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God Almighty

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by ojaantrik, May 21, 2017.

  1. ojaantrik

    ojaantrik IL Hall of Fame

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    How correct you are Satchi. Poor chap, isn't he? Well, so long as he is happy, we should wish him well, shouldn't we?

  2. ojaantrik

    ojaantrik IL Hall of Fame

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    Thank you kkrish. Earning a living is a difficult job. Sleeping forever is far easier, so long as you are not attacked by hunger and other human weaknesses. Going by the Indian epics, God did turn himself human every now and then. Those must have been difficult stretches of existence for him. Yet, I must admit that I don't have the strength of mind to disown God! Tragedy.

    kkrish likes this.
  3. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    That is a plausible explanation fcor why Vishnu is often depicted sleeping. That way he wouldn't be nagged by devotees. A god who is wide awake is in a very unenviable position.
    ojaantrik likes this.
  4. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Even God needs a few drops of mustard oil to be dripped into his nostrils ! Poor human beings! swallowing calmpose after calmpose to get sleep.

    Dear Shri Ojaantrik,
    I just read your thought provoking snippet on God Almighty.
    You have taken a sensitive topic for discussion by citing a few
    conversations between different human beings and God, the projected'yes, Man'.

    In Tamil there is a saying'kandavar vindathillai; vindavar kandathillai'( Those who talk of God have not seen him;and those who have experienced him cannot say anything about him."
    As the reality cannot be known, it does not matter whether one has belief or not.
    Normally both- the belief that God exists and the belief that God does not exist-both the beliefs hinder the truth.When a belief is used only as a projection of one's image, the belief is not real.
    Millions believe in God and take consolation. First of all, why do you believe? You believe because it gives you satisfaction, consolation, hope, and you say it gives significance to life. The persons who dropped bomb on Hiroshima said that God was with them.God was the co-pilot to Hitler also.

    Actually your belief has very little significance, because you believe and exploit, you believe and kill, you believe in a universal God and murder each other. The rich man also believes in God; he exploits ruthlessly, accumulates money, and then builds a temple or becomes a philanthropist.

    Through religious intolerance there are divisions of people as believers and non-believers, leading to religious wars.

    Now the question arises "Is belief in God “a powerful incentive to better living”? Why do you want an incentive to better living? Surely, your incentive must be your own desire to live a clean and simple life,is it not? If we live happily together not because we believe in God but because we are human beings, then we will share the entire means of production in order to produce things for all.

    Through lack of intelligence we accept the idea of a super-intelligence which we call `God; but this `God’, this super-intelligence, is not going to give us a better life.

    What leads to a better life is ordinary intelligence;
    and there cannot be intelligence if there is belief. If there are divisions, if the means of production are in the hands of a few, if there are isolated groups, communities and clashes- All this obviously indicates lack of intelligence and it is the lack of intelligence that is preventing a better living, not non-belief in God.

    Reality is what you are, what you do, what you think, and your belief in God is merely an escape from your monotonous, stupid and cruel life. Belief, idea, divides; it never brings people together. You may bring a few people together in a group for some time ,but that group is opposed to another group. Ideas and beliefs are never unifying; on the contrary, they are separative, disintegrating and destructive. So your belief has no validity at all.
    Now, what is reality, what is God? God is not the word God' the word is not the thing. To know that which is immeasurable, which is not of time, the mind must be free of time, which means the mind must be free from all thought, including thoughts about 'God'.

    What do you know about God or truth?, You do not really know anything about that reality. All that you know are words, the experiences of others or some moments of rather vague experience of your own or certain images of Vishnu,Rama or Muruga, Parvathi,Lakshmi or Jesus. Surely that is not God, that is not reality, that is not beyond the field of time.

    To know that which is beyond time, the process of time must be understood, time being thought, the process of becoming, the accumulation of knowledge.
    So the mind must be free of the known, which means the mind must be completely silent, NOT MADE SILENT. The mind that achieves silence as a result, as the outcome of determined action, of practice, of yoga or discipline , is not a silent mind. The mind that is forced, controlled, shaped, put into a frame and kept quiet, is not a still mind.

    Only when the mind is completely silent not only on the upper level but fundamentally, right through, on both the superficial and the deeper levels of consciousness – only then can the unknown,God, come into being.

    Till our mind calm down, let us lead a harmless life without assessing ourselves or anybody as Theists or Atheists.It has no significance whatsoever in practical life.

    Sorry for the long feed back.

    Jayasala 42
    ojaantrik likes this.
  5. ojaantrik

    ojaantrik IL Hall of Fame

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    Quite right Balajee. It must be Vishnu. He is known to be the preserver, while Brahma is the creator and Maheshwara the destroyer. Brahma washed his hands off and Maheshwara has probably not yet arrived. In the meantime, Vishnu has no choice but to fall asleep. Preservation is a mighty difficult job. By comparison, sleeping is a far more attractive proposition.

  6. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Sri Ojaantrik:

    Your post reminded me of a story I heard:

    Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva were under intense discussion after asking everyone around them to leave before creating human beings. The discussion is about where to keep the spark of divinity not easily noticeable.

    Lord Brahma: "It is better to keep it in the space where no human being would reach"

    Lords Vishnu & Shiva: "They would somehow find a way to reach space"

    Lord Vishnu: "Let us keep it in the ocean floor so that human can never find it".

    Lords Brahma and Shiva: "No, still, human beings will explore ocean floor".

    Lord Shiva: "Let us keep it on top of the Everest"

    Lords Brahma and Vishnu: "No, human beings will climb the Everest"

    When they were all confused what to do, Rishi Narada came that side chanting, "Narayana, Narayana".

    All of them called him and asked for a solution and He replied, "It is very simple. Keep the spark of divinity inside of the humans. They will search everywhere except inside".

    Rishi Narada is a visionary and he knew the human beings much before they were created. :)

    ojaantrik likes this.
  7. ojaantrik

    ojaantrik IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Jayasala42,

    This was a thought provoking response to a simple observation on life. I have heard of efforts to make the mind free of thought. I have been told that it is one of the most difficult tasks to accomplish. From what you have said, I now tend to think that God can reside only in a thoughtless vacuum. Perhaps then, God can be felt, but not argued about, though I do not know if feelings have a place in vacuum. One who has felt God, has no need to argue either. Feeling I suppose should not be confused with believing. If you have felt God's presence within you, the matter ends there. One need not believe or disbelieve.

    This is deep philosophy and I thank you for pointing it out to me. I admit that I may not have understood you clearly enough. Understanding demands the use of intelligence and that has no place you say in the pursuit of God. Indeed, God should not even be pursued, following your message.

  8. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Ojaantrik, When I wrote the response I felt that I had confused the reader more.But I am glad you caught the point right.Believing God and experiencing His presence are entirely different.many non believers experience certain things-which they don't call as God but as 'something else'.In fact there is a very thin line of demarcation between theists and Atheists and one believes in existence and the other believes in 'non-existence'Both are beliefs in a way.There are certain books in Tamil published by saiva-siddhanth Societies clearly elucidating certain points.We don't argue about this in presence of elders so that we may not be branded and sent out as misfits.
    A great ocean-unfathomable and ununderstandable.Yet we have tried to immerse and see what it is.
    Jayasala 42
    ojaantrik likes this.

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