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Enlighten Me, Please..

Discussion in 'Friends & Neighbours' started by sweetygal, Aug 27, 2016.

  1. sweetygal

    sweetygal Bronze IL'ite

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    I m usually an easy going person who follows my intuition when in any problem.But this time I need help help from u all very badly. I can't manage this alone, so I want your opinions to keep my sanity. Now I am a part time lecturer in engg college. my co worker is a person who is very very friendly with students. The thing is she s ready to do anything for the students. She knows all their love affairs and solves their fights. Before exams she ll sit for hours reading out textbooks for them so that they can study easily. Student gifts her a lot of things. Her staff room is full of students always.
    The students don't bother about other staffs who r in adjacent rooms. For students we all appear like good for nothing. Sometimes I feel she has every right to do as she likes and I m feeling irritated out of jealousy. But there must be some code of conduct,right? Is it that I m simply assuming things? I feel so worthless and I don't find an answer on what to do to make me at ease.
    Caide likes this.

  2. Caide

    Caide IL Hall of Fame

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    don't feel worthless... all are different in their character appearance and way to attract or ignore people. She is doing it in her way you do it in your own way.. feeling jealous is normal but when you are doing your work properly dont think about anything else just let it go. dont think what students feel about you.. some students use lecturers to get marks and talk at their back later too some they really praise lecturers so dont worry just ignore
    sindmani, umasivasankar and vaidehi71 like this.
  3. sweetygal

    sweetygal Bronze IL'ite

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    Thanks Caide.. thank u so much for d reply.. so u think it's just a normal way to feel so,right ? I know what u say is the best possible solution, that's is just to ignore. But I find its too difficult. Even I would like to know how to ignore these things without getting affected:sleepy:
    Caide likes this.
  4. Caide

    Caide IL Hall of Fame

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    of course its normal after all we are human beings have our own emotions so dont bother .. just focus on something else when you feel like that and divert your mood
    sindmani and vaidehi71 like this.
  5. dc24

    dc24 Gold IL'ite

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    Your co worker lecturer is undoubtedly taking care of the students by guiding them..reading out to them during exams..
    But since she's always surrounded by students and their noise disturb other staff is a matter of concern. You can politely ask her to tell her students to follow the decorum of the staff room.
    She can solve their problems during her class and at the same time ask them to not make noises as other students and teachers gets disturbed.
    Regarding the jealousy part...hmmm..well..we're humans and have this tendency. But since it's disturbing you a lot then the best way to deal with this to IMAGINE yourself in her place...doing good things...helping students...and despite all this another teacher feeling terribly jealous of you....
    Then you will realize how much negative vibes are emitted from us when we're jealous of someone's achievements...
    Meditate and pray to God for a calmer you...
    sindmani and Caide like this.
  6. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    When i was in College, engg, perse and a hosteller, where we had lecturers staying, no one,I say no one helped us (I am talking about 23+ years ego)..even when we fell sick..so this person going out of her way to do things for them stands apart for them. being their counsellor is not wrong.. it does become something wrong,if she goes out of her cc.
    the gifts are just simple things and i am sure she would knows where to draw the line. We don't find many who sit for hours reading out to students..in the days where they just read out a notes which is again a copy from some guide or textbook she seems really passionate about being a teacher..

    @sweetygal that said, it is ok to be jealous..just relax and do yours...
    sindmani, jskls, dc24 and 1 other person like this.
  7. vaidehi71

    vaidehi71 IL Hall of Fame

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    To be frank, I think your colleague is definitely an abnormal person. Well, she has all the negative aspects a person, in the position of lecturer can have.

    The negatives:

    - Do anything for the students--what do you mean by this, do you mean solving their love affairs!:BangHead:. What kind of lecturer makes them to get to lower their position, like that!o_O. OMG, she needs a real good lecture!:eek:

    - Solve their fights--:facepalm:, Are you sure she is indeed a good lecturer.

    Let me tell my perspective of this person. She is lowering her dignity for the sake of solving and interfering in personal lives of her students. I had never come across such a lecturer in my entire life at all. Seems our country not only lags a lot of things, the most important thing it lags is a good lecturer. Sure she is down at the last rung of the ladder in this regard.

    Oh God, it is Engg college, and she is doing as if she is being in a primary school.

    Well, as far as you are concerned, you are a normal person.

    Just feel that you are normal and just ignore that person, who needs to change her life perspective. Infact I would be glad if I had been her student to be as far away from her as possible.

    So take care and good luck.
    Rihana, suryakala and Caide like this.
  8. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    @vaidehi71 many engg colleges in this part of the country are primary schools..you did not know that?:mask:. and my guess is the lady would be just a few years elder to these students..happens.. all permutations and combinations...

    that said i feel when you are feeling jealous about the attention received, everything looks too much..

    i agree to disagree with you on being abnormal.. just because a person is too involved it does not mean abnormal..it means she is not still into defining boundaries..
    SGBV, sindmani, umasivasankar and 3 others like this.
  9. sweetygal

    sweetygal Bronze IL'ite

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    Oh, I am so thankful to all of u to give your valuable suggestions and make me feel better.
    The things is I find my opinion is similar to that of vaidehi, that's is this much closeness needed ? After all they r college students and not school kids. The only motive behind her deeds is that she want everybody to say she s d best. We got feedbacks of students collected by college to evaluate us. So this makes things much worse.
    Rihana, vaidehi71 and Caide like this.
  10. dnormx01

    dnormx01 Gold IL'ite

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    Since it's a part time job, why waste so much time thinking about someone?

    Secondly, each one has a different personality and approach. So it's okay .

    I guess you should concentrate more on improving your skill set and specializing in the subject you teach. Try to simplify the concepts for the students to grasp it in easier. That way you will earn more respect, which will be more meaningful than some random gifts received for solving love stories.

    That's how you handle such situations- Keeping your mind occupied on more productive things.

    All the best
    sindmani, Caide and dc24 like this.

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