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Another Day, Another Snippet :)

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Srama, Apr 2, 2020.

  1. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    I decide to wield my camera and start taking some pictures at least. May be even go to one of my favorite places - a famous cemetery in our town. Just as I make that decision, I read the news that the cemetery is closed for visitors! I am appalled. This too? You don’t understand! The Spooktacular place is simply spectacular especially in spring and then suddenly I find myself wondering, 'dang it! How does my phone know my thoughts? Should I be worried?' Anyways, you should see this place. I have caught myself saying a couple of times “if heaven is this beautiful, I don’t mind going there!” when I visit this place. My photography teacher has always laughed saying that “This is the place everyone must come to eventually, yet people fear it so much!”. He is 86 or so you know, he must know what he is talking about. Just as I finish reading this news, I get a forward from a cousin, a video of lord Venkateshwara in Tirupathi getting the seva done, all alone! I wonder what he feels. I sigh! So, I decide to keep off social media for a day at least anyways!

    I have managed one full day keeping off all media. Yes maintained ‘social-media distancing’ if you want to call it that! No whatsapp, no facebook, no phone calls, no texting and only cleaning, rearranging the study, cooking, some painting, taking the dog for a walk and repeating all the above-mentioned activities, a couple of time during the course of the day!

    It is still 5.43 am. Yes, I am being precise! I have been up for about 40 mins, two cups of coffee done, okay two half cups. Milk will last a couple of more days - sufficient enough to last till my grocery pick up day, chit chatted with DH while sipping coffee and I have managed to lose him already! So, I waddle into my makeshift study, turn on the computer only glancing at the news that shows up on the screen. Out of boredom I click on prediction for the day, you know the horroscope for the day. It says in no uncertain terms,”Today starts with a sense of escapism and you may find yourself longing for a change of scenery and a break from the daily grind. “Duh! Really! Who isn’t? Forget about the times we are living in now, heck we felt this way every now and then even back then when life was ......, well life as we knew it! So much for how my day is going to be!

    As I bring back my attention to back to my screen determined to escape the mundane routine that was predicted, my eyes fall on - “How to Clean Kitchen Countertops: Granite, Quartz, Marble & More – when it comes cleaning kitchen counters, one method does not fit all!” What? Am I going bonkers? Have I scrolled down the page that far enough that I have begun see such articles upload_2020-4-1_16-17-31.png . Should I check my browsing history? At this point in quarantine, I am afraid to even go there. I am scared of the secrets it can reveal. Nah, nothing like what you would think. If anything, you will be surprised to see how mundane and routine my surfing history is! Worksheets to assign, fun science projects....do you want me to continue? I didn't think so. Talking of surfing, I am reminded of reading an article about how quarantine is mispronounced by most Americans as corn and teen or corn teen upload_2020-4-1_16-17-31.png - spell as you sound. Then sound right, Please! The next article that draws my attention is “Meet the woman who lives every day like it’s 1958 — from her clothes to her appliances”. Really! I know internet articles want to promote other stories but…….

    I am going bonkers already! So I holler, “Do you think it is too early to go for a walk?” from my makeshift study trying to speak over the morning prayers that are playing on my computer to my DH who is busy watching the markets first thing in the morning. Let’s simply say, he needs to do that and not even go there. But the beauty of it all is he has heard me! I am delighted and I am smiling as I hear him back, “Are you crazy! It is just 5.51 am and it is not even 36F outside”!

    I check my phone. He is right but my attention stays set on the phone. It is April 1st. I want to prank someone but know well not to. I think of some of the childhood pranks, not remembering any thinking of my dad who was the biggest prankster followed by my uncle, dad’s brother! I am sure no one is in a mood to play the “April fool’s day” joke today ☹ I understand. But thinking of pranks and dad and uncles has already relaxed me, not to speak of the old photos I have been seeing and letters I have been reading!

    A friend texts from another part of the world “it is time for my siesta” followed by a “just finished a ‘home made face mask’”. Not sure all that media distancing and staying home oblivious to the world has calmed my mind or what, I responded with a “good for you. Relaxing!” only to go [​IMG]:facepalm: when I realized that she was speaking of face mask for corona, not applying a face mask like we did in the good old days!

    It is 7.18 am and I am ready to get started for the day you know, exactly doing what I mentioned as I started writing this – social-media distancing, no whatsapp, no facebook, no phone calls, no texting and only cleaning, rearranging the study, cooking, some painting, taking the dog for a walk and repeating all the above mentioned activities!

