Let’s be optimistic in life because everything around u happens for a reason…

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by iyerviji, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Worries at the start of the day means u r still alive!!
    *Clothes that don’t fit means u have a good appetite.
    *Tears in ur eyes means there is somebody u care for.
    *The mess to clean after party means u have friends around u.
    *Roof that needs fixing means u have got a house.
    *Taxes to pay means u r not unemployed.
    Let’s be optimistic in life because everything around u happens for a reason……

    The above quote is for me only because Iget worried for simple things. Seeing the tittle people might say me saying this because I am always with expectations and get disappointed. The thing is I know everything about life with my experience in 70 yrs but still what to do sometimes I cant hide my feelings.Whatever is written above I have. I have a good appretite, there are so many people to care for, so many friends not onl in India but in the world through net, though my house is small just now I am happy in it, in this rented house because our house has gone for renovation many friends have especially from this site and made me happy. One thing is I have retired so not much income but have investments which will take care of us. True everything happens for a reason why worry about it

    I always talk about next birth when I dont realise that I wont know also what I will be in next birth and also in next birth I wont know what I was in this birth.So why worry about next birth , instead enjoy every moment in this life and do my duties , give respect to elders , take care of them,wherever I have to do service do for the elders and get their blessings. I know whatever I am today is because of elders and God's blessings. I am saying this because I had the opportunity to take care of my parents and my grandmother in their last days of life and they blessed me and I know still they must be blessing me from wherever they are.

    Don’t just count your blessings seek them . Earn them , Treasure them ,They are jewels that light your path. Morning-Quote.jpg
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  2. prettydevil

    prettydevil Platinum IL'ite

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    Very well said Viji Mam... I too believe that whatever happens, happens for best... but its just that have to hang in there and the hanging part is the most difficult of all :)
    2 people like this.
  3. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Pretty dear glad to get your first like and fb. Glad you too believe that whatever happens,happens for the best.:thankyou2:

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