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Non-communicative Communications

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by satchitananda, Mar 8, 2019.

  1. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    Just watched a fascinating video about an ape understanding talk on a telephone, communicating what he wanted and recalling when the caller visited him.

    Amazing! Yet sad. Why, you ask. We live in an era of media and communications. Every few years there are new means and every other year, there are upgraded versions of the existing ones. YET, when I think of the fact that we humans have stopped talking to people around us ..... we are more than willing and able to communicate with people whom we've never set eyes on. But try talking to members within the family. They never have the time.

    Communications have become just that ..... communications ..... of jobs to be done, checking out whether x, y or z was contacted and 'useful', 'practical' information was traded, if so, what was the message and so on. Basically we have turned into robots concerned only with the day to day aspects of living. Thoughts, ideas, feelings, interests ..... who has the time or inclination to share these? And yet, we are trying to find ways to communicate with other species. Ironical, but good, if we can communicate effectively with at least some of the other members of our shared planet. Communications between Martians and Venusians? Broke down loooooooooong ago. No hope. Just manage.

    I wish I could live in the oceans. I'd be much happier trying to communicate with dolphins. Maybe I'd get somewhere.

  2. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    How is your spanish? Don't dolphins talk in Spanish ?

    Personally, I like species where girls can be bigger, and boys are subservient.
    I am willing to learn their language, and shift over.
    I only hope that their language does not involve conjugating verbs.

  3. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    :grinning: I don't know what language they talk, Amulet. Am sure no conjugation of verbs is involved. Actually I could teach them German and they could teach me some Spanish. That would be a beneficial exchange indeed.
    Sinant likes this.
  4. GeetaKashyap

    GeetaKashyap IL Hall of Fame

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    This is the sad reality; within the families, members don't care to ask how each others day was but surely they keep a tab on some unknown celebrity or a viral news of least significance.

    Improved communication technology and online communication has reduced offline human communication skills.

    Kanzi's communication and expressions were very nice.:)

    All are busy..... | Indusladies
    Thyagarajan and satchitananda like this.
  5. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    The old family atmosphere where everyone sat down to lunch or dinner together and chatted about various topics is such a rare commodity today. Sad.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  6. Afresh

    Afresh Gold IL'ite

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    So beautiful Mam ;
    Ironically you know what I think , everyone or almost all lament the loss of that kind of communication amongst us. There is also obviously something that prevents us from taking the first step towards renewing these connections . More often than not it’s intolerance and fragile egos other than the lack of time that Becomes the road block!
    Interestingly , in ‘ sapiens’ by yuval noah harari ( confess haven’t read it in entirety) , he says that gossip is the one bonding factor for us humans whose differentiation from other species are these languages ;
    It also says that we can be heeded in groups based only on individual leadership without any other abstract beliefs upto a count of 100-150 people only !
    What I mean to say is that the binding factor of communication is also the loss which we lament all the time about .
    satchitananda likes this.
  7. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    What is this Satchi? Communication yet no communication and all that? All you have to do is pick up that phone and call and I am always there! Just kidding, yet you know I am always there! I am glad that there are still people like us who still use telephone for talking, places for meeting and book marks for reading ;-) ...you know that special someone who gave me one recently!

    We are supposed to be learning a lot from nature (the animal world surrounding us) and we are trying to teach them our ways! While I can appreciate the intelligence of these apes, the advancements etc, I wonder too! But you know me, i would rather do, so get ready missy - for a phone call from me, real soon!
  8. jskls

    jskls IL Hall of Fame

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    Sad but true. My initial days abroad I had spent so much money in calling people half way across the world but now I hardly use the free minutes that comes with the basic plan. Not that I don’t call, other end never picks up. Anyway these days I gave up.
    Thyagarajan and satchitananda like this.
  9. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Satchi,

    Umm...... ! I am longing for the days when we all used to sit together and have dinner in one table. So many family matters are discussed and everyone gets updated on everything whether it is needed or not. Every letter received in the mail were discussed at length including what should be the response to such letters. College admissions letters used to be celebrated and so are wedding invitations, birth of a child, bridal showers, baby showers, etc. We even used to listen to programs in Radio together asking everyone to keep quiet. We had a dad's room in the corner of the house and when my brother or myself called into the room meant we are going to receive some important communication from him.

    Things have changed a lot. Now everyone has his/her own time to eat and communicate when they remember an important subject to talk about. Nowadays, either I take my son to a game or restaurant to get undivided attention from him. He is always texting or checking his messages. His phone conversations are less than 30 seconds. Earlier, we used to not receive phone calls when we are engaged in face to face conversation and nowadays, we say, "Excuse me" and give preference to phone call. ICT has helped the world to connect well but at the same time distanced the kith and kin as we long to connect with strangers we never met. After cutting down my ties with Facebook last year, you won't believe how much time I saved in my life. Even in IL, I don't spend much time nowadays. We need our life back and we need to become like @Srama enjoying every moment be it Yoga classes, nature, Tobi, children, books, plants, trees, rabbits, birds, seasons, running, etc. We need to begin noticing things around us and begin living. I need to quote a dialogue in James Bond movie, "There is no point in living, if we don't feel alive".
  10. sokanasanah

    sokanasanah IL Hall of Fame

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    Great snippet, Satch!
    I've a lot to say about this - I'll get back to you on Monday!
    startinganew and satchitananda like this.

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