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Lunch Ideas - Creating Balanced Vegetarian Meals

Discussion in 'Keep Fit & Maintain Shape' started by Shanvy, Dec 13, 2013.

  1. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    If your plats are not drool worthy and creative, where do i go hiding. it is not about the creativity, it is more about giving ideas to others that they can better make time for themselves. take a little effort and voila a healthy meal is ready. believe me manali, i got a few appreciative comments stating that they have all started trying out new ways and new dishes after looking at all our plates..so keep it coming..and you do raise the bar girl..

    wow wowie..such a pleasing and colorful plate..and i am drooling though i am on a fruit fast for sankatahara chaturthi falling in magh month..
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  2. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    thanks for sharing your personal experience. not everything that is shown here is spice. by spice it is not always chilli powder. i add a hint of roasted dal/garlic with rosemary or thyme (dried) just to add that extra zing. i am on a very minimal salt and it is the spices that keep my boat sailing...

    and i never heard curd to be a carb..but again fats i do agree and i also agree curds could make you bloat then it is one off situation, like we have friend here who feels uncomfortable eating millets. i have a problem digesting cucumber, that said i cannot say it is not good. it is a wonderful vegetable that can make you full. i ensure i have it, but i scoop out all the flesh in the middle nad have it as just sticks and only the organic variety...

    there is no leave it or take it, in this thread, we are all sharing our experiences and knowledge, who knows somebody may find it informative.
    friscomom and mahesaran like this.
  3. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    vegetarian and we lap it up. and such a colorful plate..you keep sharing girl. deeps, do post don't hesitate and i cheer you, i know how hard it is to cook when you have somebody who has so many issues. my mil was renal,diabetic,heart patient along with gall bladder and cholesterol..phew..it was a nightmare..did i leave thyroid..
    don't be too hard on yourself to know the exact amount of vitamins, carbs..a ball park figure is more than enough. with practice it becomes easy. and i know when you are asked not to eat, it is one thing that they crave more..the second childhood is a tough taskmaster for people around, moreso with these restrictions..

    good plate and lovely texture..i would not say no for this one.. love it. now have you tried adding oregano, chives, thyme..these herbs add a distinct flavor.. and you can add a little black salt..and yes the dressings make it possible to eat without salt. i do frequently. i can go off salt and sugar as and when i need. Only thing is i get cramps in my legs, and then i go and pick that pickle..

    good use of abundant fruits. try adding a spoon of toasted oats..fills you more and can be used as breakfast..

    keep them coming deeps, we all love the platter of so many vibrant colors and also the love and concern that you have towards your parents..
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  4. damini

    damini Gold IL'ite

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    Hi Shan,

    Made the tomato pickle yesterday & been having pickle rice for the past 2 days. I could not fully sun dry the tomato , so followed the second method.

    1. Can we store it in room temperature like avakkai?

    2. What is the shelf life?

    I got a good jar-ful & loving it.

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  5. JeyaEdison

    JeyaEdison Bronze IL'ite

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    Hi Shaanvi,

    Sorry, I didn't mean "spice" is used here, or it is bad for health. On the contrary, I feel spice is good for you. I meant only Chilli powder, and that too my personal experience from eating my moms cooking on a daily basis like gravies and all.

    Curd definitely has carbs in it and even more fat. My husband too stopped eating curd on a daily basis. ) he eats them biweekly now, just to maintain slim stomach. So its not just me. He noticed it as well. If you talk to Non Indians, or if you have friends of other nationality, they too will agree, that curd bloats the stomach.

    I said "take it or leave it", because its not Food regulation proven stuff. ITS MY personal Observation. So just chill, there's nothing to take personal.
  6. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    I take curd on a regular basis. The bacilli in curd helps fight bloating, contrary to what you are saying. It helps keep the stomach flora healthy. You maybe lactose intolerant in general, hence the bloating. Btw, the amount of carbs in curd is negligible when you look at your daily allotted carb limit. A regular person can eat upto 100 g of carbs a day out of which the single serving of dahi made with 2% milk has about 4-5g carbs, so I can easily add it to my diet. It has high protein concentrations and I eat it to get my recommended daily proteins. I'm a vegetarian and as it is limited in my protein options. Btw, a serving of curd probably has about 5g of fat and daily limits are around 45 for regular people. I can eat two servings a day and still don't go over my daily fat allocations.
    So yeah, sometimes I have to give up on other fats/carbs etc but I do take milk products. I'll not give up on those because the calcium/protein in them outweigh the carb/fat concern for me. Again, this is my personal situation. So it may be different for others. Btw, My gym friends eat yogurt regularly as a pre/post workout snack. None of them are Indians. Nobody has told me about this issue.
    Btw, this is my personal experience too. Just putting it out there. So don't take it personally. Btw, do come and post your meal pics. I love variety and am always looking for meal ideas to enhance my plate.
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  7. deepslikes

    deepslikes Platinum IL'ite

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    Thanks Shanvy for the welcome :)
    I wish they (MIL, FIL or mom) lived with me - I would have force-fed them :evil: (just kidding), because my lecturing/nagging over phone doesn't seem to be very effective..

    I haven't tried oregano, chives or thyme. I will have to... I have to make sure to get groceries this time and buy a few things that are new to me. Because of the weather, the quality of produce isn't great around here right now. Waiting for spring...

    Lunch today:
    Cabbage (and broccoli stalks) roti, cucumber and onion raita, chana masala
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  8. SunNaa

    SunNaa Platinum IL'ite

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    My plate..

    Roti, Spring greens mix- green apple-red pepper salad with flax seeds, red radish, Cucumber raita, some baked sweet potato fries and Bagara baingan curry [for those who don't know it's eggplant cooked in peanut-coconut-sesame gravy..hyderabadi dish, traditionally eggplants are deep fried but I skipped that step]

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  9. ChandrikaV

    ChandrikaV IL Hall of Fame

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    Manali and Deeps,

    colorful and yummy plates. Drooling with my cup of coffee
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  10. ChandrikaV

    ChandrikaV IL Hall of Fame

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    I am confused by your comments. I see that you are from States.....have you seen the commercial for Activia yogurt? Even if one is lactose intolerant, only milk causes bloating while the curds is never a culprit.

    is this scenario possible? I love curd rice with pickles, food spicy curry, vatha kuzambu etc etc......I think you get the picture......so I end up eating more .....so feel full and bloated. Whereas if I avoid curd rice, instead have a cup of butter milk with hing and methi powder, i feel light.

    But i do agree individual experiences can be different and hence if avoiding curds help you and your husband to have flat belly, it is great.

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