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Need Diet Plan / Food Plan For Weight Loss With Hypothyroid

Discussion in 'Keep Fit & Maintain Shape' started by Needtobestrong, Mar 5, 2019.

  1. Needtobestrong

    Needtobestrong Platinum IL'ite

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    I'm vegetarian, on treatment for hypothyroidism from past few years...endocrinologist informed me, during recent consultation that I need to continue thyroid meds throughout lifetime..
    I'm facing great difficulty with weight loss...esp. Post delivery Weight gain...I'm facing more difficulty in losing weight compared to some years earlier..
    Can anyone give me any particular diet plan / food chart which they followed for weight loss?
    ( preferably if its been given by dietician or nutritionist it's good..)..
    I'm vegetarian, I eat both North Indian and South Indian cuisine..with small toddler it's very tough for me to follow particular schedule..
    I'm feeling very tired and low on energy...I feel I would be in better shape if I lost some weight..
    Can anyone share diet plan with different food options for each meal for weight loss with hypothyroidism?
    ( doc has told me to lose 6-7 kg for time being)..
    I have drastically reduced intake of cabbage, cauliflower etc..ever since I got the thyroid reports..
    I never take soya..I cut out sugar..,I take minimum caffeine..dinner before 8 pm..no white rice etc..
    I take small quantity food once in 2-3 hours..I drink plenty of water..
    30-60 mins of exercise per day..
    Still no weight loss..
    Is it ok to consume millets in small quantity thrice a week?or shall I avoid millets?
    I know it's a repeated query, but if you have any IL or external link with diet plan pls share, I'll go through it..

  2. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    @Needtobestrong - How long have you been trying this? If it has been a short while, give it a little more time. It might be beneficial to track your calories to see how much you are eating in terms of calories. Sometimes, quantities can fool you. It’s best to weigh and measure what you eat so you know exactly the amount of calories you are consuming.
    It’s going to probably be slow going because of your thyroid condition but it isn’t impossible.

    Start by using a calorie tracker like MyFitnessPal to track everything you are eating. Once you know how much you are eating daily, you can find ways to cut out some of the calories and see if it helps you.

    The only way to lose weight is by following calories in < calories out rule. Meaning make sure you expend more than you eat.

    I’m not sure with thyroid issues if you cannot consume carbs but millet/rice etc in moderation is fine according to me.
    What you need is to eat a well balanced diet. For me, carbs, proteins, fats at the 40%, 30%, 30% levels of total calories has worked really well.

    Make sure you are measuring the quantities of ingredients especially calorie dense ingredients like oil. Oil was my killer. I used to think I was using a teaspoon until I started using proper measurement spoons to measure out my oil. I also recommend a food scale to weigh ingredients and portion sizes.
    Myfitnesspal has a good database of all foods but you can also add you recipes there and see how many calories you are consuming per day. MFP app has a calculator that calculates total caloric need for people based on gender/height/weight etc to lose weight. They also add exercise calories back so you can eat more on days you workout.
    If that doesn’t work well, please look into their forums for ways to calculate TDEE and eat that much daily. I don’t do that just because my activity levels vary daily. You can customize MFP and after a few months on it you will figure it out better.

    Weight loss is 80% diet so I’d look into that area first before looking into adding or changing workouts.

    Good luck!
  3. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    You might be aware of this already but make sure you separate your thyroid medication from anything containing calcium or iron by at least 4 hours.
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  4. Afresh

    Afresh Gold IL'ite

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    Hey @Needtobestrong , I just doled out a bit of advice on your other thread, wherein i didn't know whether you were vegetarian or not, so excuse it there.
    I think if you want such specific information you definitely should get this book by Rujuta Diwekar
    The PCOD - Thyroid Book eBook: Rujuta Diwekar: Amazon.in: Kindle Store

    I haven't read anything for specific conditions but my gut feeling is that a natural diet correction goes a long way in clearing up all such lifestyle issues
    Needtobestrong likes this.
  5. Needtobestrong

