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Benefit of various item for weight loss and PCOS ( from internet)

Discussion in 'Keep Fit & Maintain Shape' started by SGA, Aug 19, 2012.

  1. SGA

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    Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss: Are You Sure You’re Losing Fat?


    Weight loss is one of the hottest topics ever. Everyone seems to be trying to lose weight nowadays. But what's the difference between weight loss & fat loss? People seem to use both terms interchangeably.

    After reading this post you'll understand the difference between weight loss & fat loss, but also which one you should aim for and how.

    Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss. What's the difference? Let's start by defining weight loss & fat loss so you know what I mean here.

    Weight Loss. You want to lower your body-weight, the sum weight of your bones, muscles, organs, body fat, ...
    Fat Loss. You want to lower your body fat, the amount of fat your body carries. Healthy goals are 10% body fat for men and 15% for women.

    Problems with Weight Loss. If you want to lose weight, it's most likely because you carry too much fat. There are people who must lose weight, like athletes before a competition, but most want fat loss. So stop weighing yourself.

    • Unreliable. Your body-weight can fluctuate daily since it's influenced by your stomach/bowel/bladder content, water loss/retention, muscle loss/gain, fat loss/gain, ... You'll have no idea what's going on.
    • Irrelevant. 2 people with similar height can weigh the same, but look completely different because one has lower body fat than the the other. Check the picture at the top for an example.
    The last point shows why the BMI standard is flawed: it doesn't take your body fat into account. Both guys in the top picture have the same BMI, but one is clearly healthier: his body fat is lower.

    Here's How The Weight Scale Can Mislead You. Clothes, mirrors & pictures don't lie. Neither do fat calipers. But the weight scale can become your worst enemy by misleading you and killing your motivation. Examples:

    • Carbs & Water. Carbs bind to water. So eating less carbs will make you lose weight: water loss. This is why you lose so much weight on a diet like Atkins the first 2 weeks: it's mostly water. Of course, increasing your carb intake will make you gain weight again: water retention.
    • Muscle Gains & Fat Loss. You'll gain muscle while losing fat when you get into strength training. But on the weight scale it will look like you're not making progress: your body-weight doesn't change. Track your body fat using a fat caliper and you'll see your body fat is going down.

    How to Make Sure You Lose Fat, Not Muscle? Check the picture above: 5lbs muscle takes less space than 5lbs fat. That means you'll look slimmer at the same body-weight by building muscle. Keys to losing fat, not muscle:

    • Get Stronger. Strength training builds muscle & prevents muscle loss. It also helps sticking to your diet. Check the StrongLifts 5x5 routine.
    • Eat Healthy. Eat whole unprocessed foods 90% of the time and eat less starchy carbs. Check the 8 nutrition rules.
    • You can do cardio to speed up fat loss. But without strength training, cardio will cause muscle loss and you'll end up skinny-fat. Avoid.

    How to Track Progress Efficiently. You don't need to track progress weekly, changes wouldn't be drastic enough. Track progress every 2 weeks.

    • Stop Weighing Yourself Daily. The daily fluctuations will mess with your motivation. Weigh yourself once every 2 weeks, not more.
    • Stop Looking in The Mirror. Self-image issues can skew perception. Shoot full body pictures and compare them with old ones.
    • Track Body Fat. Get a fat caliper and track your body fat every 2 weeks. Use this how-to guide and watch this video.
    • Take Measurements. Girth measurements of your neck, chest, arms, waist & thighs. Waist should go down, rest should go up.
    • Shoot Pictures. Full body pictures from ankle to neck, front/back/side, every 2 weeks. Compare with your previous pics.
    • Strength Stats. Keep a training log. Strength going up means muscle gains and strength training prevents muscle breakdown.
    • Listen also to what people say. They'll notice your body change more than you will. Clothes will start to feel differently too. Read the forum thread: "Anybody else in awe of your own changes?"

    You Might Not Want to Lose Weight. Big guys who want to lose weight often change their mind once they've lowered their body fat. They realize they prefer to stay big as long as their body fat is healthy.

    Focus on fat loss first. Once you've got your body fat down, check if you like what you see. Then decide if you still need to lose weight.

    Source :: http://stronglifts.com/weight-loss-vs-fat-loss-are-you-sure-you’re-losing-fat/
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    15 Worst Diet Tips, Ever!

