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Permanent migraine, dizziness, blurriess cannot work please help

Discussion in 'Health Issues' started by Women2013, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. Women2013

    Women2013 New IL'ite

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    I have been suffering with various health issues from the past 4 years. I went to many doctors but nothing helped. I was a Software Engineer but due to this problem I am not working from the past 4 years.

    Some doctors said Vertigo, some said Migraine. My health issues doesn't come and go away, it is there all the time. I always have blurriness, even if I stand for 5 mins I start feeling dizzy, I have hard time understanding, poor concentration, feel blurry while reading and looking at the computer. If I talk on the phone I start getting severe headache, nausea. I became weak. Cannot look at the lights, cannot look at moving things. If I read something in the computer or look at it for sometime, I start getting headache.

    As a DV victim and as a single Mom I have to work. I am now fedup and find no way to get my health. My financial situation is very poor. If you know any best neurologist in MA or any suggestions.

    I tried yoga and different meditation for 3 yrs. Whenever I sit thoughts come and I feel more stressed. Can you also please suggest good meditation cd's or videos. Thanks. Please help.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2013

  2. mimur9

    mimur9 IL Hall of Fame

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    Whatever you have mentioned here, i face them though not so severe like you.

    Some change in eating habits and lifestyle will to some extent prevent them.

    Do not look / stare / concentrate at one thing for long time. Take 10 minutes break after every 20 minutes. Keep an alarm in your mobile so that you will be reminded at right time.

    Avoid looking into moving objects much for say few months (2-3). Now since you have left your job, just relax and give sufficient rest to your eyes.

    If you feel a pressure at the back side of your neck it coudl also be due to some stomach related problems. Have sathvic food. Avoid non-veg. Avoid spicy, oily, sour food. Do not eat out for atleast two months. If you eat biscuit / bread frequently, stop it first. Cleanse your stomach which will get you rid of this problem because many a times stomach problems may not be felt so easily, even acidity.

    I love to read books, crochet but i had to stop them all for one long year. Later slowly i started them and now i am comfortable. But I do take frequent breaks in between by taking excuse as it is good for your whole body rather than sitting in same place.

    I give eye exercise during that break. I splash clean cold water to hydrate eyes. Place some cucumber roundels and just relax during that break, Stroke your eyebrows and eye lashes gently. this will help relax them.... (plan your break to pamper yourself :) )

    Keep yourself away from computer for some months. Later, slowly you can work in it but never forget to take break after every 20 or 30 minutes. In the start, take break after every 10 minutes, then after 15 min, then 20 minutes (whish is ideal always).

    Have body cooling food & drink in case your body heat is more.

    With control over your activities, food, lifestyle, surely you can come over this. There was a time that i too had to quit my job like you, and the doctors gave me same multi opinions about this problem. But though the points mentioned above, i could get rid.

    You can do akash mudra for 5 minutes twice daily or 10 minutes a day. It too put its bit in improving my situtation.

    Above all this, make sure that you keep your body hydrated and more importantly your eyes.

    Multiple factors cause such problems. So anlayse it in all angle and do your bit to improve. Now I am feeling much much better.

    Wish you speedy recovery.
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  3. RadiantFlower

    RadiantFlower Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear OP,

    Sorry for what you're going through, and it must be especially tough having to do everything on your own.

    Can you tell me, did any of the doctors ever advise you to have a CT scan done - if you haven't, please it's important that you get it done as soon as you can.

    For now, you could try doing some simple breathing exercises (while lying down or just sitting on a chair with your eyes closed) - this should really help somewhat dealing with all that accumulated stress.

    Yoga Breathing to Fall Asleep Fast | Shape Magazine

    Also I have no idea whether you've already done this, but try listening to soothing nature sounds/music. You can download them for free from YouTube and other sites on the net. They are great at helping you relax by relieving brain stress, and also for falling asleep if you have sleep issues - you can choose your favourite sound, there are plenty from birds chirping in the early morn to the steady sound of a rain shower, bubbling brook or ocean waves...

    Rain Sounds:Sound of Rain Mp3 Nature Sounds,Rain Sound White Noise for Relaxation Meditation - YouTube

    It's just a matter of the correct diagnosis, and then you can receive the correct treatment.
    I hope you get well soon. Wishing you the very best for the future.
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  4. anugamit

    anugamit Platinum IL'ite

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    It seems OP has not returned since she got no replies to her queries.

    OP, I second with what Mimur has suggested. Also get CT scan/MRI done for headaches/migraines. By any chance you happen to see this thread.

    I am not sure but your symptoms are likely related to "Migraine-associated Vertigo."

