Never Mind.....

Discussion in 'Community Chit-Chat' started by Amulet, Sep 22, 2018.

  1. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    You were a precocious child to write that level of life-hacks into your diary !!

    Your life hack 12 points reminded me of Desiderata [those things desired as essential.], and the latter day spoof on that by National Lampoon, called Deteriorata.

    here are a couple of snippets (not the full version) from Desiderata and Deteriorata...

    Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
    and remember what peace there may be in silence.
    As far as possible without surrender,
    Be on good terms with all persons.
    Speak your truth quietly and clearly, and listen to others -
    Even the dull and ignorant, they too have their story.
    Avoid loud and aggressive persons - they are vexations to the spirit.
    If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter,
    For always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
    Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
    Keep interested in your own career -
    However humble, it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
    Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery.
    But let this not blind you to what virtue there is. [ more at link]

    Go placidly amid the noise and waste,
    And remember what comfort there may be in owning a piece thereof.
    Avoid quiet and passive persons, unless you are in need of sleep.
    Rotate your tires.
    Speak glowingly of those greater than yourself,
    And heed well their advice, even though they be turkeys.
    Know what to kiss, and when.
    Consider that two wrongs never make a right, but that three do.
    Wherever possible, put people on hold.
    Be comforted that in the face of all aridity and disillusionment,
    and despite the changing fortunes of time,
    There is always a big future in computer maintenance.
    [ more at link]
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  2. Ouroboros

    Ouroboros Silver IL'ite

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    Just because 99% of the conscientious souls in the world are indulging in exigent inquiry on "meaning" and "purpose" of life, the remaining 1% should not let the irreverent inquiry on bathrooms to slide away into oblivion. Therefore, I took it upon me in the capacity of a cack-handed exegete to round up the "meaning" and "purpose" of bathroom-share in relationships.

    There, there, a forward-looking man would have preempted a guest-bathroom redirection upsetting the bug-eyed girl eager to check out the cabinets in the master bathroom originated from the modest IKEA or the deluxe Harrods. A woman should be leery of the objet d'art strewn in his bathroom than bedroom: the thread count of his towels, the fabric of the shower curtain, and the smell of the handwash. These knick-knacks cue on his fine taste. Later, the woman would not want to erupt into an unforeseen tantrum at her man for forgetting the anniversary of their first kiss only to scuttle into a dingy bathroom to sob her agony and anguish at his lapse amidst an inimical towel that does not soak up her tears or a feeble curtain rod that does hold her wrath. It is important for a woman to examine the robustness of the man's arrangements to enable her for a liberating wail in a bathroom. Different matter, why women prefer to impound themselves in constricted bathrooms to sob and not the vasty bedrooms, given both have latches and locks for baleful immersions.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2018
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  3. Ouroboros

    Ouroboros Silver IL'ite

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    In a way, I have been a happy and precocious child amused with the anxiety and confusion of the adult world since the beginning. The left frontal lobe of the brain like that of Penrod and the temporal lobe like that of Eloise. Whilst my mom would often introduce me to others careworn: Poor creature, so delicate, still and innocent. I would often smirk inward: Poor adults, so gullible, misshapen and confounded. The five-year-old had a heightened sense of vanity and self-assurance that eludes even a fifty-year-old.

    Last edited: Oct 14, 2018
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  4. Ouroboros

    Ouroboros Silver IL'ite

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    Oi! I absorbingly vouched to send you a book report of Penrod. In the thick of the humor, decided to forgo 'book report' over 'character report'. I get very obsessed with characters than plots which could be Penrod subverting the Child Round Table play or Mr Carrot aspiring to join the Night Watch in Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett (which I just finished). I will spare you the excitement from Mr Carrot and limit to only Penrod.

    Thank you much for introducing me to Penrod! I immensely enjoined the portrayal of that skulking kid. I particularly empathized with the metaphor of 'harassment by adults' on 'vacuum called Penrod".

    "One of the hardest conditions of boyhood is the almost continuous strain put upon the powers of invention by the constant and harassing necessity for explanations of every natural act."

    "From the street a sound stole in through the open window, and abhorring Nature began to fill the vacuum called Penrod Schofield; for the sound was the spring song of a mouth-organ, coming down the sidewalk"

    The language was quaint with words like "nowise" and "octoroon" and "darkling" and "forenoon" and with playful turn of phrases like "old shoes scuffing syncopations on the side walk".

    Penrod was amusing till chapter#6 during and the aftermath of the repulsive pageantry but in chapter#7 that liking evolved as reverence to the kid in me with his dismissive and self-centred yawn.

    Rudolph Krauss, across the aisle from Penrod, watched the operation with protuberant eyes, fascinated. Inspired to imitation, he took a piece of chalk from his pocket and wrote "RATS" across the shoulder-blades of the boy in front of him, then looked across appealingly to Penrod for tokens of congratulation. Penrod yawned. It may not be denied that at times he appeared to be a very self-centred boy.
    Penrod should be enforced for study in formative years to cultivate a sense of self-worth and imaginative humor in every kid. I am glad Penrod still happened to me, beyond my adolescence, rather than have missed this underrated handiwork of Booth Tarkington.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2018
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  5. Ouroboros

    Ouroboros Silver IL'ite

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    the streak is over
    In an episode Will refers to Grace as "The Susan Lucci of the design world". I looked up the clip of Susan Lucci winning Emmy on her 19th consecutive nomination.