    1. Fat makes you fat.
    Why that's BS: It depends on the type of fats you're eating, says Tricia Psota, RD, a nutritionist based in Washington D.C. "Fats in chips, cookies, and greasy foods can increase cholesterol and your risk for certain diseases. But good fats, like nuts, avocados, and salmon, protect your heart and support your overall health." And when paired with a healthy diet, the right fats can help keep you from being, well, fat, adds Sharon Palmer, RD, author of The Plant-Powered Diet.

    2. Stop snacking to lose weight.
    Why that's BS: Eating in small, frequent amounts is a great way to curb hunger, control portion sizes, and make better nutritional choices, says Mike Clancy, CDN, a personal trainer at David Barton's Gym in New York City. "Smarter snacks like nuts, fruits, and yogurt will keep your energy levels high throughout the day."

    3. A calorie is a calorie-and you should count them.
    Why that's BS: "Not all calories are the same," says Clancy. "The type of calories, the timing of the calories, and the quality of the calories can significantly alter the effect of the calories on the body," he says. "Food creates reactions within our bodies and the type of food you eat is an important component in diets."

    For example, 50 calories of an apple will cause a different internal reaction than 50 calories of cheesecake, says Clancy. "The quality of the calories is also important because the chemicals, hormones, and general byproducts that are found within processed food effects the absorption of real nutrients." Quality calories are nutrient dense, like spinach. Calories that don't contain any nutrients-also known as "empty" calories-are like the ones found in French fries.
    Bottom line: Calories are important for understanding portion control, but they're not the only factor in good nutrition, says Clancy.

    4. Load up on protein.
    Why that's BS: Sorry, caveman lovers: eating lots of protein is not the key to healthy weight loss. Why? The body needs three macronutrients: Protein, carbohydrates, and fat, says Rania Batayneh, MPH, a nutritionist and author of the forthcoming The One One One Diet (published by Rodale, which also publishes Prevention), and focusing exclusively on protein for weight loss makes no sense. "You not only deprive your body of fiber and other antioxidants found in healthy carbohydrates-whole grains, fruits, and veggies-but you also run the risk of eating too much fat in your diet which can lead to high cholesterol and triglycerides."

    5. You burn more calories working out on an empty stomach.
    Why that's BS: Working out with or without food in your stomach doesn't affect calorie burn-but skipping meals before sweat sessions may result in muscle loss, finds a study published in the Strength and Conditioning Journal. And before you settle for a sports drink, know this: While a quick sip of sugar energizes your muscles, the drink's other artificial additives can be harmful to your health, says Sanda Moldovan, DDS, MS, CNS, a diplomat of the American Academy of Periodontology.

    Instead, go for naturally sweet fruit, like bananas, peaches, and mangos before your sweat session. Or try an ounce of dark chocolate for the same caffeine fix you get from a half cup of coffee. "Chocolate also contains feel-good substances, called neurotransmitters, which are the same release during a 'runner's high,' " says Moldovan.

    6. Eat every 2 hours to rev your metabolism.
    Why that's BS: Going four or five (or even eight!) hours between normally-sized meals will not make your metabolism slow down, says Monica Reinagel, MS, a nutritionist based in Baltimore. "Eating more frequently may help stave off hunger, which can help you fight temptation. But if you want to do this, you have to be careful to keep your meals and snacks really small," she says. "Otherwise, eating every 2 hours can simply lead to taking in too many calories over the course of the day."

    7. Swear off forbidden foods.
    Why that's BS: "We tend to be in 'all or nothing' mode when we diet and never seem to find a middle ground," says Batayneh. "You have to realize that you can't have pizza, French fries, and chocolate cake all in the same day, but-with careful planning-you can enjoy these foods when they are presented to you. Just don't go for seconds and share if you can." In fact, research shows that moderately indulging in "forbidden foods" is what keeps people from bingeing on the stuff

    8. Drink your fruits and veggies.
    Why that's BS: While shoving five servings of fruits and vegetables into a juicer seems like a simple and efficient way to get the daily recommended amounts, it comes at a cost, says Batayneh. "Unfortunately, juicing fruits and vegetables removes one of their most valuable components: fiber. Found in the pulp, skin and seeds, fiber's list of benefits ranges from filling you up to maintaining stable blood sugar levels." If you're juicing more sweet stuff (fruit and carrots) than green stuff you're also going to seriously spike your sugar. (Some juicers allow you to keep in the pulp, so that's another option.)

