Indus Ladies Observations

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by SinghManisha, Sep 20, 2019.

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  1. Sunshine04

    Sunshine04 Platinum IL'ite

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    when a particular religion or country is pictured as practicing BM ,THE ISSUE starts there
  2. Angela123

    Angela123 Gold IL'ite

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    Yes, it is surprising that not very many members questioned about this topic. However, you have to understand that from along time, especially in a country with rich culture like India, people still believe in all these things - BM, straight forward poojas that are not categorized as BM, horoscopes, etc. You may call it superstition, or blindly believing in such stuff. But no one can tell you for 100% these don't exist, or these exist. So for me, I fear things that I don't know, especially when it comes to dear ones. May be it is the same case for everyone. Educated and living outside India, i still hold on to my faith that I had when growing up. Some people are. Like @Amulet pointed out, people respond to what they can relate. I think if we call out people like that it will intimidate fellow ilites from posting on the forum.
  3. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    We as a society could benefit from more questioning? Then why the morcha till the 'Escape from Nothingness (kitty party)' thread was closed? : )
    confused4sure and Tamrakshar like this.
  4. ashneys

    ashneys Platinum IL'ite

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    Faith n superstitions are their personal belief. For one that belief is too high n for one non existent. Each can’t point fingers at the other for their level of belief.

    One believes in only god n the other believes in god n the devil, reason, if there’s good, there should be bad too. If there’s positive vibe, there’s negative vibe too. If there’s good souls blessing us then there should be bad souls / ghosts too. How can there be only one side to all this?

    Why should people question those beliefs ? When someone is posting here after being so hurt in life already, is it right to poke them n point fingers n indirectly ask ‘ are you so dumb to believe all this ?’ .. if someone can help or make them feel better, do so or just let them be.
    Thyagarajan, SGBV, Vaikuntha and 2 others like this.
  5. SinghManisha

    SinghManisha Platinum IL'ite

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    Thank you to everyone that responded.
    They say silence = complicity. Black magic and superstitions are very different than following religious beliefs. They can have disastrous consequences for society if everyone keeps quiet.
    Over 2000 women killed in India for practicing 'black magic' in 14 years
    Indusladies has so much potential to do better and be progressive , instead of being a superstition heavy forum. I am in the minority here but that is fine. Since I cannot turn a blind eye, I should not be here.
    @Rihana you are comparing apples to oranges :) .A bored housewife playing tambola, harms no one lol.
    If questioning about extramarital affairs on this forum is justified, so is questioning black magic.
    As I leave, I hope women here will try to question and rationalize posts that talk about blind faith of any kind. Even the evil mother in law kinds :)

    Thanks everyone !
  6. Anusha2917

    Anusha2917 IL Hall of Fame

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  7. Sunshine04

    Sunshine04 Platinum IL'ite

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    @SinghManisha . I hope you are not leaving IL forum
    Anusha2917 likes this.
  8. armummy

    armummy Platinum IL'ite

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    I think it is up to us to voice our concerns when we see such posts , I don’t think forum will do any banning .

    I agree BM is serious and lot of people get killed , we had some incidents very recently too and it will need more people who don’t believe in it to put a response to such threads saying it is bogus ... so other readers who are on the fence don’t get carried away.

    Monitory or majority ... you keep posting your progressive views and it will
    Balance the conversation.

    You should not leave ... you opposing voice is more important where there is a big chorus
    Thyagarajan, Vaikuntha and Agathinai like this.
  9. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Black magic, superstition, faith, religious belief... To me they all look as similar as all those Pantene and other brands of hair mousse/gel/cream gazing back at me in the aisle at Target. Differentiating between them would be splitting hair and give a splitting headache to admins moderating a thread where a member has started with her specific problem or situation.

    Silence and complicity are rather grave charges. More on that later.
    Manisha, like I said in my first post, IL is progressive enough and there have been epic threads over the years that do the questioning you are talking about. It is not a superstition heavy forum. Every day, around early morning India time, the Latest Replies section has consecutive posts on spirituality, belief, religion. I scroll past them much as I would walk past an aarti happening in a road-side temple or the early morning azaan from a mosque in India. Some of the questions in the Religion/Spirituality leave me shaking my head, such as a woman terrified that she was following a vrath but unable to do last few days due to whatever, but, I remind myself that such questions are welcome in IL. And, we don't know what else the people have tried before posting the question.

    "Silence, complicity, can be progressive, can do better... :" I could dig up many threads that disprove it, but search is not very user-friendly for me. Here is one thread that was a turning point in IL: If God Exists, Why Isn't It Obvious? The key is that such threads were generic. They did not question one member's belief, and following a little bit of forum tact, were not started right after a member's personal problem related to the practice/belief had been discussed in another thread.

    The thread above came to be known as the "God" thread. Those 2-3 weeks saw many a heated discussion in that thread, frayed tempers, and a trial by fire for the moderator (Gauri03). Anyway, apart from a history lesson, I wanted to show that such threads do happen in IL, if members, moderators have the time and inclination.
    You want to leave because such questioning is rare? Think about that... A perceived absence of questioning is making you want to leave. How many will leave if such questioning is rampant? We as members can have our wish-list on what we would like to see in the forum, and what we don't want to see. But a practical point to be considered is retaining members, retaining members who go on to become regulars, and how much can admins moderate when they themselves also contribute to threads.
    A discussion on an activity that harms no one is harmful? You are convinced the activity harms no one, so such discussion should forthwith be closed? How about ignoring the thread and leaving it for people who like to discuss how groups of people in society spend time?

    Can't we talk about such topics with the implicit knowledge that the people are free to do what they want? If not, all juicy topics such as love/arranged marriage, joint/nuclear family, SAHM/Working, depending on kids in old age/not... are also not open to discussion.

    Question away. There have been threads, and will be more threads. Another example: Myth, Ritual, And Religion That BTW would be a perfect thread to resurrect and direct in the direction one wants to. Look at what makes people turn to BM, which gender believes more in it, when do educated people turn to it, its prevalence in the western world or eastern Europe, instead of only a report on how many women are killed due to it.

    The irony in your leaving due to a lack of questioning is too much. : )
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2019
  10. rgz

    rgz Gold IL'ite

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    @SinghManisha This is a very molly-coddly forum and sometimes it can get quite cloying (too much sweetness to everything). Good on you to call a spade as a spade, and I do the same even if sometimes some called me “strict teacher” or whatever.
    Your decision to take a break is a good decision and will be a breath of fresh air for you. I support your decision, take care and I supported many of your views even in some threads where it was not apparent. Go and enjoy the fresh air!
    Thyagarajan, Angela123 and Vaikuntha like this.
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