Dissipiating Karma

Discussion in 'Queries on Religion & Spirituality' started by CoolPie, May 24, 2017.

  1. CoolPie

    CoolPie Silver IL'ite

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    Hi ladies,

    I am a silent reader of various forums here and now feel like posting this thread. Moderators, pls move this thread to the appropriate forums if you feel it doesnt fit in this category.

    I bow down to all the true sages of India before I dwell any further on the topic.

    Dont fear God. Fear Karma.....For God forgives, karma doesnt. These great words have been advised since ages and the advice is given not just by ordinary human beings like us but by the great souls who have opened their third eye and became one with God. That is, by those who know everything, everything even about us, our life, our past incarnations etc. Yes, as told by those great souls like Ramana Maharishi, Jesus Christ or the muslim messengers too. A real much needed advice that every soul benefits in following it. Do good and the good returns. Do bad and the bad returns. Of course, with the same force and effect it was done. None can escape Karma phala - the fruits of one's deeds. We know Buddhism and hinduism talk more on Karma or deeds done by every soul.

    Kindly bear in mind. I am not against any religion while gathering the points from a few religions. I have included them just for the support of my theory here, pls understand.

    Having said this, its true that sometimes we feel happy or sad or depressed with another person's behaviour towards us. Relationships do become rotten by the passage of time. And now is the age where almost every person experiences relationship problems. Of course, the moment we get inside the womb, karma comes in to play. May be its always at play even before that.

    I have read various problems in the forums here- be it a relationship problem, money, shouldering responsibility single-handedly when other kinsmen/siblings in the same family do not care for parents/in-laws, diseases and much more. Remember, these are the reactions of our own karmic deeds that were once done by us, may be in the past lives or even in our present life knowingly or unknowingly. We do not know when. And God knows it exactly in what way it was done, in what intent it was done, in what force and effect it was done, when it was done etc... yes, He knows it was done in say, for example, the five hundred and eigty fifth birth on the Asian continent, in Mumbai, India at 11:39:42 hrs on such and such a day and so and so was affected in a small way or in a big way due to this deed. Hence a new karma was already created. And till now, that person who did it has squanderred away happily without experiencing any reactions for that one particular karma what he/she created happily or sadly.

    Will not the karma return to us? Of course with the same force, with the same effect, whether good or bad. And it might return to us through others as relationship issues, diseases, monetary problems, feelings of loneliness or depression, etc. and whatever good or bad we encounter on this planet.

    There is no need to fret over it but we are normal human beings and we cannot take happiness and sadness in the same measure like the sages and the messengers on this earth. But one thing is for sure, we have the free will to do good or bad every moment we spend on earth. That is a new good or bad karma can be created by our own free will.

    And if you are doing a good deed like shouldering responsibilty single handedly when other siblings do not care for your parents, if you have lent a moral support to someone, if you have helped someone, and even if your parents are not happy with you inspite of giving them your best, remember, however tired or bad you might feel, you are doing a good deed which is going to be blessed. And the same is going to return in this birth or in the future births with the same effect and force. So do not feel bad for doing it alone. It will definitely return as a blessing. And for the sadness you are experiencing, its due to your own bad karma done in the past lives and you are now slowly exhausting it.... That which has to be exhausted in any of the lifetimes. - now or in the future... But definitely.... So we are our own creators of our own destiny. None is to blame though situations might pose like we are not responsible for some uneasy situations we are going through. All situations are just in disguise for dissipiating karma phala for every soul on earth.

    The free will to do good or bad and create good or bad accounts for the future lies in our hands with every moment. So in the right sense as told by our revered Saints and Sage, we should feel happy for both. But sadly, we are normal beings who are subjects of various emotions.

    I know its sometimes frustrating not only with in-laws but with various other relationships in life.
    The universal law applies for every soul, rich or the poor, beautiful or the ugly, healthy or unhealthy and however one is and in whatever situation he/she is.

    By saying this, many in this fast-paced modern world, I know many wont agree with me, will even make fun or even say that its a useless lecture but I beleive the cosmic energy will not think so. Yes, the laws of the universe inevitably follow Newton's third law. - Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. - whether we beleive it or not.
    This lecture is not only a consolation for the suffering ones but a reminder of what many of them know already.

    And to remind that whatever you are going through is only a matter of time till you finish eating the fruits of your own deeds completely. And exhaust them.