    9. Eat as few calories as possible.
    Why that's BS: "Ugh, awful tip," says Chrissy Carroll, MPH, RD, founder of Inspired Wellness Solutions, LLC. "When you cut your calories too low, your body acts as if it's going into starvation mode and your metabolism slows down." But a reasonable goal, adds Carroll, is to cut approximately 500 calories each day through diet and exercise, which will lead to a healthy rate of weight loss of one pound per week.

    10. Say no to nuts.
    Why that's BS: Yes, nuts are calorie dense, but that doesn't mean they can't-or shouldn't-easily be incorporated into a healthy diet when eaten in proper portions, says Carroll. A 2011 study in the Journal of The American College of Nutrition backs this up, with researchers finding that nut consumers, especially tree-nut consumers (think almonds, pecans and pistachios) had a lower BMI and smaller waist circumference compared to non-consumers.

    Your move: remove a less nutrient-dense food from your meal plan and incorporate heart-healthy nuts instead

    11. Schedule regular detoxes.
    Why that's BS: "Your digestive system, kidneys, and liver are all actually fairly amazing at 'detoxing' your body on a regular basis," says Carroll. "There's no need for special cleanses or juices." (Plus, it's miserable! See what happens when one of our editors gave a detox a whirl.)

    12. Eschew fatty egg yolks.
    Why that's BS: Let's crack this case for good: A study from the University of Connecticut found that eating dietary cholesterol through egg yolks can actually boost a person's HDL, or "good," cholesterol. "Compared to egg whites, which offer nothing more than protein, the egg yolk contains 100% of the carotenoids, essential fatty acids, vitamins A, E, D, and K," says Batayneh. "They also contain choline, which boosts brain and liver health, as well as reduces inflammation."
    In a way, eggs are the perfect food, says Kristin Kirkpatrick, MS, RD, manager of wellness nutrition services for the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute. "Enjoying them in moderation-less than 4 to 6 per week-is a perfectly healthy option."

    13. Your burn more calories eating your food raw.
    Why that's BS: "Many studies show that cooking method-heating, grilling, and microwaving, etc-makes a nutritional difference," says Kirkpatrick. "So while some food may be best eaten raw, that's not the case for all foods."

    Oh, and if the whole myth about "negative calories" (you know, the dubious idea that just the act of eating certain foods burns more calories then you actually take in from those foods) draws you to raw foods, think again. "Some foods do require more energy to digest than others, but to live on these so called 'negative calorie foods' results in unsustainable weight loss and can also slow your metabolism down, as well as break down muscle," says Batayneh.

    14. Too much sugary fruit makes you fat.
    Why that's BS: The sugar in fruit is not what makes you fat, since it's unprocessed sugar found in its most natural state, says Psota. "Also, cutting fruit out of your diet is a poor choice because of all the fiber that you would be missing. Fiber keeps you full and the nutrients in the fruit nourish your body, which far outweighs the concern of natural sugar that you are consuming when eating, say, an apple."

    15. Chew mint gum to eat less.
    Why that's BS: Not to burst your bubble, but the lingering taste of mint can actually reduce the palatability of healthy food, finds researchers from the University of Buffalo. That means that when you spit the gum out and go for a snack, that candy bar's likely to look-and taste-a lot more appealing than a carrot.

    source : 15 Worst Diet Tips, Ever!
  3. SGA

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    Yoga postures for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

    • [*=center][​IMG]

    (Yoga postures for Polycystic…)

    Polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS is quite a common hormonal disorder in women and is characterized by ovarian cysts.

    Though all data says that it affects 5 to 10% of women today, from what we see and hear around us, it feels more like one in every three women - especially in the younger age group. In order to solve the problem of PCOS it is important to understand the root cause behind this hormonal disorder and also what the symptoms are so that it can be dealt with in time.


    The science of yoga works at levels much more subtler and deeper than just the physical body level. Yoga helps release deeply stored stress in the system, which can help improve PCOS symptoms.

    Yoga postures for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

    Asanas (yoga postures) designed for Polycystic ovary syndrome help open up the pelvic area and promote relaxation and pranayamas (breathing exercises) are powerful techniques that help calm the mind. Coupled with these are some soothing meditations that work at a very deep level and help de-toxify and de-stress the entire system.
    Relaxation is the key in Polycystic ovary syndrome. You can relax in the asana by coordinating it with breathing. Breathe long and deep as you perform each posture.

