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The Mind's Eye

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by satchitananda, Jan 10, 2019.

  1. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    I shut my eyes. Time to go to lala land and play with the cherubs for the next few hours. I observe the darkness with my eyelids closed. If the light was turned on now, it would disturb me even if my eyelids were closed. I can tell dark and light with my eyes shut, rather all of us can.

    I notice some colours floating inside my eyes. The familiar electric blue - a beautiful colour appears first. As I watch it, it turns to purple, then red, then green, then pink. This psychedelic light show inside my eyelids turns my mind to thoughts of what I read the other day when trying to find out why I see those lights. They are something called 'phosphenes' says Uncle Google. Why do we see colors with our eyes closed? | Scienceline

    I see colours with my eyes closed. I see dreams also when my eyes are shut. But hold on, does not our brain interpret images projected onto our retina as images? So where do the images in our dreams come from? I get up and switch on my lappie to call Uncle Google who tells me that they are information which are stored in our brain which run around and play games at night while the 'satchitananda' thinks Satchi is sleeping. (Pray, who is this Satchi?) I am beginning to wonder whether I can really trust Uncle Google. Maybe he is kidding me? Or wait, maybe someone has been kidding themselves and him in the bargain. Anyway, I wonder if it is so simple after all. Talking of dreams, I notice something about blind people also being able to see images in their dreams.

    A question pops up inside that troublemaker who does not let me sleep. Can blind people (from birth) see images of loved ones in their mind's eye? If blind people can see images in dreams, can they, in the event of their vision being restored, recognize near and dear ones e.g. parents without having to hear their voice? I find no satisfactory information anywhere. I, however run into an article about someone who regained his eyesight after 43 years. Here is what he said:

    over the next weeks and months he found managing all of this new information was very overwhelming. Having had no visual input for 43 years he now received a torrent of information which was fatiguing. "It was definitely information overload.

    Strange as it might seem, it tied in so well with what I was discussing with a friend this evening. I was talking about meditating, feeling light and blissed out and then having to open one's eyes, back to the 'real' world and how painful I find that. Talk of synchronicity. Thoughts, events, information all come full circle.

    On that note, maybe I shall try and get a shut eye and watch some more of those colours doing their psychedelic dance and hope the goblins inside my brain decide to go to sleep.

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  2. jskls

    jskls IL Hall of Fame

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    Nice to read Satchi. You come up with interesting questions indeed. I see patterns when I close my eyes with little colors and something similar to Newtons rings in black and gold in the corner of my eye. Sometimes I am lost in focusing on those patterns. Unknowingly I had been playing this game with myself from young. Love to do it. Thanks for bringing back those memories
  3. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Satchitananda Madam,
    A wonderful write up.I have very often tried viewing these strange patterns but you have brought it down in paper. All our faculties-speech, audio-vision, taste and touch have both positive and negative impacts.
    From the experience of the vision restored person, it appears that one manages with low vision and hearing aids rather than full restoration. I enjoyed reading the snippet.Thanks madam.
    jayasala 42
    Thyagarajan and satchitananda like this.
  4. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Satchi,

    So you see colors when you close your eyes? Like what Lakshmi mentioned above, I see patterns with gold and black color if I close my eyes.

    You may enjoy reading "Holographic Universe" - a book authored by Michael Talbot. He explains how our brain edits the image in the retina by comparing it with our prior experiences. So what you see in the world is not what your eyes are seeing but what is interpreted by your brain. That is why what you see as the world is different from what I see. Having said that, how do we see in our dreams? Because we have so much of data stored in our memories and it has enough audio/visual for us to run a film as big as 1,000 "Sholay" or "The Titanic".

    Can a blind person see in his/her dream? Even though they don't see physically, they are experiencing life through the sound, smell, taste & touch and create a visual impression also to be stored in their brain. In other words, the blind person's dream should feel like his/her real life. However, if that person has some capability to know about their prior lives (which is rare) with vision, they may be able to see in their dreams. Frankly, forgetfulness is a gift as otherwise, we will be dreaming not only about our current life experiences but also prior life experiences. :(

  5. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Oh my Satchi! All that in one evening? Glad you could experience at a certain level what you were trying to explain :) Synchronicity it is! Now, I need to close my eyes and see what happens. Like I mention always, I am not much of a meditator and I actually prefer traataka if I ever try. I do have a friend who see the shapes of the objects she had seen last before that disappears also.

    Enjoy your experiences and keep writing more!
    Thyagarajan and satchitananda like this.
  6. GeetaKashyap

    GeetaKashyap IL Hall of Fame

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  7. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    Strangely enough, Lakshmi, I started noticing these colours after I started practicing Reiki years ago. Till then I am not aware of seeing any colours. I occasionally see geometric patterns too. It is indeed fascinating what all that little brain can do! I am not sure, whether we can ever truly understand the true power of that little organ.
    sindmani, Thyagarajan and jskls like this.
  8. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks a lot, Madam, for the lovely feedback. Somehow, closing one's eyes and turning inwards brings an immense sense of peace. Too much of visual or auditory noise from the outside is overwhelming.
    Thyagarajan and jskls like this.
  9. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Viswa,

    Thanks a lot for that reference. Definitely the next book on my 'to read' list. It is indeed interesting to think that the same object can be seen differently by different individuals. Which puts 'seeing is believing' in a different light altogether.
    Thyagarajan and jskls like this.
  10. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Geeta,

    Thanks for the link. Actually when doing Reiki and learning meditation, I had heard that one can visualize the colours of the various chakras. That is why I wanted to know whether the blue I was seeing had anything to do with a very healthy agna chakra and went to check it out on Google.

    Here is one more interesting article I found: Dreams: Seeing without seeing | Serendip Studio

    Thyagarajan, jskls and GeetaKashyap like this.

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