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Down Memory Lane

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by iyerviji, Feb 20, 2017.

  1. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Its always a pleasure to look back down memory lane especially when you have sweet memories of your past life. In every walk of life I have sweet memories . I might not have been rich in earlier days but I had rich friends who helped me a lot , without whom my life would not have been better.

    During school days as I have mentioned in my snippet I had my best friend from 1957 to 1961 and we used to go to school together, study together , play together. Her family used to treat me as a member of their family. I always like to be first in everything and have struggled to be first. I had good friends during school days and also good teachers whom I still remember. My best teacher was my class teacher in Xth, who had bought an autograph for me as I could not buy one. Even after marriage I preserved that autograph book but now I cant find it. In changing places it got lost. After passing Xth my brother got a job for me as Typist in Hyderabad where I worked for 2 years. Then we came to Mumbai and the second day itself I got a job through my earlier boss.

    I worked for 36 memorable years. I had so many bosses young and old. Through one of my boss I got promotion from a Typist to Steno though I had not passed Steno exam. Working in Accounts department had to sit late during month ends but my boss saw that I was dropped home by another colleague who used to stay near my house. We used to have family picnics and during that there used to be some games from morning to evening. Earlier I had to travel by train from Goregaon to Churchgate, then when we shifted to Andheri so travelled by bus toand fro . After marriage again by train , had many train friends. We used to travel in the same time. After I had my hip bone fracture in 1991 started travelling by contract bus and we were like a family. First time the whole bus came to our house for Navratri. One uncle used to bring idli during mornings for everyone . Evening we use dto play some games sometimes housie and many a time I have won. When the bus celebrated 10years we had celebration for all the functions and there was competition between the 3 buses who does the best. They used to have picnics get togethers etc.
    Even by 50th birthday was celebrated in the bus by bringing cake.

    I can go on and on about my past life but then dont want to bore youall , some of the things I might have already written earlier but those who have not read now can enjoy reading it. Have gone through many ups and downs but learnt that money is not everything , if you have good friends you can enjoy life. As you all know about which I have arleady written I have a gem of a husband and a loving family and good friends so life has always been good for me .

    All Seasons are Beautiful for the Person who carries Happiness within… Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, Always bring your own sunshine….. Mark Twain has so rightly said … Happiness is a Swedish sunset — it is there for all, but most of us look the other way and lose it…. Life is full of blessings … Look within…
    Three simple rules in Life:
    1. If you do not go after what you want, you will never have it;
    2. If you don’t ask, the answer will always be no……………………..
    3. If you do not step forward, you’ll always be in the same place
    So, Dare to Believe ; Dare to Dream ; Dare to Achieve

  2. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks for the likes Vani Joy, Rihana and. DIVYA but Sad no feedbacks
  3. bhagya85

    bhagya85 Silver IL'ite

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    Hi vijima,
    Super post..I never miss your post..Your three rules are truly important rules..your factual verdict which you learnt through your walks of life would definitely help us.Keep inspiring us..
    iyerviji likes this.
  4. Nonya

    Nonya Platinum IL'ite

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    Reading about the story of the girl learning to type so that she an get a job as a typist, and then going to a totally new town, and find a job right away, and getting promoted to Steno' < without learning shorthand ?;)>, having had an entertaining office life, and so on can get a lump in their throats. Young women of these modern times tend to compare their own cushy lives with those of the older generation, and react to it. One must give them time to recover and see what they have to say as a feedback.

    I leanrt to write Pittman's shorthand. And eventually discovered that the Korean language is very much like the Pittman's shorthand. Got quite good at it; but didn't take the exams to get certified.

    36 years of office work !! Wow. However, I am sure you had appreciated how much the going-out-to-work somewhere, anywhere, has helped in quite a number of ways. Young women who are asked to stay home, mind babies, children, household, husband's needs, in-laws' needs (if any), etc.. miss out on a lot of mental exercise, education, and just plain old LIFE itself. I am so glad that you have had a long career of meeting faces other than your own households'. Work outside the home is a nice training ground for meeting and dealing with various types of people.