    As I try to get up from my make shift study, my phone buzzes I take one longing look, decide to see what’s come and there is a video forward…..


    "April fool banaya" - Finally, someone thought it is important we laugh! Never mind that I am cooking all that and more surprising or fooling everyone with real elaborate food!

    As for my day that is ahead, I am determined and I know that I can make a better routine for myself, feel excited even, you know like the forward that is going around

    0830 - Departure from the Bathroom.
    0900 - Arrival at the Kitchen where sumptuous breakfast will be served.
    0930 - After breakfast we will visit the bedrooms to explore exquisite bed sheets and designer curtain fabrics.
    1000 - Then we will have a cleaning workshop where proper guidance and training will be imparted in how to wash the clothes n utensils.
    1100 - Added attraction - Sweeping n Mopping will also be allowed AT NO EXTRA COST.
    1300 - Lunch will be served in the Dining Room.
    1400 - Siesta on the sofa.
    1700 - In the evening, a visit to the Living Room, where hot tea and biscuits will be served.
    1730 - Afterward, free leisure time to walk the corridors and explore the balcony and check all doors n windows.
    1830 - Gather in the balcony to view the Sunset.
    2100 - Come back in the late evening for buffet dinner in the Hall.

    2200 - Retire to you Bedroom with fond memories and an assurance of a repeat tour the next day.

    How about you? Are you making your days fabulous, in the best possible way you can, under the circumstances we are in and will be for another moth at least?

  2. shravs3

    shravs3 IL Hall of Fame

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    Best decision ever :clap2:
    Though I haven’t tried social media distancing for a full day I feel it’s really effective in reducing our stress levels due to social distancing.

    lol I’m laughing so hardly :roflmao:
    Thyagarajan and Srama like this.
  3. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear @shravs3 ,

    Thank you for your feedback! Yes, I am trying my best to keep away. As such I am not much of a social or a social media person, so it is kind of easy for me! I am sure you will enjoy staying off phone - I have to remind myself the good feelings I have to stay off!
    shravs3 likes this.
  4. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    After reading the above, I went on a small digital diet myself - no whatsapp, less often email checking, no reading the news. Cleaned the kitchen from top to bottom like only I can. Felt so darned good to not be on whatsapp.

    I knew that sooner or later in the snippet, I'd find occasion to same-pinch myself. : ) I read some really old letters in the past few days and made good progress on photos scanning and sorting.

    Couple of times I thought of you in the past week, Srama - I was driving by the library and somehow all those books there felt sad to see. Even more sad to think of all those little kids who won't have the always-goes-to-waitlist story-times. I sort of hope they don't resort to "online" story-time. Hope parents and others can step in and keep the story-time personal. And: pulling out weeds and really inspecting my garden closely, made me realize that the tulips and daffodils have "moved" by at least 20-30 feet. : ) Someone had moved soil around in the past year and the flowers decided to "bloom where planted." I made a note to come and post the 'bloom where planted' thingie in your snippet thread. It's an advice often dished out to kids who don't get into their dream college. I felt so smart to have used it for flowering plants. : )

    As I read the paragraph, I also thought it was about face-mask for the skin of the face. : ) Amazing how fast the mind can think. Even before I came to the end of the paragraph, the mind had quickly envisioned the kitchen cabinet and the possible expiry date on the besan (chickpea flour) packet. Plan to try that soon and scare the kids. : )

    Hoping to try this deeper version of the social-media distancing soon.
    Thyagarajan, Srama and Viswamitra like this.
  5. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    This reminded me of what my business partner used to tell me. "I am not afraid of death at all. I just don't want to show up when I am invited to meet."

    This reminded me of a special tour I got from the Executive Officer of Devasthan several years ago. I got to stay in front of the Deity for nearly 10 minutes and then I got a special tour of Vastharas and Ornaments room of Lord Venkateswara. My whole family was spellbound not knowing what was happening. I became a hero for them but I know inside of me that without the grace of Lord Venkateswara, such a tour will not happen.

    The only thing I am so frequent visiting is Twitter and I realize that is the most dangerous place to get me depressed because of so much news about the virus. I stopped it and I was happy. I am spending a lot of time with Orion nowadays. Florida announced stay-at-home order from today until April 30th. But we have been practising it for the past 3 weeks anyway. I am limiting my access to social media only to conduct my classes for the children every Thursday at 6 p.m. I don't make unnecessary trips anymore. I haven't filled up gas for a long time. What surprised me the most how economical I have become living with what I have.

