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Couple & Snake-milk In Between

Discussion in 'Stories (Fiction)' started by Thyagarajan, May 1, 2019.

  1. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    :hello:Couple & Snake-Milk in Between :hello:

    Ladies exiting from various counters with buckets of warm food and hot kheer from kitchen yard, where handsome Neela Mega Shyamala Varnan - Lord Krishna (attired in immaculate white dhoti worn divided between His legs) was sitting on a platform tapping His flute gently on his cheek, watching the proceedings.

    His face casting that enigmatic smile seemed looking forward for some happening!

    A bevy of young women, with bucketful food and large ladle were exiting from various counters to the dinning hall to serve to the waiting guests and their spouses.

    Two clans of siblings sat in rows in front of large banana leaf and between the rows, one lady with kheer began serving and others followed.

    The guests were feasting with their roving eyes not only varieties of food being served but also the bewitching angels in their accessories serving the food.

    A tall hefty man with stiff black rich mustachios curled at its ends was eagerly waiting for the lady to come to his turn for serving the kheer. As she brought close to leaf the ladle half full of hot kheer to serve, he acrimoniously quizzed her,
    “To night with which of your five husbands you would share the bed?”

    Bewildered and enraged, at the manner she was insulted in presence of other guests, she gave a long stare and kept the bucket on floor with a thud, left the scene on trot, teary-eyed to kitchen yard.

    Lord Krishna wearing that soft smile, seeing her in tears comforted her and enquired softly “What happened?”.
    Draupadi narrated the infra dig she had suffered and said it was Duryodhana who put nasty humiliating question to her.

    Calming her, Lord Krishna told her to get back to serve him and when he put same question tad differently, just utter “Dakshan”. She refreshed herself went back and began serving Duryodhan.

    He addressed her loudly, “Look. Why don’t you answer my question. With which of your five, tonight you are going to share bed with?” She was in anticipation and so she maintained her aplomb and replied in confident tone looking left & right “Dakshan”.

    Duryodhanan felt, a vertical chill crisscrossed his spines.

    Wondering how the secret supposed to be maintained between his spouse Bhanu, him & Dakshan got leaked out -he felt something amiss. With reddened countenance, he washed hands over leaf and stood up, left the hall chaoticallly.

    For Draupadi the scene was delectable; enraptured, she thrusted bucket into hands of another lady, rushed back to kitchen yard. She ran to Lord Krishna, about to stoop to touch his feet to convey thanks. Lifting her gently up, a smiling Krishna vertically nodded His head.

    She was mulling over abrupt departure of Duryodhana at mere mention of name “Dakshan”. Curiosity got better of her and so she requested Krishna - the secret behind.

    Lord Krisna went to a flash back mode:

    Bhanu the young wife of Duryodhan since their wedlock never truly engaged themselves as a wedded couple. Despite various methods employed, Bhanu could never get his husband’s attention to her, nor divert his mind from battles and acquisitions usurping kingdom of others.
    Deprived of conjugal happiness since marriage, she felt
    frustrated. She was desperately looking for some novel ways and means, to turn her husband toward her and pay attention to her needs!

    In these circumstances, a monk visited the palace claiming to be an expert in offering solution to marital issues and consummation problems. She spoke to him with reverence of her difficulty in turning her husband’s attention to her. Monk took out a herb from a small wooden casket and handed it to her with instructions.

    She consulted almanac and decided the day to attempt the solution. It was a full moon day early night. She warmed up the milk and soaked the herb in it. She dressed up suitably for the night that accentuated her angelic looks and looking forward to her husband.

    It was just time for bed. Her husband entered. A smiling Bhanu with endearing words offered him the herbal milk beverage. He set aside her proffered hand ; the beverage from golden ”kooja” (கூஜா) fell on the floor turned into rivulets spread in multiple directions.

    Beneath the king-size bed, a long coiled snake sensed the redolence of milk in vicinity, uncoiled, slithering slowly reached the spot and licked spilt milk from floor to its heart content. And lo, snake turned into a tall hefty robust man and darted toward Bhanu seeking her Mehndhied hand.

    The efficacy and effect of herbal milk stand demonstrated! An astounded Bhanu, thought for a while how right the monk was. She replayed in her head Monk’s words - “after drinking this milk, next instant your husband would turn into a doting lover”.

    Dakshan in one leap got close to Bhanu, held her hand but she could wriggle out. An enraged Duryodhan had to rush, engaged in hand to hand fight with snake-God Dakshan.

    Witnessing the spectacle, Bhanu disclosed the secret of spilt milk to both & requested snake-turned Dakshan not to harm her. Simultaneously sought mercy of her husband. Duryodhan too then pleaded to Dakshan.

    An obdurate Dakshan said it was Bhanu’s folly that she got attracted to him and he would have to have her at any rate!

    But soon he realised it would be wrong.

    Given to respect women for their chastity and loyalty to their husband, Dakshan said “every Poornima (full moon) I would be present here in snake-pit behind the palace gardens and both of you visit the pit and offer milk and worship me”. Failure to do this, ........

    Draupadi’s rapt listening to Krishna disturbed and dissolved with background noise . She once again, thanked The Lord, teary-eyed.

    Thus the practice of pouring milk on full moon days into snake pits began 5000 years ago. (Original in School Sanskrit Text)பாம்புக்குபால் வார்த்தமாதிரி.. .is a popular tamil phrase originated from this story.
    aarthi28, Amulet, Radha99 and 3 others like this.

  2. GeetaKashyap

    GeetaKashyap IL Hall of Fame

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    Never heard of this story, @Thyagarajan Sir.
    The extreme creativity or the social mores of that period baffle me. Mahabharata has all possible kinds of stories possibly anyone can imagine.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  3. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    The story seems to be a Graammeya version of mahabharath.Quite interesting.
    But what I have heard from people celebrating naaga Panchami is this.

    Snakes used to come out of its pit, bite and kill people.
    People prayed nagadevatha to spare them. The naga suggested that let them offer milk near the snake pit. Seeing this many small animals will come to taste the milk and the naga could catch those animals for food and leave human beings.People offer milk .not for the snake to drink, but to attract other animals which may become source of food to the snake,
    It is said that snakes never taste milk offered by human beings .
    Jayasala 42
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  4. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    :hello: Madam sister thanks for making my understanding better.
    2. I believe your purpose of visiting the hospital stands achieved. And now you are free at your desk, infront of desktop or laptop to tap down what is on top of your mind.
    GOD designed breeding of species taking into account food needs of others.
  5. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks for clicking like option.
    Shall feel more glad with comments.
    God doen't need thanks but he likes anyway.
  6. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks for liking and would be more glad with your comments.
  7. messedup

    messedup Platinum IL'ite

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    These stories have lot to teach but we are losing the depth of them and forgetting the things. Thanks for sharing such kind. Krishna was very clever in giving answers to almost all the things. There is lot more to learn from him.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  8. Amulet

    Amulet IL Hall of Fame

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    Just goes to show why there is no such thing as “useless” gossip. Thanks @Thyagarajan for the Kompromat story from Mahabharata.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  9. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks for the choice of word- kompromat - in your comment.
    2. I have come across this word in the news for the first time about political nexus between Putin & Trump.
    God too have kompromat material of Asuras to keep them under subservience .
  10. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    :hello:@Radha99 @hermitcrab
    Thanks for clicking the like option. FB welcome.
    God dwells in hearts of readers and appreciators.

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