    Are those who have had the experience of working outside the home better at dealing with various types of people on IL :blush:?
    vaidehi71 and iyerviji like this.
  5. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Glad to have your first feedback and to know that you dont miss my posts and my posts will help people. Thanks dear
  6. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Nonya dear I was sure I will get feedback from you . I think I ddi not mention properly. I had learnt shorthand but did not give exam ,without learning how would they promote me to Steno. Also I forgot to mention I joined the Company as Typist in 1965 and in 1971 I was promoted as Steno and then tomy surprise in the year 1989 or so I dont remember the exact year I was promoted as Senior Assistant and was given the job of handling Bank Reconciliation of the whole Company when I did not know anything about accounts and also I was not a graduate. Our Vice President was sure that I will learn the job and do well . By God's grace I did the job well till I retired, though in between had problems due to the introduction of computers. I did not understand your last para.

  7. Nonya

    Nonya Platinum IL'ite

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    You really like feedback, eh ? I am happy to oblige.
    Yes, indeed. Bank Reconciliations can get you stuck at work late in to the evening. One has to tally the accounts, at the end of the day, and that was such a big daily chore in the precomputer days. And people will have to be very good at adding numbers in the middle of the various distracting sounds of an office. You must recall one of those days, from start to the late night end, when you got a ride in your colleague's car to get home, and write about it.

    Never mind about the last para'. In my opinion, girls who went out to work, earn more than their salaries. They earn more education about the world, learn about why people behave the way they do, learn to keep confidences of the business/the boss/the coworkers, learn to deal with people on the phone, in person, in correspondence. They gain confidence in life, for managing their life. When you say that you have had 36 years of enjoyable working career, and thousands of girls on this IL site read that, you are doing a grand service to these women. Your story is a subliminal suggestion to the women to go out there and find a job, and not quit that job, no matter what.

    And then, in this modern age, those women who have had such experience working outside the home, they can play in social media forums, like indusladies, and parry with any type of people. That is what the last paragraph was about.
    iyerviji and vaidehi71 like this.
  8. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Thks Nonya dear for explaining in detail. Though we r in touch since recently I feel we know each other since long QUOTE="Nonya, post: 3943990, member: 466074"]You really like feedback, eh ? I am happy to oblige.

    Yes, indeed. Bank Reconciliations can get you stuck at work late in to the evening. One has to tally the accounts, at the end of the day, and that was such a big daily chore in the precomputer days. And people will have to be very good at adding numbers in the middle of the various distracting sounds of an office. You must recall one of those days, from start to the late night end, when you got a ride in your colleague's car to get home, and write about it.

    Never mind about the last para'. In my opinion, girls who went out to work, earn more than their salaries. They earn more education about the world, learn about why people behave the way they do, learn to keep confidences of the business/the boss/the coworkers, learn to deal with people on the phone, in person, in correspondence. They gain confidence in life, for managing their life. When you say that you have had 36 years of enjoyable working career, and thousands of girls on this IL site read that, you are doing a grand service to these women. Your story is a subliminal suggestion to the women to go out there and find a job, and not quit that job, no matter what.

    And then, in this modern age, those women who have had such experience working outside the home, they can play in social media forums, like indusladies, and parry with any type of people. That is what the last paragraph was about.[/QUOTE]
  9. Nonya

    Nonya Platinum IL'ite

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    :touched:Ha! Those of us who work, or in between jobs, or leaving their computer on all the time etc.. can pop in and see what is going on.
    Yes. we might have known each other since long.
    iyerviji likes this.
  10. Belovedsister

    Belovedsister Bronze IL'ite

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    Lovely...!! Even i want to live/enjoy my life, where when i reach your age i could write my memories like you hav writtten... :thumbsup:
    iyerviji likes this.

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