Respect Obama's vision..hope it could be for a better World..not just a Nation !

Discussion in 'News & Politics' started by Happy2be, Feb 2, 2012.

  1. Happy2be

    Happy2be Gold IL'ite

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    What is Outsourcing ? Outsourcing, as we all surely know, is getting some work done by some external could be in product industry or in service industry. As grew the economies all over the grew the grew the trend of outsourcing and with it came up new technical words related to it that got added into the dictionaries. There have been variouse reasons for the need of outsourcing or offshoring, some like-
    Cost Savings
    Concentrating on core business and getting the rest done by outsourcing
    For better knowledge results
    For legalised contracts and quality improvement
    Time Saving
    Client retention
    Risk management
    Tax benefitHaving own personal time
    Transfer of liabilities
    As additional source of income
    AND many more...

    As each coin has 2 sides, so does this. No doubt, it has been of great help for the brains in developing countries...who were willing to work, had talent but not access to work and yes, in return, it also has helped the countries, firms, companies or individuals who have been some, all or many other reasons additional to the above mentioned. We talk of Brain Drain...ANd that reminds me of respected US President Barack Obamas opposition to outsourcing just a few days back. I sat in front of my idiot box for all those hours listening carefuuly to all that and myself felt like an idiot !! With wild and weird thoughts wandering in my mind parallely with emerging plans for a safer future. It made me surf the net more and learn how did all this begin...."Need gives birth to all Soltions." and OUTSOURCING was one Solution then! I respect The President's concern and sense of responsibility towards his nation and the Americans and just thought....When all businesses in the entire world...from food cosmetics..from books to technologies....from inventions to quality checks...all are successful only as a WORLD TEAM WORK...all good brains working together...when everthing is inter-related amongst all countries...then why not similar rules in all countries. Once we have similar rules, be it for taxation, business, offshoring etc .... all would play within the same set of rules and hopefully this might bring better justice to the working community and the paying community. Why shouldn't all try to create new jobs together and build up oppurtunities for an overall peaceful development. I heard Mr.Obama said - Lets use the money thats not being spent on creating new jobs and help raise the lower income group and towards an overall economy development...I am not quoting his words as this is what I understood in my own words but yes I totally agree to this and would love to say that I am happy to be born on this planet, rather than saying I am happy to be a particular Nationale...bcos be it any Nation....Survival needs and fights for them remain the same, everywere.

  2. PriyaKat

    PriyaKat Silver IL'ite

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    American presidents have always routinely promised to " create a better world "or to "save the world" from evil forces. They have assumed the role of Universal Superman . But all that is just good oration aimed at gathering brownie points on TV. In reality, America has always been and will always be interested only in itself and its own agendas for world domination. They are the neighbourhood bullies who can never see beyond their own noses.
  3. Happy2be

    Happy2be Gold IL'ite

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    Priya:) I wouldn't really comment on that bcos I have never got into depths..but I agree to your words quite to an extent and thats what I wonder that why don't ALL around the world..say this and implement this to making a better tomorrow..a better world for ourselves and our generations to come...There are good and bad everywhere..politics and helps everywhere...cunnngs and modest everywhere...How nice it would be if all guds come together and ruin all bads rather than all getting bad and ruining the world...that world which we are forwarding to our own kids :-(
  4. Happy2be

    Happy2be Gold IL'ite

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    But hey...thanks for posting Priya..You are the only one who gave a thought to the world outside our own li'll world :)

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