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Why We Get Fat?

Discussion in 'Keep Fit & Maintain Shape' started by Jey, Dec 6, 2017.

  1. vanna

    vanna Gold IL'ite

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    Hmmm....so many interesting answers!!......In my opinion, we women become accustomed to eating more during pregnancy since fetus growth matters most at that time.

    We become so much used to such lifestyle in these 9 months that even after delivery it continues (Our elders keep prompting is one more added advantage to gulp in some more for that sake of good for all)

    We must keep in mind lots of hormonal changes that are going on and we are aging at the same time where metabolism rate slows down. So this is the fact of matter that we gain more weight

    We must keep a check on our daily intake after delivery and later also:

    (1) No big meal
    (2) Eat only when you feel hungry
    (3) Avoid too many snacking
    (4) Fasting at least once in a week is good. I do it twice (In the name of Almighty God of course :))

    All the above were tough for me but still am trying to make it as much as possible.

    "Every Morsel need a thought before it Enters our mouth"
    slogan haunts me as and when I am about to eat something (I made it a routine)...hehehe

    The post seems to be quite big but I lead my voice out for all those who want to lose the Fat!!!
    Gayathri1992, Jey, Nonya and 4 others like this.
  2. jaivini

    jaivini Senior IL'ite

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    Yes. I agree
    Jey likes this.
  3. kkrish

    kkrish IL Hall of Fame

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    I believe it is overeating the wrong foods.
    Rather than reducing all the food, selectively reducing the wrong foods and increasing the right ones should help.

    The first two culprits of wrong food:
    • Sugar
    • All-purpose flour (Maida)
    (I am keeping deep fried items as the last culprit)​

    Right foods
    • Vegetables - Raw and cooked.
    The more fibrous the better.​
    • Fruits - fresh (avoid dry fruits)
    • Protein - We need 0.8 gm of protein for every kilogram of body weight.
    A 55 kilo person should have 44 gm of protein.
    Note that many vegetables have protein too.
    This brings the other set of good food.​
    • Animal protein which includes milk and yogurt
    • Vegetarian sources - Rajma, chole, black beans, and all dried beans varieties.
    I have just begun experimenting a sugar-free, maida free lifestyle and am including lots of vegetables (started December 1). For my 3 pm sugar low I have a banana, orange, or an apple.

    Because of the sugar-free and maida-free approach, I am indirectly avoiding other fat sources such as butter in cakes, pastries, donuts, cookies, chocolates, etc.

    Weight loss? Will be weighing myself at the end of the month. However, my body feels light already.

    @Jey I hope I am on par with your intended track of this thread. Let me know if I have strayed.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2017
    Jey, momsky, vanna and 4 others like this.
  4. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Unless there are underlying medical issues, it’s almost always calories in VS calories out. If you consume more calories than you expend, you gain weight.
    That’s why people who track caloric intake and macros find it easy to lose weight and maintain at that level.
    Weight loss is 80% diet. You cannot out run a bad diet. Eating dense foods keeps you full longer, enough proteins gives you energy and reducing refined sugars generally help maintain blood sugar levels and prevents binging. Yes and water hydrates and let’s your body get rid of toxins effectively.

    All said and done, I need a chocolate cheese cake right now because my hormonal body isn’t ready to listen to my head! From personal experience peri menopausal women(especially those who hit it very early) have to exercise and control their cravings more than otherwise.
    Jey, kkrish, vanna and 2 others like this.
  5. brahan

    brahan Platinum IL'ite

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    Unhealthy Lifestyle,Very less Physical workout/activities, Less Sleep, Eating Junk (Fried, Sweet foods) are all some reasons of not losing and gaining ore weight.
    Jey, kkrish and vanna like this.
  6. momsky

    momsky Gold IL'ite

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    From experience, dinner has the biggest impact on weight gain/loss. Since we don’t burn any calories during sleep, it is really important to only have a light meal at night, otherwise any excess calories will turn into fat. I also avoid rice with my dinner as it never failed to make me feel hungry after only a few hours.

    I remember when my boys were younger and very skinny, I decided to give them their favourite dishes an hour before bedtime. Sure enough, they gained weight and they went back to a lighter dinner to maintain.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2017
    Amica, Jey, kkrish and 2 others like this.
  7. Nonya

    Nonya Platinum IL'ite

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    "No GPS" mantra is often preached in group weight loss schemes. Grains, Potato, Sugar is the GPS, not being lost.
    This is similar to the @kkrish post on "no maida, no sugar".
    We get fat because we tend to eat when NOT really hungry. This goes for eating just too late in the evening, when we are going to rest. [For the young, who don't plan to "rest", obviously this is not a good advice].

    Employment, especially in the professional classes can make one fat. Do we eat and become fat-cats, or do we get to be fat-cats, and then eat ? Cannot say. However, going off to work can make one fat.