    See this Migraine Associated Vertigo (MAV) | Vestibular Disorders Association
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  5. Yashikushi

    Yashikushi Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Buddy

    Some of these symptoms can also be mistaken as a diagnosis to spondylitis

    The typical vertigo type accompanies sweating,nausea,vomiting,blurred vision,a sensation that everything around you is moving or spinning,Loss of balance,Light-head-ness,Problems walking properly,Problems standing still properly,Earache etc.

    All your symptoms shows you are in absolute vertigo.
    Migraine and vertigo are interlocked.
    Acute migraine can lead to vertigo and vertigo patience tend to show a higher lifetime prevalence of migraine.

    My elder sis had all these symptoms like you.Despite my advise she prolonged to see the physician.
    One day she is about to collapse on the road side,at once rushed to Doc and finally diagnosed as acute vertigo.

    She took physiotherapy for about a month along with medicines.Now she is ok with.

    So you must get analysed immediately,prolonged the time will worsen your condition.

    As Mimur and R.flower said,You can do some simple breathing yoga exerts with food habits.

    Don't start any self exercise that will make your neck a move until you are completely under diagnose,it will aggravate your condition.

    If its vertigo,
    Doc will prescribe physiotherapy along with controlling pills.

    As and when you have severe dizziness,immediately lie down flat on the bed,your head facing upward.Rest your shoulder over the pillow,ie your head should be in hanging over position.
    Turn your head slightly to the right or left.This will reduce dizziness a bit.

    In normal condition,Sleep with your head raised above the body/floor level.Propping with extra pillows.

    Don't shake your head frequently

    Don't bend down to pick anything from the floor,Instead make a half squat.

    Don't stretch your neck along with shoulder.Just extend your hands to get something.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery.

    Can you Please update your current health status after your meeting with Doc.

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  6. Women2013

    Women2013 New IL'ite

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    Thank you so much for the wonderful responses and very detailed responses. Along with these I hurt my back also so badly while lifting an old woman. That pain is bothering me a lot than others. I am doing ramdev yoga and exercises for back pain I am not sure if they increase my migraine issues or reduce.

    They did MRI for migraine and said everything is OK. I am tired of medicines someone gave me medicine for depression and migraine now nothing is helping me.

    Good thing is I am able to sleep well now. My dominating problems are now back pain and not able to read anything it makes my vision blurry. Headache is better.

    I am taking online testing classes, just listening to the videos and not reading , I am struggling for something which is my dream. I am not sure if I even can achieve it. I may get work permit in 4 to 5 mths, I want to do testing job as I heard that is not that stressful but I don't know how can I do it with all these problems.

    reg Meditation, whenever I sit and close my eyes eventhough I put guided meditation from youtube, my thoughts make me more stressful.

  7. premabarani

    premabarani Gold IL'ite

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    Hi Women
    First come out of your self-pity. You are the Best & you can do the best & you will achieve your goal soon- Firmly believe in this, Never doubt it.
    Then practice as Mimur, Radiant Flower, yashikushi suggested, they are very very useful tips on all aspects.
    Then you can try Alpha mind power meditationtaught by Dr.Vijayalakshmi Panthaiyan all over India, it is very nice 7 Teaches positive attitude. It is taught in postal kit too.
    All the best.
    Prema barani
  8. Women2013

    Women2013 New IL'ite

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    Thanks for the reply. What are these Mimur, Radiant Flower, yashikushi ,Alpha mind power meditation?Thanks
  9. mimur9

    mimur9 IL Hall of Fame

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    YOu can do a simple meditation. For blurriness in vision, check whether your eyes are dry. If so, you get lubricating eye drops to hydrate your eyes.

    For depression, you need to divert your mind by watching nature (birds, trees, plants, life of small living beings around you - as they bring so much happiness), engaging in hobbies, listening to or humming good songs, watching good programmes (comedy preferably) in tv insead of more depressing serials.

    YOu can light a lamp (or a candle) in a dark room, light incense stick of your wish and concentrate on the flame. It is considered to be good for depression treatment. Never stay alone. Mingle with people. If you don't have mood to talk to anyone, then atleast make yourself be present in a public place like park, sitting areas in roads or in public places. This will divert your attention as you may start observing people and forget things that are eating up your mind.

    Try to be cool, relaxed. Deep breaths will hep you relax.

    MEditation : sit in a silent area / room, put a mat on floor, sit on it. Close your eyes, breathe deeply. while inhaling and exhaling try to feel the flow of air through your nostrils. First you will find your mind wandering away but later on slowly you can gain control of it. To learn more about the ways of meditation, you may enroll yourself in a yoga class under the supervision of a trained yoga practioner.

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