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Having A Leak

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Balajee, Mar 31, 2018.

  1. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    We have a wonderful education system . A couple of years ago a political science topper in the school final exam told a TV channel that she thought that the subject had something to do with cooking , That happened in Bihar. Now don’t utter “Bihar!” with scorn. Central Board f Secondary Education (CBSE) question paperts are leaking in such a way that they would give sieves an inferiority complex.

    Two papers were leaked on Whatsappp one on economics and other maths That should teach dumbos like me who for long believed that app was an abbreviation of appalam or pappad a lesson.I am so app challenged that if there had been a paper on app in my school final exam I would have topped it and then told some TV channel that app was all about making pappads).That.s why one should join some Whatsapp group. You get perks like leaked question papers.

    The question papers were leaked out at one in the morn9ing. I am sure lot of kids must have been burning midnight oil—not by studying but by waiting for the question paper.

    When I was in school question papers were hardly leaked out. Even if they were , it didn’t matter as there were several alternative sets of question papers . and there was no Whatsapp to spread the good cheer of leaky QPs (I am tired of writing “question papers” repeatedly).But nowadays, I believe, they prepare only one set with no alternatives.

    In my days copying in the exams was a creative act. In cities like Delhi, they carried “bits” slips of papers with notes on the subject and frequently had the urge to go to the loo where they consulted the notes. In the backwaters of India things were really hunky-dory for the kids. They proved that the adage pen is mightier than the sword or at least the knife was wrong. Many students tended to keep a knife by their side and even kept books and notes with them in the hall. The invigiltor fearing for his life turned a blind eye as there were earlier incidents of invigilators being sent to say hi to Yamaraj. Wise chaps, knew well the Marxian adage those who don’t learn from history are condemned to repeat it.

    But during my daughter’s schooldays, things giot even better for the kids. The all round corruption blessed the exam system with its benevolent glance. A friend of my daughter who was giving her 10th board exam was shocked when invigilators offered to allow the students to copy at Rs 1000 per head.. The students haggled, bought down the price by half and copied merrily..

    Nowadays unless the invigilators accept bribes and allow kids to copy, they have a tough job ahead in catching the cheats. Remember we are living in a high tech world, There could be listening divices not visible to the naked eye tha would flabbergast even Q of James Bond fame. They could be hidden in ties glass frames and where not and outsiders coiuld be merrily broadcasting the answers after hearing questions from students who read the question somewhat loudly so that it could be transmitted to the guy outside through a device. You can’t stop science and technology you see!

    That is why keeping the question paper under wraps doesn’t make any sense. I think the students should get the questions in advance and given adequate time to study them. and come to the exam hall prepared. There would be no need for copying and greasing invigilators’ palms.

    It would also ensure in the backwaters of India knives are put to better use, say like cutting vegetables and not invigilators, And who knows people, particularly toppers might actually learn that political science has nothing to do with rustling up a curry.

  2. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    Balajee, we too distribute two sets of question papers and oh, what a delight it is to see them copying from each other!!! :smilecat: The papers look similar - the text same, the questions different. :roflmao: Talk of going to the toilet, we have to fill out a protocoll detailing all 'incidents' during the exam including who went how often and how long to the toilet! :p So no need to catch anybody, no scope for knives to be fished out etc. A watertight system should be enough to change things on their heads. Say two sets of papers to be kept in a safe place. Another to be left easily accessible so that one can be leaked. Imagine the shock next day when the actual papers are distributed!
  3. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    In 1950, Social Studies of 6th Form ( SSLC) was stated to have been leaked. My father being the chief examiner was asked to set another question paper in the midnight, when there was no electric supply at home.The question papers got printed in a private printing press under strict vigil and released on the exam day. Many students who had prepared answers for the leaked paper received the shock of their lives.
    There were some black legs even in those days .
    I distinctly remember that in 1946 the leaking in English 11 paper ( grammar and Composition) of Matriculation system ,before the commencement of SSLC course,was found out after the exams were over.
    Many students failed in English, as it was out and out a grammar paper.There was no common valuation. The earlier answer papers were burnt in our house (venneer aduppu) in earther oven,using answer papers as fuel during night time and my father ensured that not not even a bit escaped unburnt.

    Jayasala 42
    paru123 likes this.
  4. poovai

    poovai Platinum IL'ite

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    This remains me of 'open book' test from my college days. It was tricky, unless you understood the class materials thoroughly, you will not be able to solve the problem. Knowing the professor, only a few tried to answer the question without opening the book. Many, hoping to find the answer from the book only during the test. I am one of those, consider the possibility of professor will never correct the test and sincerely attend test only for my internal marks.

    No wonder, even now in my dreams I am still taking the same exam with my class friends. Before going to bed, (the day after the dream) I say to myself ...I passed the exams many many years ago and I have my degree certificate to prove (it to myself?). What a nightmare, still I couldn't got over it....:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

    So, the Govt. should consider 'open book' test format. The students will take the same exam during their entire life....even in their dreams trying to pass the same test over and over again.:icon_writing::icon_writing:
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2018
    PushpavalliSrinivasan likes this.
  5. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Balajee,

    Your snippet brought bitter memories of my experience with the leak. I have prepared for my CA final for good 3 months (10 to 12 hours a day effort). At some stage, I had to take B12 injections to keep me going.

    I completed 3 out of 8 subjects well and prepared well for the 4th. When I reached the exam hall, students were reading an announcement. I figured out Auditing 4th subject questions leaked in Mumbai and hence exams were canceled. After a week they announced fresh dates. The exam will start feom subject 1 all over again as per policy. I ended up writing 3 subjects twice followed by 5 more. Thank God I finished in my first attempt.

    Only 192 out of 5000 finished two groups of 8 subjects in the first attempt and I was one of them.

  6. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    There was no leak since 1949 until now except in May 1977.
  7. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    I think the best foolproof method is to to have six or seven sets of question papers from hich real McCoy can be chosen at the last moment by examiners by playing Inky pinky ponky . My father had a donkey with them. Perfect way to make donkeys out of cheats. Or just give the question paper to students in advance and ask them to prepare and mark them on the basis of depth of knowledge and correctness of language. When it comes to sciejhnce and technical exam they should be allowed to carry the formula guides with them. They can copy the formulas and equations but you must know where to apply them.
    satchitananda likes this.
  8. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    the problem lies with the educational system itself that does not encourage acquisition of knowledge and instead favours learning by rote. It would be much better to hand the question papers to students and ask them to prepare essay type answers for them. Mark them on the basis of depth of knowledge and quality of language.
    satchitananda likes this.
  9. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    The open book system is particuloarly effective with regard to subjects like science, engineering, and other subjects that include lots of calculation like ecnomics and accountancy. For other subjects like languages , give the students the quwstion paper in advance and ask them t prepare assays on the subject. That will help sepaate the grain from the chaff.
    poovai likes this.
  10. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    Viswa, frankly for CA they should introduce the open book system. You should be allowed to varry books with accounting formulas into the hall. You may take the formula from books or guides but you need real knowledge to apply them. Same is the case with technical, scientific and medical educationist
    poovai likes this.

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