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Pcos For 7 Years And Need Help With Endometrium Thickness

Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by lalaiwani84, Dec 7, 2016.

  1. lalaiwani84

    lalaiwani84 New IL'ite

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    Hi I am 33 yrs old staying in uk now 7 years back i was told i have pcos and was put on metformin for 6 months and told me to reduce weight i reduced my weight and concieved normally witha a child, But the periods were irregular now also but period starts with spotting and small clots are there during mensturation . Now its 1.5 months once i get periods. After having child i was put on bcp for 1 year i used to get lot of headache so i stopped taking them. The GP here now refered me to scanning when it was the time for scanning i had not got my periods almost near 2 months . The scanning report says:
    The uterus is anteverted and of normal size the endometrium measures 16mm and has a cystic dense echotexture with increased vascularity suggestive it could be polypoidal a differential could be hyperplasia.
    I took a pvt appointment and got the scanning done after i got my period now its saying endometrium is 7mm in thickness. The pvt gynaecologist is pushing me to get hysteroscopy done , I am confused what to do as my endometrium is showing 7mm now maybe because i didnt get periods that's why it was showing 16mm pls help me what to do.....

  2. devilsankita

    devilsankita New IL'ite

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    PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) is a disease characterized by multiple (‘poly’) cysts (small sacs filled with fluid) in the ovaries. Patients with PCOS have abnormal levels of hormones that result in irregular menses, infertility and certain masculine changes in the body.

    A healthy lifestyle and regular exercise are the fundamentals of the treatment. There are many treatments available for PCOS but my experience says Homeopathy treatment is the best way of getting PCOS cured. My friend was suffering from the same after taking PCOS treatment for 7 months she was cured of it. Homeopathy treatment is a slow process but it cures disease from its roots.
    Hope this helps.
  3. faithgrime

    faithgrime Senior IL'ite

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    I also had pcos for 3 years, doctor also gave me metformin and got cured. but then i had adenomyosis and eventually had hysterectomy 3 years ago.

    it's okay to to have hysteroscopy done, did the gyne told you if you have polyps or fibroids? Your doctor will take a small sample of tissue for biopsy

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