalife Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi Monita
    The joke is my dad had no clue of agriculture/gardening, but then he took tips from his brother who is a big time Agriculturist, browsed the net etc. He is a fast learner and now he can give us a tip or two. I suppose he spents more than what he actually gains from the yield, but as long as it keeps him happy we are all glad.
    And my mom is the "pati Parmeshwer type":thumbsup, if dad likes Agri she has to, tomorrow if he
    settles on fishing she would cheerfully join him :clap!
  7. Megalife

    Megalife Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi Shyamala
    Thanks for the fb. Retirement will be something to look forward to if you are in good health, made your finances secure....enough and more time to spent with your partner, doing things for which you didn't have the time before. When my parents were working, I hardly remember them attending weddings, functions etc....atleast not at leisure. Now come Bglore, Mumbai or Chennai...they make sure they attend functions and spent some time in the city as well!
  8. monita

    monita Platinum IL'ite

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    It's never too late to learn. Learning new things also keeps you young.:)
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  9. kylie

    kylie Gold IL'ite

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    Going by the responses to Megalife's post, it looks as if we r not too excited about this phase n have our own valid reasons.

    It goes without saying that we need to plan in advance n health shud permit us. Like Mega's parents, both me n my husband love to talk on just about everything. We r the ultimate chatterboxes but only with each other. Otherwise, we r not the "social beasts" variety. Hardly like to go to parties or get togethers except the "must attend functions". Unlike Mega's family, dont know if by retirement, we wud be owning a piece of land away fm the hustle n bustle of the city ! But besides that, there is much that I have in mind.

    1. My apartment currently overlooks hills, fields, coconut groves and offers a fantastic view of the sunset. But neither me nor hubby have the time to relax n enjoy nature's beauty. So, when he retires, first wud obviously be having our coffee in peace. Currently, my husband just gulps down his n rushes to drop the kids to school. While I gulp down mine to prepare lunch boxes for school.

    2. I love to read while my husband loves to try his hand on carpentry. He loves to fix things or make new ones. I guess after retirement, whenever I curl up with my book, he wud be busy with his kit.

    3. Travel will definitely be on the plate.

    4. If time permits [in case we r not looking after our grand kids], we wud love to do voluntary service in a school or orphanage.

    5. Last but not the least - afternoon siesta. I wud love to snooze in bed for just just a little while in the afternoon.

    My motto - You live only once - so try to make the best of it n enjoy every moment of it !!

  10. Megalife

    Megalife Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi Kylie
    Thanks for this lovely, lovely pls. bear my potpourri of thoughts............
    Same is the case here, my Dh and me crackle up on the trivial of stuff, but then what might seem a big-time joke for the rest of the world might just be missed by us...and in the bargain this gives us yet another reason to chuckle......the self realisation that we are two dimwits!
    We love to chat, gossip and go for long drives, but under the given circumstances its just not possible. He has a glob trotting job; even when he in the country meetings, work pressure is tremendous. To add to the madeness, I'm working too! Week ends we have to attend to something or the other, kids concerts, match, fun fair, church...theres always something! We are also not too much into partying and stuff but occasionally have to fulfill a few obligations! Even having a cup of coffee together in peace is a luxury. So, in all honesty I feel retirement holds good prospects for spending some quality time together, God willing!
    My Dad had initially purchased a place in a good suburban area in the city, soon he got bored and put it up for rent. He moved to his ancestral home and the vast land welcomes him to try his stunts in Agri.

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