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When You Are With Me

Discussion in 'Stories (Fiction)' started by blackbeauty84, Mar 7, 2017.

  1. Adharv

    Adharv Gold IL'ite

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    Oh no who is the messenger here ? The understanding btw the Bros super missing vivan...... Finally they convcd Jai to an extent n jai's attitude is super cool. Interesting update waiting to know the next move.....:banana: thanks for this cool but short update bb ma'am
  2. blackbeauty84

    blackbeauty84 IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks Adharv...
    Messenger will be revealed in next chapter.
  3. blackbeauty84

    blackbeauty84 IL Hall of Fame

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    It was Evolution’s chairman Mr. Venkat standing outside her cabin. His hands were holding two plates of pastries chosen from the bakery. Priya picked up the plates and kept it on the table.

    ‘You could have asked the sales assistant to bring this in.’

    ‘I want to hand deliver you these.’ He said. ‘So what did the old man say? I know he found Srikanth doing summers in the company.’

    ‘Jai is not old man.’ Priya retorted

    ‘I see.’ He said taking a bite of the pastry. ‘It’s delicious.’

    ‘Jai was very upset. I think he is over stressed at the moment.’ Priya said taking a bite of pastry.

    ‘Yes. Last one year is very stressful with me taking back foot. He had a lot in his plate. But how are things at home all okay?’ he questioned.

    ‘You mean between me and Jai?’ Priya asked and chairman nodded hiss head. ‘ The same: magical and amazing. Why this question?’ she looked at chairman.

    ‘I’m asking with a reason. Can you get me a strong coffee Priya?’

    Priya ordered coffee and till it reached chairman remained uncharacteristically silent. Priya was sure that he is trying to convey something.

    ‘What’s the matter? Are you worried about Mithun…’

    ‘No’ chairman cut short her ‘ I’m worried about you. I’m sorry; I didn’t come with a good news. ‘

    ‘You came inside with pastry..that can’t be bad.’ Priya laughed.

    Chairman smiled. He looked at Jai’s photograph in her table and said ‘There is a sexual harassment case on Jai. One of the ex employees of Evolution has filed a case on him. She has claimed that Jai knew her right from the time she joined Evolution in Singapore and they shared an intimate relationship. Jai transferred her to Chennai just before he relocated here. As per her, their relationship continued in Chennai and Jai promised her a promotion. When she demanded the promotion, he had fired her. She conveyed this to me via a hand written letter addressed to my house. She said she will contact me further with evidence.’ Venkat handed the letter to Priya.

    Priya felt her heart break into million pieces. Jai..her Jai…no this cannot be true. Her hands started trembling and chairman looked at her alarmingly.

    He handed her a glass of water. ‘Take a deep breath. Drink this.’

    ‘I don’t believe this.. I really don’t. I know Jai. He wouldn’t have done anything like that.’ She said.

    ‘I too don’t believe this. But I checked her records. Yes she was transferred from Singapore to Chennai on Jai’s recommendation. It was Jai who initiated her termination. ‘

    ‘That doesn’t mean he had affair with her.. .’ Priya raised her voice.

    ‘Calm down. You are trying to shoot the messenger which will not help both of us.’

    ‘I’m sorry. I don’t know what I’m doing.’

    ‘Maya..I mean that lady has sent a letter . I have no means of contacting her. I checked the address in registered post, her house is locked. Her last mobile number as per company records is not reachable. I have dropped her mail asking her to contact me, but I have received no reply as such. I discussed this with company’s legal counsel and he suggested me to wait till she demands what she wants.’

    ‘What happens next?’ she asked in a low voice.

    ‘We have to do the enquiry to find out whether it’s truth or not. In this case we are planning hush it down whatever be the case.’ Venkat felt Priya’s glaring eyes on him ‘I’m a business man first Priya. You don’t know the difficulty one faces in finding a successor who shares your vision. I don’t want to lose Jai from company for a matter like this. Though I have to get board’s approval for the same..’

    ‘Why don’t you inform Jai that you have received such complaint and confront him?’ Priya asked him.

    ‘I’ll take that step once I gather evidence against him. No man I know has accepted things like this without concrete evidence.’

    ‘I’m sure Jai wouldn’t have done this. He is devoted to the family…’ Priya couldn’t explain the love she felt in Jai’s eyes in the way he looked at her, with the passion they made love; with the attention he treated her always. Was it all fake?

    ‘Why would Jai marry me if this was the case?’ she asked loudly.

    ‘Wasn’t it you who pursued him? Might be because his boys needed a family setup and they liked you.’ He reasoned.

    ‘I’m sorry..Priya this is tough situation for me as well. Whenever any crisis comes, I used to call Jai for suggestions. First time there is something about him and I don’t know what to do. I was wondering whether to tell you but felt…’

    Priya’s mobile rang and it was from Jai.

    ‘It’s Jai.’

    ‘Don’t let him know I’m here.’

    ‘Priya.I’m leaving for Hyderabad now. I will not be back till this weekend.’ Jai told her fast.

    ‘Why?’ she asked without realizing what she is asking.

    ‘What do you mean by why. It’s for work’ Jai said raising his voice slightly

    ‘Jai…about Maya…’ Priya started. She didn’t know how to ask this question before chairman but wasn’t able to be mum about it as well. ‘Is that true? Were you actually involved…’ words failed Priya as she struggled to complete the sentence.

    Jai was silent for a minute and then said ‘Yes.’ Priya felt het heart was stabbed by a sharp object. She didn’t hear what Jai was saying on the other end. Her world became standstill.
    Sachini, Adharv, happyperson and 3 others like this.
  4. peddadas

    peddadas Platinum IL'ite

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    ohhhhhhhhhhhhh this is a mere shock ... but good twist....good going BB...

  5. BDivya

    BDivya Platinum IL'ite

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    Guess there is some misunderstanding between priya nad jai.. as priya dint complete her sentence, she just asked about Maya.. so jai must have misunderstood to be some official betrayal that she is doing and priya wu have misunderstood it as an affair...

    this is my guess..lets see..
  6. stayblessed

    stayblessed Platinum IL'ite

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    Awesome writing BB. What twists and turns? Very interesting.
  7. Adharv

    Adharv Gold IL'ite

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    Madam Ji this is an unexpected issue at wrong timing :BangHead::tonguewink: It's not me hitting the wall....feel like hitting chairman's head. why can't he get the complete evidence and talk to Jai :argue:instead of pinning priya....:grinning-smiley-048: is the chairman trying to play some game...Don't worry Mr Jai I do support you any issue just one call... me coming fixing :smash2:and u partying :cheer::smile: :lol:
    BB ma'am cool update....but before resolving any issue pls first break the thin wall btw jai and priya :crybaby2: thanks for this update. Looking forward for the next one. :thumbup:
  8. Sachini

    Sachini Bronze IL'ite

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    Hi BB never expected this twist. Oh no please dont create unnecessary misunderstanding between them. I liked their mature and understanding chemistry. Eagerly waiting to know how Jai is going to tackle double edged attack ( personal and official) at the same time.
    But why on earth chairman dicused about this to priya before getting solid evidence
  9. blackbeauty84

    blackbeauty84 IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks Peddadas
  10. blackbeauty84

    blackbeauty84 IL Hall of Fame

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    Lets see what's in store for Priya in the further episodes

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