    Note: All asanas should be carried out at a professional yoga class, under the guidance of a certified teacher. Postures that put extreme pressure on the abdomen should not be done by women with PCOS. Make sure you relax while carrying out each of these asanas.
    These poses are also helpful in losing weight (which Polycystic ovary syndrome women have a tendency to put on).

    Dr.Sejal Shah says, "Even if you manage to lose just 5-10% of the body weight through regular yoga and meditation practices, you will feel a lot better. It relaxes your mind and eases you of the stress of weight gain which in turn helps in regularizing your monthly cycles. It is important in PCOS to give sufficient time every day to yoga and meditation."

    Butterfly Pose can be very helpful in Polycystic ovary syndrome. Don't flap your legs too much; instead try holding the posture for long.
    Even more helpful is SuptaBadhakonasana (Reclining Butterfly Pose), which works just like the Butterfly Pose, this time lying down. This is what makes it extremely relaxing. To enhance the experience, play some soft music and place cushions under your hip. For beginners, it is a good idea to use cushion support while doing this posture.

    Bharadvajasana (Bharadvaja's Twist) is a seated spinal twist that helps Polycystic ovary syndrome patients.

    Chakki Chalanasana (moving the grinding wheel) is a very simple exercise with several benefits. It helps massage the liver, kidneys, pancreas, uterus and the reproductive organs.

    Shavasana (Corpse Pose) is another useful posture to try. In Polycystic ovary syndrome, the more you relax, the better you feel and this posture will help you completely relax at the end of your yoga session.

    Padma Sadhana practice is also considered very effective for Polycystic ovary syndrome patients.

    Make sure you don't hold the postures that put pressure on the abdomen ( bo w Pose, Superman Pose, Cobra Pose and Boat Pose) for a long time.

    A few rounds of Sun Salutation at a faster pace can be good for weight loss; however, it is a good idea to practice only a few slow rounds daily for more relaxation.

    Link :
    Yoga postures for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) - Times Of India
  5. SGA

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    The Top 30 Tips to Get Rid of Belly Fat

    1) Strength train with a large volume (30 to 45 sets per workout) and short rest periods (10 to 60 seconds) to produce more lactic acid buildup and greater growth hormone response.
    2) Use a hypertrophy-type protocol (8 to 12 reps, more than 3 sets, 70 to 85 percent of the 1RM load).
    3) Do modified strongman training at least once a week: Build muscle and lower body strength, while elevating growth hormone to enhance fat burning.
    4) Work hard but smart by manipulating rest, sets, reps & tempo: For example, 6 X 6 squats with 60 seconds rest and 12 X 3 squats with 25 seconds rest produce equal metabolic cost.
    5) Do sprint intervals for conditioning. For example, six 200-meter track sprints, 4 minutes rest, or 60 cycle sprints of 8 seconds each, 12 seconds rest.
    6) Do conditioning outside rather than on electric powered machines—the “dirty” electricity raises cortisol and alters energy use by messing with insulin sensitivity.
    7) Improve your mental outlook and commitment to excellence
    8) Lose belly fat with total body training and sprints—avoid “15-minute ab” programs.
    9) Always eat breakfast and opt for a high-protein, low-glycemic meal. Try the Poliquin™ Meat and Nuts Breakfast.
    10) Don’t train on an empty stomach—this lowers the body’s use of fat for fuel and results in less calorie burn during recovery (excess post-exercise oxygen use).
    11) Eliminate all processed foods from your diet—don’t eat them ever.
    12) Don’t avoid fat—just be sure to eat smart fats such as those found in fish, wild meats, coconut oil, olive oil, avocados, and nuts.
    13) Eat a high-quality, high-protein diet to increase resting metabolic rate and the amount of energy required to digest food.
    14) Take leucine-enriched branched-chain amino acids to lose more visceral belly fat, while promoting muscle building and a high level of performance.
    15) Support insulin sensitivity: Take omega-3 fats to make your cells receptive to insulin, eat less than 120 g of carbs a day only from low-glycemic sources.
    16) Consider eliminating gluten, wheat, and grains to support insulin health and lose belly fat.
    17) Make sure your vitamin D level is over 40 ng/ml—take vitamin D if not. Low D status is linked to belly fat gain even in young, healthy subjects.
    18) Ensure you get adequate fiber—shoot for at least 25 grams a day. Low fiber intake leads to poorer insulin health and more belly fat gain.
    19) Eat seeds, especially flax seeds, because they promote elimination of chemical estrogens and will decrease belly fat gain even when eating a high-fat, high fructose diet.
    20) Ensure you have a healthy gut—compromised gastrointestinal health directly leads to elevated cortisol and belly fat gain.
    21) Take a probiotic to support gut health and ensure you have adequate stomach acid—read the HCL Acid Test to learn more.
    22) Limit fructose in the diet to only fruit sources. Eliminate all fructose corn syrup.
    23) Get adequate sleep and if rest is a problem, opt for an early-to-bed, early-to-rise sleep schedule because this has been linked to better body comp.
    24) Use a grateful log to lower cortisol. Here’s how I do it.
    25) Reduce stress: do yoga, do a martial arts, go for a walk, perform mental imagery, get a counselor or coach, do meditation, do whatever works.
    26) Drink at least 3 liters of water a day to stay hydrated and detox the body.
    27) Eliminate alcohol, juice, soda, and sports drinks. Stick to water, tea, and coffee.
    28) Eliminate ALL sugar and all sweeteners—cane sugar, agave, maple syrup—all of it.
    29) Take 500 mg of magnesium to calm the body and decrease cortisol.
    30) Eat antioxidant-rich foods like berries, dark chocolate, leafy greens, and olive oil to prevent inflammation.

