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High Blood Pressure And Pregnancy

Discussion in 'Parents & Siblings' started by Stressfull, Dec 5, 2016.

  1. Stressfull

    Stressfull Silver IL'ite

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    Pls read patiently as this is going to be a long thread.

    Dear friends,
    I'm currently in my 30th week of second pregnancy. With my first child i was detected with high bp suddenly at the end of 8th month. So it was an emergency csec. After that my bp never came normal. It was under control because of regular medication.

    So im now in 2nd pregnancy we live in a foreign land. My husband will be on frequent business trips. Doctors advised me to be mostly on rest as i was suffering with high bp and severe back pain. so i landed at my mothers house in my 4th month of pregnancy. Now coming to the problem my first child is not able to adjust with new environment leaving his friends, school back though we travel every year to India for a short period of time. Initially it was very tough for me to make him adjust to this environment. knowing that why i came here my parents was not able to make him attached to them.

    If he shouts its a problem, if he watch his tab its a problem, if he plays silently in aroom it is also a problem. They use to feel especially my father used to be very irritated. literally one day i hold my fathers feet emotionally pls dont complain ahout my son to me. I said if you were not happy with us being here no problem i will go to inlaws house atleast my son willbe happy. From then he stopped complaining. Now he is taking care of my son well. Taking him out, playing with him. Now my child also got adjusted.

    Recently my hb% gone down so badly doctor is scolding your are not taking care of yourself. Though my mother is not doing intentinally she will forget things so easily. Like until i ask for carrot juice she will not make it says she forgot. It will take time for her to make it later i will not be able to eat anything. Constantly i had to remind her each and everything otherwise she will forget. I dont know why but my bp is shooting up these days.

    Two days back i shouted at her very badly that she is not able to take care of me and my child. But now im feeling guilty. i know she is not doing intentionally but she is very careless. Never take care of my feelings. For eg when i asked her yourself heard from doctor what she told. She is saying you are having cold and cough so your blood count dropped. Soon it will be ok. No need to take iron rich foods everyday. Doctors are not gods. Pls dont eat my brain. She thinks her way only is correct.

    Im praying to god everyday to make my delivery smooth none of my stress should effect my unborn baby. Friends pls advuse how to make myself calm. Sometimes im crying literally. She promises i will take care of you well pls dont cry. But next day she is back to square one.
    Prishaa likes this.

  2. coolgal123

    coolgal123 Platinum IL'ite

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    try to keep your calm....you said that your mother forgets things and careless.....some people are like this only, they cant take care of a sick person, so you should ask for the things whatever required politely from her....for eg. ask for carrot juice before half an hr. you prepare a schedule of your eating, and ask your mother before half an hr. like mum please give me breakfast, please give me fruits etc etc.
    take little bit charge of you and try to keep calm for sake of your son...
  3. Needtobestrong

    Needtobestrong Platinum IL'ite

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    Relax op...mood swings are common during pregnancy...
    When I was preg I used to shout at anyone without provocation...Even for trivial issues...
    Ur causing harm to ur self...
    Why don't u set reminders on phone for juice, medicine etc...
    Even if ur on bed rest u can do few things yourself right...
    For example take a carrot n peel n cut while sitting on bed...
    Politely request ur mom to grind in mixie and give juice...
    Fruits u can cut n eat while sitting in bed..
    Whatever u need like medicines etc keep near ur bed and at accessible places..
    Is it possible to keep small mixie or juicer at ur bedside if u need to have it regularly...
    Prepare in big quantities for entire day n keep in fridge..
    Don't shout at ur mom...as if she will neglect on purpose..she is taking care of u n kid which is big responsibility...she is much older than u and may be tired unwell n forgetful..
    U have convinced ur father in nice way and he responded right...same way talk to ur mother also..
    If u go to ur in,was place what is guarantee theyll take good care of u and kid? Can u b sure.
    Ask ur husband if he can work from home during advanced pregnancy and help u...
    We have so many gadgets and so at our disposal to make life easier ...
    Why not make use of them?
    Rachu123 likes this.
  4. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi dear

    Don't be stressed. You will be fine, and things will fall perfectly. Just try to relax.

    I understand that you have high BP and low HB during your second pregnancy. It is a bad medical condition, but not something extremely serious. So, don't feel so down about your medical condition.

    Myself had a bad BP and other complications such as low amniotic fluid etc when I was carrying my kids. My cousins had BP and gestational diabetes. My SIL had low progesterone and recurrent UTI while she was carrying her first one. With her second one, she had Dengue.
    Except for my SIL, others are all working woman, and our work involved travelling and stressful office environment.
    We lived independently and our parents came to support only during the last trimesters. But we managed it all, and passed that phase to deliver healthy and active kids.
    I say this to you because your pregnancy is not a deadly disease. It is rather a phase you just need to be careful with your health.
    You are on rest, and at your mom's home. That itself is enough. Don't stress too much.

    If you want carrot juice, just make it yourself. Ask your mom or dad to help little, but don't completely depend on them. They are also old and tend to become careless or forgetting things easily.
    Having high expectation on others make you stressed and upset.

    Forget about the kid's adjustment time now. Now that she is adjusting and your parents are caring for him. Embrace this happy moment and feel relaxed.

    As for medication, follow the doctor.
    Sometimes they don't advice to take supplements such as iron as it may affect the baby's brain later on. However, if your HB is too low, they will suggest iron supliments.
    In fact, the doctors suggested certain iron pills for my first kid, and stopped suggesting the same with my second one. They have different reasons for it. However, I was advised to include various natural iron intakes in the mean time.
    Same goes with carrot. Too much of vit A is not good for the kid.
    Just follow the doctors.

    Just because your HB is low, doesn't mean it is serious. Unless it is critically low, ignore. Because HB tends to go low while carrying, and low HB is becoming a common problem now a days.
    When my SIL was having her HB count as 6, she wasn't advised to take bed rest. Just that, she did not do any heavy or tiresome works. But she was living as usual by taking iron rich food and supplements as suggested by doctors.
    sindmani, mbharani and deeprapriya like this.
  5. Needtobestrong

    Needtobestrong Platinum IL'ite

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    Yes..low haemoglobin , as mentioned by sgbv I s common...doctors will prescribe iron supplement for it...also increase intake of greens like Palak etc..
    sindmani likes this.
  6. sharukhh

    sharukhh New IL'ite

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    Know the different causes of infertility. Consult our experts for personalized care & problem-specific treatments. goo.gl/nJFusu
  7. Elsa

    Elsa Gold IL'ite

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    Is it possible to hire a maid or a nanny and a cook for a few months ? I have a feeling that your mom and dad are unable to handke everything themselves.

    Sorry! Just noticed that its an old thread

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