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Extra-curricular Activities For Starters

Discussion in 'Schoolgoers & Teens' started by Naari, Oct 6, 2017.

  1. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Martial arts classes with a patient teacher makes all the difference. My DS is in an adapted class for special needs kids and he has a ton of fun there. He’s also learning a lot of things - impulse control, following directions etc.
    My DD wasn’t too keen on martial arts though. She was always interested in sports. We have cycled through a lot of sports classes through the local rec center for her - basket ball, volley ball, soccer etc.
    Rihana likes this.
  2. madhulika78

    madhulika78 New IL'ite

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    Is the adapted class for special need that you are mentioning is in martial arts class...my son needs the controll on impluse and follwing directions..are there any catagories in martial arts for different needs..
  3. Naari

    Naari Platinum IL'ite

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    Yes, this was the first time. But I was watching from the back. In fact, she wasn't super excited to see me volunteer much to my dismay. I was helping different kids and not just her. I didn't find her looking back or distracted because of me. But she wasn't looking up to the teacher or repeating phonics or singing the calendar song with the kids. But, testing her, she knows all the phonics, which she didn't know before joining Kg.

    A little BG here. Even answering @Rihana 's question. Why did I volunteer? and Did I talk to teacher? I saw videos posted by teacher on the school app which recorded school activity. I was alarmed when I saw that she wasn't participating in classroom activity in consecutive videos. I talked to the teacher about it & she said "yes, she pays attention on & off, does some activity, but fails to act exactly per instructions. She added that Dd doesn't intend to disobey but she defaults to her own routines which is drawing which she loves to do or maybe thinking about something else in her head. That's when I decided to volunteer and was shocked to see that she wasn't paying attention most of the time or at least not appearing to. But the riddle is "How does she know some of the concepts being taught then?"

    Don't worry. I would never have volunteered if I hadn't seen any such vids / pics suggesting she needed my attention. I have been super stressed ever since I volunteered & also chose to stay away few days to cool down !
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  4. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    It could be as simple as that song and routine has gone on forever and she is bored and ready to move on. She must have picked up in a week or so and might just be waiting for the teacher to finish teaching the rest of the class. I would keep an eye on it but not be too alarmed. From everything else you have said she seems to be well adjusted and doing ok.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2017
    Naari likes this.
  5. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    With this more BG info that you've shared, I would also give it more thought than I suggested in the earlier post.

    On the positive side, teacher did not herself get in touch with you about it. You noticed it. So, maybe it is mostly OK. OTOH, if a child is not paying sufficient attention but somehow getting the concepts and not being a disturbance, teacher may not feel the need to address it.

    Why I said 'I would give it more thought' is that, if this continues into second and third grades, it can be difficult. The content taught is not so challenging (that happens more like 5th, 6th grade onward), but, the expectation to follow verbal and written instructions is high. For example, the class could be split into groups, and they are given instructions on what to do. Teachers are not like drill sergeants expecting all instructions to be followed, but to some level children are expected to go with the flow.

    Not saying it is dire, but, you are doing well to look into it. Maybe ask the teacher what she would suggest you do at home. Tell her that you are not unduly worried and are not looking to turn DD into the perfect instruction follower, but, you do not want her to continue missing out on the group learning experience.

    If things remain the same around March, talk with teacher about next year's classroom placement. Try to find out about the first grade teachers, and which would be a good match for your DD. Put in a request for that teacher. Some schools have a special form for this, in others it is more informal and best done a bit quietly so all parents don't go requesting specific teacher. There is more on this 'how to request a teacher' in the "US elementary education ... " thread. It is a sticky in the General Discussion - US/Canada section.

    Again, not to worry you, just some random thoughts. Usually, such things work out as the academic content gets more challenging, child gets older, and sometimes a certain kind of teacher for a year.
    Laks09 and Naari like this.
  6. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Perils of first time school goer parenting :)
    I’ve been there with my older one so I understand.

    She’s a genius. You probably don’t realize it because you have no comparison. When my DD said and did things like that it was no big deal to us. Our friends always made a huge deal about it. Later on I realized it’s because she thought differently and not too many people have that ability. Encourage that out of the box thinker.

    Do keep us updated. I’m curious to know her questions and how you come
    up with answers. Mine is still quite a handful. Even now she has the ability to make me think very hard before answering anything.
    Naari likes this.
  7. Naari

    Naari Platinum IL'ite

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    I volunteered again yesterday & I must say I am on the lower end of the seesaw right now! I will just say let’s get through high school education, that will make mom happy enough for now!:relieved:

    I was joking with Dh yesterday that she at least has the looks going for her. So if nothing else works, we can get her married to a really smart Indian guy :fearscream: Regressive thinking ?? oh no !!no, no, no:nono::lol:

    Will do @Laks09
    Pls share your experiences too. Your lo seems like a really smart kid. Let me know how things are going at school now & how they were before.
    Laks09 likes this.
  8. arthimahalakshm

    arthimahalakshm Gold IL'ite

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    well,extra curricular activities should be started in early age and end before teen age. becos,kids in this age group seem to be enthusiastic and eager to learn as well to be applauded.by the time,when they reach their teens,they may loose interest or long to learn the things which are done by their friends.nowadays school works are also a burden to the kids.so find out in which your child is really interested or capable and encourage to pursue that.maximum 2 will do for a kid.kindly don't force your interest on them.

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