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Love Letter!!! - A Short Story

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by vidchakra, Jun 22, 2011.

  1. vidchakra

    vidchakra Platinum IL'ite

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    "Varun is late as usual. I am leaving if he is not coming in another 10 minutes." Sushma looked at her watch and complained.
    "Sush, please chill. He will be here any minute. I called him just now. He is outside parking his bike." Sahil said.
    Sneha just kept staring at both of them.
    "Hello babes. Hey dude." came a loud voice from no where. Everyone recognised instantly. It was Varun. He was shouting at them from the door itself.

    Sushma, Sahil and Sneha were waiting for Varun in the coffee shop for past half an hour. They were all close friends since college. Now each one of them was busy with their job and life. But still they made it a point to meet every Sunday and share the happenings in their life.

    Sahil was a software engineer and worked in a MNC. He had lost both his parents at a very young age. He studied hard and earned scholarship for his education. Sushma and Sneha worked in the same hospital after completing their MBBS. Varun joined his father in their family business. They all stayed in the same city now. They all loved their work and had no complaints with life.

    "Sush and Snee, see what I got for you?". He took out two big chocolate packets from his backpack.
    "Thanks" Sushma said and grabbed both the packets and gave one to Sneha.

    "Ahh.. Varun, Couple of minutes back Sush was complaining about you and see her now." Sahil said and smiled.

    They ordered for their usual drinks and started chatting.
    "Sahil, How is Nish man? Why didn't you bring her?" Varun asked Sahil.
    "Yes, she is fine. She is busy with her MBA exams. So I am not disturbing her."
    "OK.. OK... Mr.Sincere Boyfriend. Tell my hello to her." Varun teased him.
    "She is such a sweet girl. Bring her once her exams are over." Sushma told Sahil.

    Nisha was Sahil's girlfriend and the rest of the gang had met her couple of times. They liked her and often forced Sahil to bring her into their gang.

    "Wow, nice haircut Varun. Looking handsome..." Sushma winked at Varun.
    "Thanks yaar..." Varun said moving his hand all over his hair.
    Varun noticed Sneha. She was unusually silent today. Sneha was a person who talked continuosly. They all teased her a lot because she talked in her sleep also.
    "Snee... Whats wrong? You have not opened your mouth at all." Varun laughed.
    "Nothing.. No news from me. You guys have to tell whats happening?" Sneha replied.
    "Guys, she is behaving abnormally since two days. God knows what is the problem. She keeps to herself and is not even joining me for lunch." Sushma added.
    "No, I am alright." Sneha replied.
    "Snee, Mr.Silent title is already won by Sahil. You dont compete for that." Varun joked.
    Sushma and Sahil laughed. But Sneha's expression remained same.

    The gang spent one hour together and then parted.

    The next evening Varun got a call on his phone. It was Sushma.
    "Varun, I have to talk to you immediately." Sushma said in a tensed voice.
    "Hey Sush, what happened? You seem to be upset."
    "I cant tell you over phone. Meet me immediately at the park near my house."
    "OK... I am coming."

    Sushma was sitting on the bench in the park when Varun reached.
    "Hey dear, what's wrong?" Varun asked her.
    Sushma hugged him and started crying.
    "I have no clue what happened. Why don't you tell me?"
    "Varun, see this." Sushma removed something from her hand bag and gave it to Varun.
    "What is this? Some printout?"
    "Just read it."

    Dear Varun,
    I have been wanting to tell you since a long time. But I don't know how you will feel about it.
    I LOVE YOU Varun. I just think about you always. I cannot hide it any longer and hence writing this letter.
    I wanted to express my feelings through this letter. That's all. I don't want to force you for anything.

    Your Best Friend

    "Ahhh.. Sush, what is this? You don't have to write a letter to tell me this. I already know." Varun started laughing.

    Varun had proposed to Sushma just couple of weeks back and she had accepted. They had not revealed their relationship to anyone. They wanted to surprise Sneha and Sahil with a grand party and then tell them.

    "Varun, please stop it." Sushma shouted.
    Varun looked at her surprisingly.
    "I found this letter in Sneha's bag."
    "Yes. Her phone was ringing and she was not around. I opened her bag to pick up the call and thats when I saw this letter."
    Varun was silent. He didn't know what to tell. Sushma looked at him for some response.
    "But Sush, I have never behaved with her that way."
    "So what? She loves you. Now what do we do. You know that she is so sensitive. How will she feel when we tell her about our relationship? She will feel cheated."
    "Come on Sush. We are not cheating her. I know she will surely understand."