    Needtobestrong Platinum IL'ite

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    Thanks to all who replied..
    Below is the diet plan which my dietician had given me.
    Morning wake up 06:00am
    07:00:00 AM.
    1 small yelaiki banana + 5 soaked almonds

    09:00 am (breakfast)
    2 small idli / 1 medium size dosa + 1-2 tsp chutney / 1 cup poha or upma or daliya or semiya+ 1 cup sprout salad

    11:00:00 AM
    1 cup veg salad + 1 tsp seeds

    01:00 pm (lunch)
    ½ cup rice/2 small roti + 1 cup veg + 1 cup dal + 1 cup curd

    03:00:00 PM
    ½ cup Roasted peanut + 8 nuts + 1 glass buttermilk

    05:00:00 PM
    1 fruit + 1 glass coconut/lemon water

    07:00 pm(dinner)
    2 small chapathi + 1 cup veg + 1 cup dal

    09:00:00 PM
    200 ml milk

    Sleep 11:00 pm

    Lots of water, no sugar to be taken, regular exercise etc were suggested to me..
  6. Needtobestrong

    Needtobestrong Platinum IL'ite

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    And yes it looks to me like a low carb kind of diet...I followed it very strictly for a few months with some 30-45 min exercise everyday ..( walking along with some. Home workouts )..
    I didn't lose more than 0.5 kg ! And then I had some issues with back and leg pains and couldn't exercise for some weeks...and gained the weight back!
    These days, with a small toddler and staying in joint family I'm finding it so tough to follow a proper diet plan and exercise schedule!
    Because my in laws are very particular about what they eat, and if I were to rope are separate diet food for myself it's double work for me..and if I prepare something I'd have to prepare in large quantities..
    Requesting you all to suggest a diet plan that's very easy to follow and for which the food preparation work is minimal.
  7. NehaSharma29

    NehaSharma29 New IL'ite

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    Hi.I totally agree with you that it becomes pretty difficult to follow a diet plan with small toddler as i have also gone through the same.I would recommend you to consult an experienced nutritionist for diet plan since you have thyroid.Also proper care and medication is required.Most importantly you dont have to take medication lifelong for thyroid,once your thyroid comes down to normal with proper medication and diet you can stop taking medicines and continue with the diet.By DIET i mean HEALTHY EATING.Ofen,people take dieting as starving,you dont have to starve yourself or cut down your eating portions to extreme.Therefore you need to consult an experienced nutritionist.I have been taking my diet plans from VLCC and I am truly happy with my weight loss results.VLCC takes into account your own DNA and goes beyond generic indicators such as BMI or Waist-to-Hip ratio to design customized weight loss solutions for its clients.So,I would suggest you to visit VLCC for you weight loss diet plan.
  8. cheenu123

    cheenu123 Gold IL'ite

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    Dear @Needtobestrong,

    I can share with you the diet plan that I have been following now for some time. It is very easy to follow and so far, I have lost 10 kgs, however, I have taken a bit longer than I should have due to some personal reasons.

    Now my diet is like this,

    Morning one glass of lukewarm water with lemon or apple cider vinegar
    Treadmill for 30 minutes
    Few nuts like 5 almonds, 2 walnuts, and 2 figs
    Breakfast - Smoothie with spinach, frozen banana, almond milk and protein powder or peanut butter (unsweetened)
    Mid Day- green tea with a fruit
    Lunch - besan or daal cheela with green chutney
    Evening - Green tea with makhanas
    Treadmill again for 30 minutes
    Dinner - papaya cubes
    Post dinner - a cup of green tea or green coffee
    pihu123, Needtobestrong and Aarushi like this.
  9. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    Oh...dear. You are practically starved off that 10 Kg.
    What is a green coffee ?
    cheenu123 likes this.
  10. cheenu123

    cheenu123 Gold IL'ite

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