    I went through the itinerary and enjoyed it thoroughly. My family is telling me I am too obsessed with handwashing finishing handsoap quickly. Well, I am 65 and CDC tells me that it is where the vulnerable group age threshold starts. I know I need to go whenever I am destined but why to welcome it with both hands?

    I feel the pandemic is leading us somewhere:

    Nature has pressed a pause button to awaken humanity
    Body temperature is to indicate the global warming
    Breathing difficulty is to express the man-made pollution
    Stay-at-home is to convey the need to go inside
    Social-distancing is to get to know the loved-ones
    Bombardment of news about the virus is to tell us about the danger of addiction of social media
    Pandemic is to teach the problem of selfishness
    Global mobilization of resources is to teach selflessness
    The economic slowdown is to increase collective consciousness

    Asathoma Sathgamaya
    Thamosama Jyothirgamaya
    Mrtyorma Amrithamgamaya.
    Thyagarajan and Srama like this.
  6. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Rihana,

    Thank you for indulging me with your wonderful response, my twinsie! I am not at all surprised that we are doing somewhat a similar things.

    Aww! It always brings a smile that I pop into your head when you go by a library or go into one!
    I hear you Rihana! I have a ton of books from the library at home and I did my civic duty of paying up the fines after the libraries shut down. Now, I hope to complete reading some of them at least. I still have to get my act together of having some discipline! I hear you when you speak of story time online but you know what, I do think something is better and story time online is okay for now before we get back to normalcy. I am reading a book to my students starting next week, when I made the suggestions, their faces lit up and I was glad I had decided on that!

    Personally, it helps me a lot. I have never been much of a social media person - I know you are thinking "What about IL time?" :), but even the little I do upsets me quite a bit - so I am using this time to do exactly that, to keep away ! I hope you will comeback and write about your social media distancing as you pull your pranks with that besan mask and what not! Like a friend of mine tells his kids before seeing off kids at the bus stop, Make it a great day!
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  7. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear V sir,

    Like mentioned to Rihana, thank you also for indulging me with your wonderful feedback.

    This certainly is an apt prayer. Thank you for reminding that!

    Thank fully I am not much of a social media person and the only tweets I hear are those of those birds going non stop outside. My head is filled with thoughts all the time and adding to that the thoughts of others as tweets is something I cannot do and as for instagram, it is instarun for me! All the teenagers in my life shake their heads that I don't have any of these accounts or follow them.

    This is true -
    when we say "thena vina trunamapi na chalathi", for something like this we certainly need his grace. You are indeed fortunate.

    Why welcome it with both hands? , good one sir :) but then if you are not going out and social distancing, may be you can save some soap too!

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts here

    We have always been aware of marching towards progress, with this indeed we are going somewhere - a certain progress perhaps in a certain specific direction.

    I am glad to hear that depsite Fl joined late with social distancing thingie you have been practicing it. Enjoy playing with Orion!
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  8. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Sabita,
    In India social distancing is more difficult than virtual distancing. Mindset it is. Even during lock down I see number of people moving on road without purpose....not for buying essentials! If I stand in my balcony I see a lot of world.
    Virtual distance.... manageable. Because many times Internet fails and we are forced. I visit only a couple of sites and whatsapp to keep in touch....which I like. I do not attempt to be away from it. No twitter .
    Thyagarajan, kkrish and Srama like this.
  9. Caughtinbetween

    Caughtinbetween Gold IL'ite

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    Very interesting and smooth flowing read as always . The way you look at the nature and its wonders around you is just unique to you. This morning I woke up to the news of jalandhar city viewing himalayan mountains located more than 200kms away after air got cleared , after close to three decades . It made me think of you , only you can put into words such beautiful natural occurrings just the way you notice small natural changes taking place all around.
    Thyagarajan and Srama like this.
  10. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Syamala,

    I hear about social distancing in India Vs social media distancing. Social distancing can be hard. Whether a social being or not, just knowing we cannot do that makes it hard! You know who has been coming to mind of late? Nelson Mandela! As crazy as it sounds, I am thinking of him and that isolation in that room he faced for some 27 years.

    About internet failure, I can understand. During our summer visits to India, it took a while for kids to get used to no electricity in the evenings for a couple of hours during power shutdowns! They could not understand TV as much but they used to try and enjoy what they could. Slowly I got into the habit of taking them to the park and playing and they began to love social interactions!

    As always, a good word to describe what we are all going through. We just have to keep at it - one day at a time!

    Thank you for your response!
    Thyagarajan likes this.

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