    Sushma and Varun sat in the park for some time thinking about what to do.
    "I have an idea. Sahil is the most clever in our gang. We will tell him our problem. He will surely talk to Sneha and convince her." Varun suggested.
    "OK. I am very scared how Sneha will take it." Sushma said.
    "Dont worry dear."

    Varun immediately called up Sahil and told him about the love letter. Sahil was also surprised when he heard that Varun and Sushma loved each other. He had never got a clue about it.
    "OK Varun. Let me see what I can do about this." Sahil said and kept the phone.

    Varun was in his office when his phone rang.
    "Hey Varun. I talked to Sneha today. She said Sahil met her yesterday and explained everything. She has accepted our relationship. She feels its her mistake that she mistook your friendship for love. She is so great. Everything is alright now. I am so happy." Sushma said in one breath fully excited.
    "Ok, OK, take it easy."
    "OK, I will talk to you later." She said and hung up.

    Everything was back to normal now. It was sunday again and the friends were meeting as usual. Varun was on time surprisingly.
    "Hey guys, I have to tell you something. I have got a promotion." Sahil said happily.
    "Congrats!!!" Rest of them said in chorus.
    "But there is some sad news also. I have to move to Delhi next week itself."
    "Oh no, How can you leave us and go?" Sushma said.
    "Hmm..." Sahil let out a sigh.
    The friends were really sad that one among them is moving away. But they decided to meet atleast once in a month.
    "OK, come Sneha. I will drop you home. You love birds enjoy." Sahil said and left with Sneha.

    When they came out of the coffee shop, Sahil had tears in his eyes.
    "Thanks Sneha." He said.
    "Hey Sahil... No thanks and all. I am your friend."

    This is what happened couple of weeks back
    Sneha met Sahil's girlfriend Nisha in a mall.
    "Hi Sneha, meet my fiance." Nisha said and introduced the person with her.
    Sneha was surprised and she immediately went to meet Sahil at his house. He was sitting at his computer table and working on something. She asked him about Nisha.
    "Hey.. We both were not getting along. So broke up. Don't worry about it. Let me get you coffee." He said and went to kitchen.
    Thats when Sneha saw a letter on the table. She picked it up and started reading.

    Dear Varun,
    I have been wanting to tell you since a long time. But I don't know how you will feel about it.
    I LOVE YOU Varun.

    "Sneha, here is the coffee. Please dont expect fresh coffee from a bachelor."
    Sneha immediately hid the letter in her bag. She quickly had coffee and left from there. She went home and read the letter again and again. She didn't have the courage to question about it to Sahil.

    When Varun told Sahil about the love letter, he understood that Sneha had found "his" letter. He met Sneha and told her about his feelings for Varun.
    "Sneha, I lied to you all about Nisha. Nisha is actually my cousin. I have always loved Varun. I don't know what came upon me. I typed this letter, took a printout and thought of giving it to him."
    Sneha was listening.
    "I dont want to hurt anyone. Please dont tell about this to anyone. I am really happy for Varun and Sushma. They deserve each other. I will go away from here and try to forget about Varun."
    teenulahari likes this.

  2. blissofmylife

    blissofmylife Silver IL'ite

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    Hi Vidchakra..
    Tat was an unexpected twist.. Very good one!!

    SARASVADIVU Silver IL'ite

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    Hello vidu,

    I guess you are trying out something different..an element of something unexpected towards the end..you have succeeded in it as well:):thumbsup

  4. rgsrinivasan

    rgsrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    That was totally unexpected for me Vidchakra. Good to read. Thanks. -rgs
  5. Malar2301

    Malar2301 Gold IL'ite

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    Very good try on this!! It was expected like everyone said...:thumbsup
  6. sreemanavaneeth

    sreemanavaneeth Gold IL'ite

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    Hai VC,

    A very good ending with an excellent twist. You added one more beautiful gem on your crown My dear IL.
  7. raji2678

    raji2678 Gold IL'ite

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    Maybe I am a tubelight..is Sahil gay?
  8. vidchakra

    vidchakra Platinum IL'ite

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    Thanks for being the first to comment here....
    I hope you liked it!!!
  9. vidchakra

    vidchakra Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi Saras, Thanks for coming here...
    Yes, wanted to have an unusual ending :)
    I had two minds to post this story... I was wondering if its too bold subject
  10. vidchakra

    vidchakra Platinum IL'ite

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    Thanks rgs for dropping by!!!
    Tried something modern...
    Hope you liked the story

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