    I have eaten, as well as tossed back a few, just to be sociable.
    I have brought donuts to morning meetings at work. And have taken bites, when not paying attention to it.
    I have taken people to lunch, when neither I nor the people who came to lunch, really needed to eat, or eat on someone else's dime.

    There was a TED talk when a woman got up and confessed to have just given up trying to diet, and decided to follow the "eat, only when really hungry" rule. And she ate what she wanted.... and became healthy as well as happy with herself. I am going this way, although, I tend to get help from eat-out places. I choose restaurants that serve itsy-bitsy portions, and present a huge check (bill, la cuenta, o'kanjo etc..) to the guest.
    kkrish, Jey, momsky and 1 other person like this.
  8. Sunburst

    Sunburst Platinum IL'ite

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    1) Diet - what we eat , when we eat , how we eat and most importantly how MUCH we eat
    What we eat - I don’t believe in this hype in super foods . There is no one food that is a magic pill for your weight loss . Everyday there is a new super food and it’s hard to keep track of it so eat what you think your body has been conditioned to eat . So a South Indian may eat white rice everyday and still not gain weight because that’s what his/ her body is used to and it will readily accept it . Also avoid junk food like sugar, pizza , burgers, coke and even so called healthy salads which comes with dressings full of fat and loaded with sugar .

    When we eat - I come from the school of thought of “breakfast like a king , lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper “ . So never skip a breakfast and that’s one mistake that a lot of diet watchers do is that they skip the most important meal of the day . One shouldn’t go completely hungry before they start the next meal or eat only 3 big meals a day . If we wait too long in between meals , we will definitely over eat the next meal . Ideally , we should eat every 3-4 hours consistently , that way our body will keep up its metabolism and there won’t be drastic sugar spikes . The trainers I have worked in the past always insisted on me eating every 3 hours to keep the metabolism active and the fat burning . The concept that we should eat only 3 big meals is wrong because that’s when the body is starving and starts storing fat reserves . Also the biggest culprit is always the 3-4 pm hunger that strikes us . It’s always tempting to grab a bag of chips or namkeen around that time . Also early dinner and enough 2-3 hrs gap between the last meal and sleep .

    How we eat - One should eat with full consciousness for the brain to register it .I cringe when I see people driving and having meals on the go or kids glued to tablets while eating . Growing up , tv was big no in my house and now I know why. I end up eating way too much when I am watching tv . One must sit at a quiet place , watch what goes in and relish every morsel that you eat instead of indulging in mindless chatter over dinner table .

    How much we eat- portion control is the key to any weight loss plan . I believe in eating everything be it carbs or desserts but in moderation . And if we are talking about the quintessential American portion, the less said the better . Everything is ginormous whether it’s the food or drinks like juice and coffee . The combo meals we are tempted to get even with healthy subway sandwiches like a cookie or drink and we think we are getting a value for money but that defeats the purpose altogether .

    2) Excercise
    If we look at our grandparents generation , they had little knowledge about good carbs / bad carbs . They were so physically active and would eat everything with complete abandonment and yet physically they could give many of us a run for their money . We are now used to a box lifestyle , basically drive our box to work , then spend 8 hrs in a box , then back to our boxed house . It takes a lot of planning and effort for us to excercise :) . Ideally , We should try and incorporate 30 mins of some physical excercise not just for weight loss but for overall health and well being which should be the ideal goal. Sadly , instead of walking outdoors , our favorite activity now is walking from the couch to the refrigerator and back .

    Apart from this , it’s hard to maintain weight for people who have medical issues like thyroid or Pcod.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2017
    Jey, kkrish and vanna like this.
  9. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    There used to be a time when I was like Batman

    Now I am a Fatman (This is not me. I am fatter!)

    Look at the two pictures above. Who looks happier and more contented? I was happy then and I am happy now. It all depends on how much weight you can carry on your feet.
    I am told that overweight people tend to live longer
    In any case, even if I have muscles, I cannot flex them at my age!
    Jey, kkrish, vanna and 1 other person like this.
  10. Nonya

    Nonya Platinum IL'ite

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    Thin -Fat, and Happy-Unhappy are pairs that can go on a BCG matrix. No matter how old one is, one would like to be happy, and have the right sort of apparition to contain that happiness. That is the scheme.
    There was an old TV commercial about citizens of Soviet Georgia, supposedly eating Yoghurt with each meal of the day. An american Factory Made yoghurt, with additives and preservatives, tried to tell the gullible that we can all be like the soviets, only if we could eat enough yoghurt.
    But then, we, in America, liked potato-chips a lot more. Ronald Reagan came by and told everyone that yoghurt is a cold-war conspiracy. And the frenchies (dannon!) are in on it.

    A curious koschin: At what age do people (boys as well as girls) start using the phrases
    "I cannot ....... at my age",
    "at my age, I am thankful/pleased/happy that ......",
    "I ought to be .. ...........at my age"
    and variations of such for justifying or seeking license for something that people lower than "that" age would NOT want/need/ask-for ?
    Jey, momsky, vanna and 1 other person like this.

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