    Source :
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    How to lose belly fat and maintain a healthy weight with honey

    Honey lemon detox

    Many have heard of the famous detox with lemon juice and honey that is making the rounds over the Internet. There's a good reason the recipe is such a phenomenal success: it's easy and it works. Even using a scaled-down version of the cleanse is beneficial for enhancing metabolism. Each morning upon waking, drink eight ounces of warm water with two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey. With this daily ritual, the liver is given a supportive, cleansing boost. And when the liver is functioning properly, we can sustain a healthy weight more easily.

    Cinnamon with honey

    As simple as it may sound, drinking a mug of warm cinnamon tea with honey is one of the best ways to balance blood sugar, spur metabolism and shed excess weight. Since abdominal fat is sensitive to the compounds in cinnamon, it's an ideal choice if you need to slim down in this region. To make the tea, dissolve half a teaspoon of organic, ground cinnamon in a cup of boiling water. Cover and let steep for 15 minutes. Next, stir in one teaspoon of honey and enjoy immediately. For optimal results, practice this habit first thing in the morning and away from food.

    Hibernation Diet

    Who would have guessed that consuming honey before bedtime could melt away body fat while you sleep? According to British pharmacist Mike McInnes and his son Stuart, a nutritionist, the Hibernation Diet does just that. The duo believe that, when the liver is properly fueled with glycogen in the evening, recovery hormones can do their job during sleep - thereby speeding up metabolism and reducing fat-encouraging stress hormones. Woman's Day magazine notes that, if you suffer from any of the following symptoms, your liver may not be properly primed with glycogen:

    Acid reflux
    Disrupted sleep
    Waking to urinate
    Dry throat in the morning
    Night cramps and/or sweats
    Early morning nausea and weakness
    Exhausted upon waking

    The Hibernation Diet recommends ingesting a spoonful or two of pure honey before bedtime to rev up fat utilization, soothe stress response and support nighttime muscle and tissue regeneration.

    Gingered honey

    Ginger tea in itself is a tremendous metabolism booster, but when combined with honey, it offers a potent elixir for efficient digestion. Drinking a glass of the tea with a teaspoon of honey twenty minutes before a meal will encourage stable blood sugar, optimum digestion and, in turn, favorable calorie utilization and fat burning. To make the tea, peel and grate a one inch chunk of fresh, organic ginger and simmer (covered) in two cups of water. Transfer to a mug and let cool until just warm. Dissolve one teaspoon of honey into the brew and drink promptly. Make sure to consume the grated ginger too for utmost benefit.

    Although honey is an astoundingly versatile and beneficial food, it's important to use discrimination when purchasing. Use only the highest quality honey - namely, one that is organic and raw with honeycomb, royal jelly, bee pollen and propolis included. Manuka honey is another excellent option, as it boasts remarkable healing properties.

