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Best Oils Sold Us For Body Massage

Discussion in 'Married Life' started by akshaya452, Jan 27, 2018.

  1. akshaya452

    akshaya452 Silver IL'ite

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    Note: Not sure if this is the right place in IL forum to post this thread. Admins, Please do redirect my thread to the correct place if needed.

    we are going to enter in to another year of Married life very soon. I want to make it special for my self and also the DH. But fed up with regular Gifts exchange. After the first kid who sleeps in between us, I am feeling like we lost that love bonding between us. So i am thinking to try something new to ignite the attraction between us back.

    We already planned for vacation.

    1) I would like to give and get a nice sensual and erotic body massage with some special oils and i am looking for inputs on what types of oils to use . please do pour in your inputs.

    2) also kindly share interesting and creative gift ideas for Anniversary.
    Srimathithiru likes this.

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