    Her name eventually became part of the language, used as an avatar for artists who receive numerous award nominations without a win (e.g., "Peter O'Toole was the Susan Lucci of the Oscars."). After 18 failed nominations, she finally won in 1999. When presenter Shemar Moore announced Lucci's name, stating "the streak is over," the audience erupted in a standing ovation, lasting several minutes. As Lucci took to the stage, cameras caught All My Children co-stars Kelly Ripa and Marcy Walker weeping openly, along with long-time supporter, actress and television host Rosie O'Donnell. Actor Ingo Rademacher was seen bowing in the aisles and talk show host Oprah Winfrey rushing the stage cheering from the wings. -- Wikipedia

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  6. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    Veni, Vidi, Vamoosi I noticed the number of visits to this locale, and visitors reacting like Roman Legionaries who had inadvertently come upon the Gauls, Asterix & Obelix....(Amulet & Ouroboros :tonguewink:).
    Rihana likes this.
  7. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    I skim through the new thread starts on the forum. And practice that VV-Vamoose strategem. However, while drinking the early afternoon coffee, I muse.

    Posts with persons seeking solutions to interpersonal problems within the family, with spouse, with in-laws, with homestay guests etc... all seem to have some things in common. Lack of information for the OP, as well as further lack of information for the Forum-reader-counselor. Unknowns of the first order, and of the 2nd order.

    In a generic manner, a risk-management map could represent such cases, and forum members, being mostly Amateur counselors, albeit experienced Aunties, must take this to heart when offering counsel (via posts) :

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  8. Ouroboros

    Ouroboros Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Forum Members,

    I am not a troll. I am a respected member in the honorable community who has recently been accredited with Virgil's Latin to my tongue-twisting moniker.

    This morning I woke up to a shock, a devastating act of betrayal and stabbing pain induced by a friend. She called me Obelix! Why would she do that? I am trying to demystify so please assist me in analyzing this wretched and deplorable instance of woeful cruelty on me. Agreed that my right foot's third toe's second phalange is slightly well-built, but that's it. Could she have slighted me with Obelix over that? She could have inquired and mused and pondered and cogitated along the lines of "Arbuckle and Odie" or "Anna and Olaf" or "Alice and Olive Oyl", where the 'O' sidekick is reed-thin and scattered-brain but, no, she called me "Obelix", the one who fell into a cauldron of herbs and roots and mugwort and whatnot when he was a baby. You might say, but she only intended it as a metaphor, or a fanciful cognate, or a near correspondence, to alliterate the names. Please stay away from the post with such sensible and keen-edged answers. I only want members who can think sinister and fetid with unknowns of the first order, and of the 2nd order in imaginative theories gratifying to me about why she wilfully chose "Obelix" to taunt me over that right foot's third toe's second phalange, which, by the way, on eighth look appears not so distorted and stubby.

    Should I sever all my talk with her? Should I avoid her? Should I forgive her for her insolence? I am confused. How do I handle it?

    I am tagging daffy duck, betty boop, yogi bear and atomic ant for their expertise consul on this matter, as they earned previous experience of handling such embittered cases.

    I have been wailing (blowing her nose) since morning, since I read that abominable post. I am still reeling in shock. I have calmed myself with two burgers, three pies and one large bottle of coke . Please help me. This is driving me crazy and wish to clear my mind for an indulgent lunch later in the day.

    Your Rattled,
    O for Ouroboros
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2018
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  9. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    :rage: I am in a hurry now... Much later, I will come back and deal with this, after you had cleared your mind with that indulgent lunch. One question: didn't anyone ask if you had wanted "fries with that" two burgers, three pies and large coke ?

    For now I have this suggestion for an indulgent lunch: best-places-wild-boar
    During lunch, ponder: Who's been carrying the heavier weight around here on this thread ?

  10. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    Even Gustav Flaubert on a good day, couldn't have pulled out a mot juste like "phalange". Well done !

    Your complete description of the address of the phalange conveyed the meaning of exactly what it is that would seem stubbier on the 8th look. I did not have to look up a dictionary to find out. However, when I did look up, I was told that the word also meant a close defensive formation of soldiers:

    On reflection I can see how my bringing up of Obelix could hurt a reed thin person with a phalange problem. I never knew about the thin aspect of your person, or the right foot, 3rd toe, 2nd phalange.

    Obviously I had deeply hurt the feelings of all the rest of you, except perhaps, the 2nd P, 3rd Toe, Right foot.
    I sincerely apologize for this mistake. I am sending you a peace offering. At first I thought of roses; but then I settled on an offering that is for ever like a diamond, and will never wilt like flowers.
    This has many uses. However, you'd likely appreciate how you could achieve symmetry by carefully dropping this on the 2nd phalange, 3rd Toe, Left foot.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2018

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