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New Ways Of Being, Indeed!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Srama, Mar 18, 2020.

  1. Scorpio707

    Scorpio707 Platinum IL'ite

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    Oh Sabitha now what I can tell you that you haven’t heard before :) . I read your snippet for a second time and it was simply lovely. A nice sneak peak of your time being well spent. Next year I’m going to say - I know what you did last year this time around ;). Like the movie title - I know what you did last summer.

    A lot of folks seem to be coming with a million things to kill time being forced to stay home. So knowing all that you do at this moment gives a different perspective all together.

    Your so right in saying the universe is definitely sending us a message, hope we can all heed to it as much as possible. Oh like you - my pantry is definitely good but TP don’t know. Time will tell :smile:

    Enjoyed reading this snippet and glad I could post a reply. Keep writing :thumbsup:
    Srama and Thyagarajan like this.
  2. kkrish

    kkrish IL Hall of Fame

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    Exactly my thoughts the past few days.

    The mind is a monkey they say.
    you know all these days I loved every chance of teleworking and never missed to use up that opportunity. I did not have to rush in the morning, think what to pack for lunch, and save commute time.

    But now that teleworking is mandatory, I yearn for the walks in the corridor to the water fountain, chatting up with the co-worker, and checking out the cafeteria menu just in case they have better food than that in my lunchbox, the drive itself.

    Never one to frequent restaurants, I now want to go out and eat, go to a movie, and invite friends over.

    Funny I have also become philosophical ... thinking of the power of the microscopic thingy, and thinking how we have taken so many things granted and appreciate them only when they are taken away.

    Stay safe.

    Congratulations on being nominated. Well deserved.
    Srama and Thyagarajan like this.
  3. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear V sir,

    Thank you for your warm feedback, the video link and the Celtic quote! I had never heard of this Preetha Krishna! Looked up on google and learnt some - it is fascinating to understand that every one is trying to make a difference from where they are. She has spoken pretty well. But I loved the Celtic quote even better, especially the last paragraph. It absolutely spoke to me. Thank you for sharing that.

    Toby is certainly confused to see everyone home but not complaining. Now there are so many of us to open and close the doors fro him. Yesterday, he had managed to get through the fence because he saw a little girl and her father stop in front of our house while walking by. He is very gentle with kids and it was so nice to see the dad play with him as I rushed out to get him! But he is missing his nap time with all of us around - he has to figure that out.

    We are rained in - so just watching the rain, the wind, an occasional car go by - hopefully we will all get out of this quite sane :)
    Thyagarajan and Viswamitra like this.
  4. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Anusha,

    Whoa! you floored me girl with your warm words. Seriously thank you for sharing such warm thoughts. I am truly grateful. I still can't believe - I am grinning wide and have read your response a couple of times!

    I am so glad you got to enjoy nature so much. May you be blessed with that feeling forever!

    I hear the news, I see the reactions around, I am worried too but for some reason I have this need in me to see the brighter side of things and have been fortunate to hang on to those thoughts. I continue to pray for the welfare of humanity every day - we all need a break from this. The impact is astounding but, we have to learn to hang on!

    I am planning on getting to that yard once the rain breaks and then there is a slight chance of snow with super low temps this weekend, so decided to wait it out for a few more days! I can only tell you that when I pause, to hear my own thoughts my monkey mind at least tells me all will be well.

    Anusha! Thank you!
    Thyagarajan and Anusha2917 like this.
  5. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Syamala,

    Strange times indeed right? It is mind boggling that all the humanity is going through this phase by phase - what a huge deal this is. None of us ever imagined anything like this ever!

    I don't know if we will be humming - there certainly will be some grumbling and complaining :) but we have to do what we have to do. Now with gyms also closed, I need some physical activity! The only discipline as in self I had was this exercise routine - now it seems to fall apart too.

    Hopefully things will get better sooner than later. Thank you as always for a warm feedback.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  6. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Meenu,

    so happy to get a feedback from you! I know things are crazy but hey guess what we have not ventured out for three days now! We can all do this! It was a joy to connect with my students this morning on a video call - I do miss them so much and I want to help them keep their spirits up which means I need to keep my act together!

    Thank you Meenu for your feedback. It is wonderful to see you here !
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  7. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Kamala,

    First things first -
    this is exactly what I meant in my previous snippet wanting this, getting that! Ha my friend! You are indeed my friend! You get me.

    Indeed that power of that microscopic thingy - it is bringing humanity to its knees! Hopefully this will only strengthen us as species while teaching us not to mess around so much. It kind of got busy today - sounds weird saying that but I was eager to be in touch with my students and assign work. Then made sure help DD with her 500 piece puzzle between all the cooking. I kind of feel good today that the sink is full still :) I will have work to do tomorrow...seriously getting a new routine set up is not easy and I am grappling still between preparing lesson plans, staying home trying to get motivated - you know what I mean!

    Thank you Kamala as always for your lovely feedback!
    Thyagarajan and kkrish like this.
  8. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear V sir,

    I got so caught up with the video and the celtic quote that I forgot to mention about the story of Draupadi!

    Thank you for sharing this! My yoga teacher who reads Gita everyday will be thrilled to hear this story. I will share with him. Thank you for sharing.
    Viswamitra likes this.
  9. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Sabitha,

    I am glad you liked that speaker's words. He is the one who taught us the definition of "control, alter and delete" that we use to reboot the system. He suggested that we should keep an eye on our habit that we would like to get rid of, alter it a little to convince our mind that it is non-essential and then delete it out of the mind. He suggested the same for unnecessary thoughts as well.

    Thyagarajan and Srama like this.
  10. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Platinum IL'ite

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    Kids are almost isolated here. There is no neighborhood worth the name. We never felt bored because we had all neighborhood kids of our age to play with. We had practically no restrictions as to with to mix or with whom not to mix. It was all family for kids. Secondly we had no expansive games. Simple Kabbadi, Kho Kho, GendTadi, and so on. Even today it is surviving to some extent.
    Smartphones have furthered isolation.
    shyamala1234 and Thyagarajan like this.

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