    Link :
  7. SGA

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    Do women with PCOS really need to exercise?
    Everyone needs regular physical activity regardless if they have PCOS or not.
    Brushing teeth is a daily necessity to keep teeth and gums healthy and to prevent
    problems later in life, and physical activity should be viewed the same way.
    If you currently don't have any health problems, exercise can help with weight
    management, keep blood pressure in check, regulate menstrual cycles, and
    prevent complications later like diabetes or heart disease (which women with
    PCOS are at a higher risk for). If you currently have medical complications like
    elevated insulin, cholesterol or triglycerides, regular physical activity is a very
    effective way to make these conditions better and prevent them from getting

    Is Exercise Better Than Dieting For PCOS?
    New research says yes. A study published in Human Reproduction compared the
    effects of exercise versus a low-calorie diet in 40 women with PCOS. Half of the
    women exercised using an exercise bike for 30 minutes, 3 days a week while the
    other half consumed a low-calorie diet. At the end of 24 weeks both groups
    showed improved fertility, with those who exercised having higher ovulation
    rates. Other findings: the women who exercised had better insulin sensitivity and
    lost more inches around their waist than those who dieted, despite losing less
    weight.This study suggests that regular physical activity may be more important than
    restricting energy intake in improving ovulation. It also shows that you don't have
    to lose weight to see improvement in your insulin levels or your waist size.
    How can this be? Physical activity improves the way our muscle cells respond to
    insulin. Reducing insulin improves ovulation. Exercise also preserves lean body
    mass by reducing body fat and building muscle which also helps lower insulin.
    Bottom line: Regular physical activity in combination with a healthy diet is
    beneficial at improving fertility and insulin in women with PCOS.

    How much exercise do women with PCOS have to do?
    Government guidelines recommend 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity each
    day to help maintain weight. To lose weight, 90 minutes of exercise a day is
    The good news is exercise can be done in increments. For example,
    walking your dog for 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening
    will still add up to 30 minutes. The key is to get your heart rate up and maintain it
    throughout the activity.

    I have PCOS and am afraid that lifting weights will make me bigger and
    make me look like a man.

    Lifting weights is a very efficient way to improve insulin levels and help with
    weight loss. It should be part of an exercise routine for all women with PCOS. In
    general, women with PCOS tend to have more muscle distributed in their upper
    body region which can make them look and feel more masculine. Lifting weights
    will add to more muscle growth and possibly a slight increase in size (as well as
    an increase in metabolism), so your clothes may fit differently. However, females
    do not gain muscle mass like men, making it highly unlikely for you to get
    noticeably bigger or actually look like a man.

    I have PCOS and have always been physically active, much more than my
    thin friends, yet my weight hasn't budged. Why?

    While you may be frustrated that you have been putting in a lot of hard work and
    haven't been seeing results with weight loss, rest assured that your efforts aren't
    for nothing. Have you thought about the fact that the exercise you do has
    prevented weight gain? Also, how has your blood work been? Has your insulin,
    cholesterol, triglycerides, or glucose improved? Weight loss can be difficult for women with PCOS and it sometimes takes reductions in caloric intake along with regular exercise to achieve. Even then,
    some women with PCOS won't see much of a change in weight. Usually, this is
    because of years of elevated insulin levels. This does not mean you aren't
    healthy. Women with PCOS can greatly improve their health and even conceive
    despite being at a heavier weight. But you have to eat right and be physically
    active to be healthy.

    Consider your exercise routine. Is it always the same machines, same amount of
    time and intensity or same amount of weights? If yes, then it's time to kick it up a
    notch. Trying different activities like tennis, dance class, kickboxing a few times a
    week are great alternative to cardio machines. Also, make sure to increase the
    amount of weight that you lift to challenge your muscles more.

    Tips to be more physically active:
    · Schedule your day around exercise. If it's the other way around, it may
    never get done.
    · Take the batteries out of the remote control.
    · Exercise can be spread out in 10 to 15 minute increments instead of all at
    · Use the exercise equipment while watching a TV show or during the
    · Place Dance, Dance Revolution or Wii with or without your kids.
    · Make family time active - ride bikes, play outside, go to a park, walk the
    · Wear a pedometer and try to get 10,000 or more steps a day.
    · Walk the stairs instead of the elevator.
    · Park the car farther away from an entrance.
    · While at the grocery store carry a basket instead of pushing one.
    · Get 10 or 15 minutes of walking morning, noon, and evening.
    · Take your walking shoes with you wherever you go so you are prepared if
    you have.down time.
    · Walk to do your errands (if feasible).
    · Limit TV.
    · Do laps around the mall before you begin shopping.
    · When you cook, use the cans and jugs to do ten reps of an arm exercise
    before you open it and put it in the recipe.
    · Do your own yard work and house cleaning.

    - See more at: PCOS Nutrition Center - Exercise and PCOS

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