    Sorry for the long post.
    Last edited: May 24, 2017

  2. Nonya

    Nonya Platinum IL'ite

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    CoolPie... that is a good one.
    If a distressed DIL, held down her emotions, and got downright even-keeled, and addressed her MIL in a Jehovah's Witness sort of way, that could really drive the MIL crazy. It is a good tactic to employ. I guess one has to practice some kind of mind-calming exercise to get there. And then proselytize the way of the Karma, and go:" dear..dear.. mummyji... Karma is what is making you do all this to me; however, I am now imagining the stack of misery futures that you are buying... and smiling to myself". :lol:
    sindmani, curiousgals78 and CoolPie like this.
  3. CoolPie

    CoolPie Silver IL'ite

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    Exactly Nonya. You got it right. We need not fret over our miseries. Its the other way round. The one who creates misery for others should only worry that he/she is creating a bad karma which gets in his/her account to be experienced with the same effect in this or in the future lives.
    And kneeling down to someone like MIL is a good manner which the DIL creates a good karmic account for herself to enjoy in the future, though as you said some mind-training is required for this.
    sindmani and geevee68 like this.
  4. harinideep

    harinideep Gold IL'ite

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    Taking abuse in name of karma is stupidity. If they r gud , we can adjust. If a mil shouts at dil , the dil cant be a buddha to watch it quietly. In many cases, if the dil behaves good even after the bad treatment , the mil does not feel good . They rather treat her worse than before . The only option is to be assertive n not let anyone abuse u from beginning
    nolife, sindmani and Sunshine04 like this.
  5. Nonya

    Nonya Platinum IL'ite

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    Has anyone recorded a yelling MIL on the smart phone, published that on social media, and monetized the audio/video, to make some money ? <isn't this what they call "make money working from home" ?>
  6. joylokhi

    joylokhi Platinum IL'ite

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    Yes, although it is an oft repeated and known phenomena that we reap the good or bad of our past actions, it would do well for us to remind ourselves of this , especially in times of stress/hardships.
    It takes a mature and cool mind to think thus, and for this, your post is really appreciated:)
    sindmani, CoolPie and Cheeniya like this.
  7. Ragini25

    Ragini25 Platinum IL'ite

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    CoolPie - I suggest you can request the thread to be moved out of Rel , to "General discussions" forum. More appropriate there.

    The mystery of life (and whether past or future lives exist after physical death) is unknown. But yes, we have to form our own beliefs, and (hopefully) it is always good to "do good to others".

    We find meaning for our existence.
    And for some of the existence in IL - Every thread has become an opportunity for obtuse jokes.
    CoolPie likes this.
  8. Sunshine04

    Sunshine04 Platinum IL'ite

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    I don't believe in karma
    have seen Only good people suffering.
    Crooked dogs having a happy life.
    Any ways have decided time to do tit for tat
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2017
    nolife and Nonya like this.
  9. salad

    salad Gold IL'ite

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    @CoolPie I completely agree with what you have written what goes around comes around. But I even feel @harinideep is correct . I will explain how .

    Not everyone knows what is their right and where they stand . What should they ask for and when they should walk out. Even if it's karmic burden due to which we suffer , we should take action rather than dwelling in it . At least should check with someone with experience is this right or wrong ? Is this what I deserve ? In this era if we don't have people around us to advice we should check online forums .Here in this forum I have seen many posts. Some time people support dil, tell her to walk out ,stand up, be financial indpendant. Sometime point out the mistake & suggest you better correct it.

    The great epic mahabharat happend because of the silence of 3 people( karna, bheema, dronacharya) . They kept silent when they were suppose to take action.

    In India education doesn't do much help . People learn , & get a degree and get 5 digit salary but they don't know difference between abuse and adjust !! Because that is what we heard all the time .do adjust ,everything will be alright .

    So one way it is good people vent and discuss ,that will help them to get a different point of view and help them to realise where they stand
    . Then they should take the positive steps towards to " Take control of your life " ( a sentence I have read many times in this forum :grinning: )

    I will end with my favorite sloka
    Chapter 6: Sankhya-yoga
    TEXT 5

    uddhared atmanatmanam
    natmanam avasadayet
    atmaiva hy atmano bandhur
    atmaiva ripur atmanah
    A man must elevate himself by his own mind, not degrade himself. The mind is the friend of the conditioned soul, and his enemy as well.
    dimple7, IniyaaSri, dia3 and 2 others like this.
  10. dc24

    dc24 Gold IL'ite

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    @CoolPie...Beautiful writeup on the laws of karma. I'm an ardent believer and follower of this Karma philosophy.

    I want to make a humble suggestion...if you or any other reader could make some suggestion on how to minimize the reactions of Karmas done knowingly/unknowingly in past births...i think it would be a great help to everyone.

    I know one way to do this....i.e...By daily reading of few verses from Bhagvad Gita.

    Kindly suggest some more ways.
    dimple7 and sindmani like this.

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