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What All Parents Esp Mother Could Do To Bring Up Her Kid Happy And Successful?

Discussion in 'Parents & Siblings' started by Pournami75, Sep 27, 2016.

  1. Pournami75

    Pournami75 Bronze IL'ite

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    My baby boy is due in few days. I have seen bad parents, normal parents but only one good parents. Even though the parents had three sons and one daughter, even though they were supportive of all the sons they were there to support the daughter at her each and every step from birth till today, emotionally, physically and financially. I believe in "Parents bring kids to this world, so they should be responsible as much as possible for the kid's happiness and success". So please do write if you have ideas or have seen ideal parents, born and raised by very supportive parents, what all a MOTHER could do to bring up kid happy and successful.

    The topic may be more general, but would like to start from somewhere.
    knbg likes this.

  2. sbonigala

    sbonigala Platinum IL'ite

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    Parents bring kids to this world, so they should be responsible as much as possible for the kid's happiness and success

    If every parent remembers this, your question is answered.
    What a mom could do to make her child happy and successful - depends on many circumstances. What I can do for my daughter may not be possible for many. What my friends do is not possible for me. Its not like one size fits all.
    It depends on various factors like culture,finances,education of the parents,the atmosphere in which the child is being brought up, the core beliefs of the family,how much do the parents get influenced by modern day living etc

    Am not sure what makes a child happy - but to be successful one needs to impart - truth, faith and love in a child. The most important this to teach is "stand up for yourself"

    As you said, the topic is too general to begin somewhere.
    Lakshmi6197 likes this.
  3. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    Reminding yourself that though your child is from you, is an individual in his/her own right and we can only be there, guide them.
    And don't be rigid on we brought our kid to the world so we are responsible, and that is were lot of veering of the track happens. Allow them to make mistakes, being themselves as they grow up.

    Happiness is something that you cannot gift anyone you can only be a medium to that.

    And you and your child are unique. What worked for your parents and you, may or maynot work for you. You need to learn on the job..

    Happy motherhood..
  4. knbg

    knbg Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Congratulations and best wishes dear Pournami...
    Beautiful points by SB and Shanvy...
    I would say, Love and being his/her friend, not being too rigid but at the same time teaching him values and teaching by example . We learn and grow along with our child...enjoy! God bless!
  5. guesshoo

    guesshoo IL Hall of Fame

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    Congratulations OP.

    Everything Shanvy has said resonates with me.

    To add on, the best way kids learn is by mimicing what they see. So, a simple answer to your question is this - emulate all the behaviours you wish to see in your child. Be a compassionate, ethical and moral individual consciously. Take pleasure in little things in life. Especially the ones which don't cost anything. Let your child see you nurturing yourself and everyone around you. Let your child see you maintaining healthy relationships and fostering harmony at home. Chances are your child will follow suit as he or she grows up.

    You can't do everything for your child. Nor is it healthy for your child to have everything done for them. Let them make their own mistakes when they are young and learn to fix it. Let them be their own individual. Let them learn to problem solve.

    Be the solid rock they can come to when they need a shoulder to cry on. Without judgement, even if you don't agree with their choices. It is complicated but it is more a way of life than anything else.
    iamsrihere likes this.
  6. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    Others have given you great tips above. Please read and benefit from them.

    Your child copies everything from the adults, so it is important that the family stays warm, with a great bonding. Make the initiative to bond with everyone, and show compassion, respect and adjustments when needed.
    At the same time, don't hesitate to demand for your rights, and respect when it is not given.
    You must fight or have fun with a class. Remember your child copies you.
    Many people cover their problems under the carpet or compromise it by biting their tongue because they don't wanna show anything ugly to their kids. But that's wrong.
    Because your child copies everything, and he/she thinks it is perfectly normal to take abuse, and adjust after marriage.
    So, live a respectful life filled with compassion, love, empathy and all the good qualities. Your child will automatically learn all this from you.

    The other common mistakes that we parents make is to spoon feed the kids no matter what.
    We think we make our kid's present life easy. But we actually don't know that we make their future very difficult by doing this.
    Let your kid learn everything on his/her own. If he falls, no problem, he will learn to stand up and walk steady.
    Not you, but his confidence is what gonna be with him forever.

    Also, don't think that your kid is your extension. Respect him/her as an individual, thus his wishes, needs, dreams could be very different from yours.
    Teach him to take responsibilities of his own decisions. But always ensure that your love is unconditional, and you are there for him/her forever.
  7. Amica

    Amica IL Hall of Fame

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    Congratulations and best wishes, @Pournami75! :)

    Make sure your children know you love them unconditionally. :hearteyes:

    Lakshmi6197 likes this.

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